Add A New Repository for Indexing
1. Create your own copy of rosdistro on GitHub:
First you need a copy (usually called a fork) of the official rosdistro index, where you can add additional details for your repository. Note that this requires a GitHub account (registration is free). Select one of the buttons below to either create a new fork (left) or designate that you already have a fork (right).
2. Enter the namespace of your fork:
Enter the namespace where your fork of the rosdistro repository can be found. This is normally your GitHub username, unless you created your fork in another organization.
3. Make sure your fork of rosdistro is up to date:
If you didn't just create your fork, there might be more recent additions
in the official version of rosdistro. This will load a page which will
show you all of those differences, and will allow you to synchronize your
fork with the official repo.
4. Generate the YAML markup describing your repository
Fill out the fields below to generate the markup which you will add to rosdistro to get your repository indexed.
Repository YAML Description
5. Add the above YAML markup to the distribution file in your fork of rosdistro:
This will open the appropriate file in your fork of the
rosdistro index. It needs to be added so that it comes in order
alphabetically. Once you have added the above YAML markup, commit
the changes with the button at the bottom of the page. This will only
modify your copy of the index.
6. Create a new pull request to add your repository:
Finally, create a "pull request" which notifies the rosdistro maintainers
that you've proposed some additions to the index. Feel free to add
any additional comments to the pull request.