![]() |
classic_bags package from classic_bags repoclassic_bags |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.2.0 |
License | BSD 3-clause |
Build type | AMENT_CMAKE |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/MetroRobots/classic_bags.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | humble |
Last Updated | 2024-07-11 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
A ROS 2 interface in the style of ROS 1 for reading and writing bag files
Additional Links
No additional links.
- David V. Lu!!
No additional authors.
Simplified ROS 2 interface in the style of ROS 1 for reading and writing bag files
Reading Python
ROS 1 Code
import rosbag
bag = rosbag.Bag('test.bag')
for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages(topics=['chatter', 'numbers']):
ROS 2 Code
import classic_bags
bag = classic_bags.Bag('test.bag')
for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages(topics=['chatter', 'numbers']):
# bag.close() Closing bag is not necessary
Writing Python
ROS 1 Code
import rosbag
from std_msgs.msg import Int32, String
bag = rosbag.Bag('test.bag', 'w')
s = String()
s.data = 'foo'
i = Int32()
i.data = 42
bag.write('chatter', s)
bag.write('numbers', i)
ROS 2 Code
import classic_bags
from std_msgs.msg import Int32, String
bag = classic_bags.Bag('test.bag', 'w')
s = String()
s.data = 'foo'
i = Int32()
i.data = 42
bag.write('chatter', s)
bag.write('numbers', i)
bag.close() # Closing is not strictly necessary
Alternate ROS 2 Code
import classic_bags
from std_msgs.msg import String
import rclpy.time
import builtin_interfaces.msg
with classic_bags.Bag('test.bag', 'w') as bag:
s = String()
s.data = 'foo'
# The third argument of the write method is the timestamp
# Floats are interpreted as seconds since epoch
bag.write('chatter', s, 456606000.5)
# Ints are interpreted as nanoseconds since epoch
bag.write('chatter', s, 456606000600000000)
# You can also use rclpy.time.Time
pytime = rclpy.time.Time(seconds=456606000, nanoseconds=700000000)
bag.write('chatter', s, pytime)
# Or a timestamp from a message
msgtime = builtin_interfaces.msg.Time()
msgtime.sec = 456606000
msgtime.nanosec = 800000000
bag.write('chatter', s, msgtime)
# If none is specified, the system time will be used
bag.write('chatter', s)
C++ Reading
ROS 1 Code
#include <rosbag/bag.h>
#include <rosbag/view.h>
#include <std_msgs/Int32.h>
#include <std_msgs/String.h>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#define foreach BOOST_FOREACH
rosbag::Bag bag;
bag.open("test.bag", rosbag::bagmode::Read);
std::vector<std::string> topics;
rosbag::View view(bag, rosbag::TopicQuery(topics));
foreach(rosbag::MessageInstance const m, view)
std_msgs::String::ConstPtr s = m.instantiate<std_msgs::String>();
if (s != NULL)
std::cout << s->data << std::endl;
std_msgs::Int32::ConstPtr i = m.instantiate<std_msgs::Int32>();
if (i != NULL)
std::cout << i->data << std::endl;
ROS 2 Code
#include <classic_bags/bag.hpp>
#include <std_msgs/msg/string.hpp>
#include <std_msgs/msg/int32.hpp>
classic_bags::Bag bag
bag.open("test.bag", classic_bags::Read);
// Note: Topic filtering and iterator support not available yet
while (bag.hasNext())
auto m = bag.next();
std_msgs::msg::String::SharedPtr s = m->instantiate<std_msgs::msg::String>();
if (s != NULL)
std::cout << s->data << std::endl;
std_msgs::msg::Int32::SharedPtr i = m->instantiate<std_msgs::msg::Int32>();
if (i != NULL)
std::cout << i->data << std::endl;
C++ Writing
ROS 1 Code
#include <rosbag/bag.h>
#include <std_msgs/Int32.h>
#include <std_msgs/String.h>
rosbag::Bag bag;
bag.open("test.bag", rosbag::bagmode::Write);
std_msgs::String str;
str.data = std::string("foo");
std_msgs::Int32 i;
i.data = 42;
bag.write("chatter", ros::Time::now(), str);
bag.write("numbers", ros::Time::now(), i);
ROS 2 Code
#include <classic_bags/bag.hpp>
#include <std_msgs/msg/string.hpp>
#include <std_msgs/msg/int32.hpp>
classic_bags::Bag bag;
bag.open("test.bag", classic_bags::Write);
std_msgs::msg::String str;
str.data = std::string("foo");
std_msgs::msg::Int32 i;
i.data = 42;
// If not specified, timestamp is assumed to be system time
bag.write("chatter", str);
// Otherwise, timestamp must be rclcpp::Time
bag.write("numbers", rclcpp::Time(456606000600000000), i);
Changelog for package classic_bags
0.1.0 (2023-08-09)
- Initial package
- Contributors: David V. Lu!!
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
No direct system dependencies.
Dependant Packages
No known dependants.
Launch files
No launch files found
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.
Recent questions tagged classic_bags at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
classic_bags package from classic_bags repoclassic_bags |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.4.0 |
License | BSD 3-clause |
Build type | AMENT_CMAKE |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/MetroRobots/classic_bags.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | main |
Last Updated | 2025-01-08 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
A ROS 2 interface in the style of ROS 1 for reading and writing bag files
Additional Links
No additional links.
- David V. Lu!!
No additional authors.
Simplified ROS 2 interface in the style of ROS 1 for reading and writing bag files
Reading Python
ROS 1 Code
import rosbag
bag = rosbag.Bag('test.bag')
for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages(topics=['chatter', 'numbers']):
ROS 2 Code
import classic_bags
bag = classic_bags.Bag('test.bag')
for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages(topics=['chatter', 'numbers']):
# bag.close() Closing bag is not necessary
Writing Python
ROS 1 Code
import rosbag
from std_msgs.msg import Int32, String
bag = rosbag.Bag('test.bag', 'w')
s = String()
s.data = 'foo'
i = Int32()
i.data = 42
bag.write('chatter', s)
bag.write('numbers', i)
ROS 2 Code
import classic_bags
from std_msgs.msg import Int32, String
bag = classic_bags.Bag('test.bag', 'w')
s = String()
s.data = 'foo'
i = Int32()
i.data = 42
bag.write('chatter', s)
bag.write('numbers', i)
bag.close() # Closing is not strictly necessary
Alternate ROS 2 Code
import classic_bags
from std_msgs.msg import String
import rclpy.time
import builtin_interfaces.msg
with classic_bags.Bag('test.bag', 'w') as bag:
s = String()
s.data = 'foo'
# The third argument of the write method is the timestamp
# Floats are interpreted as seconds since epoch
bag.write('chatter', s, 456606000.5)
# Ints are interpreted as nanoseconds since epoch
bag.write('chatter', s, 456606000600000000)
# You can also use rclpy.time.Time
pytime = rclpy.time.Time(seconds=456606000, nanoseconds=700000000)
bag.write('chatter', s, pytime)
# Or a timestamp from a message
msgtime = builtin_interfaces.msg.Time()
msgtime.sec = 456606000
msgtime.nanosec = 800000000
bag.write('chatter', s, msgtime)
# If none is specified, the system time will be used
bag.write('chatter', s)
C++ Reading
ROS 1 Code
#include <rosbag/bag.h>
#include <rosbag/view.h>
#include <std_msgs/Int32.h>
#include <std_msgs/String.h>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#define foreach BOOST_FOREACH
rosbag::Bag bag;
bag.open("test.bag", rosbag::bagmode::Read);
std::vector<std::string> topics;
rosbag::View view(bag, rosbag::TopicQuery(topics));
foreach(rosbag::MessageInstance const m, view)
std_msgs::String::ConstPtr s = m.instantiate<std_msgs::String>();
if (s != NULL)
std::cout << s->data << std::endl;
std_msgs::Int32::ConstPtr i = m.instantiate<std_msgs::Int32>();
if (i != NULL)
std::cout << i->data << std::endl;
ROS 2 Code
#include <classic_bags/bag.hpp>
#include <std_msgs/msg/string.hpp>
#include <std_msgs/msg/int32.hpp>
classic_bags::Bag bag
bag.open("test.bag", classic_bags::Read);
// Note: Topic filtering and iterator support not available yet
while (bag.hasNext())
auto m = bag.next();
std_msgs::msg::String::SharedPtr s = m->instantiate<std_msgs::msg::String>();
if (s != NULL)
std::cout << s->data << std::endl;
std_msgs::msg::Int32::SharedPtr i = m->instantiate<std_msgs::msg::Int32>();
if (i != NULL)
std::cout << i->data << std::endl;
C++ Writing
ROS 1 Code
#include <rosbag/bag.h>
#include <std_msgs/Int32.h>
#include <std_msgs/String.h>
rosbag::Bag bag;
bag.open("test.bag", rosbag::bagmode::Write);
std_msgs::String str;
str.data = std::string("foo");
std_msgs::Int32 i;
i.data = 42;
bag.write("chatter", ros::Time::now(), str);
bag.write("numbers", ros::Time::now(), i);
ROS 2 Code
#include <classic_bags/bag.hpp>
#include <std_msgs/msg/string.hpp>
#include <std_msgs/msg/int32.hpp>
classic_bags::Bag bag;
bag.open("test.bag", classic_bags::Write);
std_msgs::msg::String str;
str.data = std::string("foo");
std_msgs::msg::Int32 i;
i.data = 42;
// If not specified, timestamp is assumed to be system time
bag.write("chatter", str);
// Otherwise, timestamp must be rclcpp::Time
bag.write("numbers", rclcpp::Time(456606000600000000), i);
Changelog for package classic_bags
0.1.0 (2023-08-09)
- Initial package
- Contributors: David V. Lu!!
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
No direct system dependencies.
Dependant Packages
No known dependants.
Launch files
No launch files found
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.
Recent questions tagged classic_bags at Robotics Stack Exchange
![]() |
classic_bags package from classic_bags repoclassic_bags |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.4.0 |
License | BSD 3-clause |
Build type | AMENT_CMAKE |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/MetroRobots/classic_bags.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | main |
Last Updated | 2025-01-08 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
A ROS 2 interface in the style of ROS 1 for reading and writing bag files
Additional Links
No additional links.
- David V. Lu!!
No additional authors.
Simplified ROS 2 interface in the style of ROS 1 for reading and writing bag files
Reading Python
ROS 1 Code
import rosbag
bag = rosbag.Bag('test.bag')
for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages(topics=['chatter', 'numbers']):
ROS 2 Code
import classic_bags
bag = classic_bags.Bag('test.bag')
for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages(topics=['chatter', 'numbers']):
# bag.close() Closing bag is not necessary
Writing Python
ROS 1 Code
import rosbag
from std_msgs.msg import Int32, String
bag = rosbag.Bag('test.bag', 'w')
s = String()
s.data = 'foo'
i = Int32()
i.data = 42
bag.write('chatter', s)
bag.write('numbers', i)
ROS 2 Code
import classic_bags
from std_msgs.msg import Int32, String
bag = classic_bags.Bag('test.bag', 'w')
s = String()
s.data = 'foo'
i = Int32()
i.data = 42
bag.write('chatter', s)
bag.write('numbers', i)
bag.close() # Closing is not strictly necessary
Alternate ROS 2 Code
import classic_bags
from std_msgs.msg import String
import rclpy.time
import builtin_interfaces.msg
with classic_bags.Bag('test.bag', 'w') as bag:
s = String()
s.data = 'foo'
# The third argument of the write method is the timestamp
# Floats are interpreted as seconds since epoch
bag.write('chatter', s, 456606000.5)
# Ints are interpreted as nanoseconds since epoch
bag.write('chatter', s, 456606000600000000)
# You can also use rclpy.time.Time
pytime = rclpy.time.Time(seconds=456606000, nanoseconds=700000000)
bag.write('chatter', s, pytime)
# Or a timestamp from a message
msgtime = builtin_interfaces.msg.Time()
msgtime.sec = 456606000
msgtime.nanosec = 800000000
bag.write('chatter', s, msgtime)
# If none is specified, the system time will be used
bag.write('chatter', s)
C++ Reading
ROS 1 Code
#include <rosbag/bag.h>
#include <rosbag/view.h>
#include <std_msgs/Int32.h>
#include <std_msgs/String.h>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#define foreach BOOST_FOREACH
rosbag::Bag bag;
bag.open("test.bag", rosbag::bagmode::Read);
std::vector<std::string> topics;
rosbag::View view(bag, rosbag::TopicQuery(topics));
foreach(rosbag::MessageInstance const m, view)
std_msgs::String::ConstPtr s = m.instantiate<std_msgs::String>();
if (s != NULL)
std::cout << s->data << std::endl;
std_msgs::Int32::ConstPtr i = m.instantiate<std_msgs::Int32>();
if (i != NULL)
std::cout << i->data << std::endl;
ROS 2 Code
#include <classic_bags/bag.hpp>
#include <std_msgs/msg/string.hpp>
#include <std_msgs/msg/int32.hpp>
classic_bags::Bag bag
bag.open("test.bag", classic_bags::Read);
// Note: Topic filtering and iterator support not available yet
while (bag.hasNext())
auto m = bag.next();
std_msgs::msg::String::SharedPtr s = m->instantiate<std_msgs::msg::String>();
if (s != NULL)
std::cout << s->data << std::endl;
std_msgs::msg::Int32::SharedPtr i = m->instantiate<std_msgs::msg::Int32>();
if (i != NULL)
std::cout << i->data << std::endl;
C++ Writing
ROS 1 Code
#include <rosbag/bag.h>
#include <std_msgs/Int32.h>
#include <std_msgs/String.h>
rosbag::Bag bag;
bag.open("test.bag", rosbag::bagmode::Write);
std_msgs::String str;
str.data = std::string("foo");
std_msgs::Int32 i;
i.data = 42;
bag.write("chatter", ros::Time::now(), str);
bag.write("numbers", ros::Time::now(), i);
ROS 2 Code
#include <classic_bags/bag.hpp>
#include <std_msgs/msg/string.hpp>
#include <std_msgs/msg/int32.hpp>
classic_bags::Bag bag;
bag.open("test.bag", classic_bags::Write);
std_msgs::msg::String str;
str.data = std::string("foo");
std_msgs::msg::Int32 i;
i.data = 42;
// If not specified, timestamp is assumed to be system time
bag.write("chatter", str);
// Otherwise, timestamp must be rclcpp::Time
bag.write("numbers", rclcpp::Time(456606000600000000), i);
Changelog for package classic_bags
0.1.0 (2023-08-09)
- Initial package
- Contributors: David V. Lu!!
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
No direct system dependencies.
Dependant Packages
No known dependants.
Launch files
No launch files found
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.
Recent questions tagged classic_bags at Robotics Stack Exchange
No version for distro noetic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro galactic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
![]() |
classic_bags package from classic_bags repoclassic_bags |
Package Summary
Tags | No category tags. |
Version | 0.3.0 |
License | BSD 3-clause |
Build type | AMENT_CMAKE |
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | https://github.com/MetroRobots/classic_bags.git |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | iron |
Last Updated | 2024-07-11 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Package Description
A ROS 2 interface in the style of ROS 1 for reading and writing bag files
Additional Links
No additional links.
- David V. Lu!!
No additional authors.
Simplified ROS 2 interface in the style of ROS 1 for reading and writing bag files
Reading Python
ROS 1 Code
import rosbag
bag = rosbag.Bag('test.bag')
for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages(topics=['chatter', 'numbers']):
ROS 2 Code
import classic_bags
bag = classic_bags.Bag('test.bag')
for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages(topics=['chatter', 'numbers']):
# bag.close() Closing bag is not necessary
Writing Python
ROS 1 Code
import rosbag
from std_msgs.msg import Int32, String
bag = rosbag.Bag('test.bag', 'w')
s = String()
s.data = 'foo'
i = Int32()
i.data = 42
bag.write('chatter', s)
bag.write('numbers', i)
ROS 2 Code
import classic_bags
from std_msgs.msg import Int32, String
bag = classic_bags.Bag('test.bag', 'w')
s = String()
s.data = 'foo'
i = Int32()
i.data = 42
bag.write('chatter', s)
bag.write('numbers', i)
bag.close() # Closing is not strictly necessary
Alternate ROS 2 Code
import classic_bags
from std_msgs.msg import String
import rclpy.time
import builtin_interfaces.msg
with classic_bags.Bag('test.bag', 'w') as bag:
s = String()
s.data = 'foo'
# The third argument of the write method is the timestamp
# Floats are interpreted as seconds since epoch
bag.write('chatter', s, 456606000.5)
# Ints are interpreted as nanoseconds since epoch
bag.write('chatter', s, 456606000600000000)
# You can also use rclpy.time.Time
pytime = rclpy.time.Time(seconds=456606000, nanoseconds=700000000)
bag.write('chatter', s, pytime)
# Or a timestamp from a message
msgtime = builtin_interfaces.msg.Time()
msgtime.sec = 456606000
msgtime.nanosec = 800000000
bag.write('chatter', s, msgtime)
# If none is specified, the system time will be used
bag.write('chatter', s)
C++ Reading
ROS 1 Code
#include <rosbag/bag.h>
#include <rosbag/view.h>
#include <std_msgs/Int32.h>
#include <std_msgs/String.h>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#define foreach BOOST_FOREACH
rosbag::Bag bag;
bag.open("test.bag", rosbag::bagmode::Read);
std::vector<std::string> topics;
rosbag::View view(bag, rosbag::TopicQuery(topics));
foreach(rosbag::MessageInstance const m, view)
std_msgs::String::ConstPtr s = m.instantiate<std_msgs::String>();
if (s != NULL)
std::cout << s->data << std::endl;
std_msgs::Int32::ConstPtr i = m.instantiate<std_msgs::Int32>();
if (i != NULL)
std::cout << i->data << std::endl;
ROS 2 Code
#include <classic_bags/bag.hpp>
#include <std_msgs/msg/string.hpp>
#include <std_msgs/msg/int32.hpp>
classic_bags::Bag bag
bag.open("test.bag", classic_bags::Read);
// Note: Topic filtering and iterator support not available yet
while (bag.hasNext())
auto m = bag.next();
std_msgs::msg::String::SharedPtr s = m->instantiate<std_msgs::msg::String>();
if (s != NULL)
std::cout << s->data << std::endl;
std_msgs::msg::Int32::SharedPtr i = m->instantiate<std_msgs::msg::Int32>();
if (i != NULL)
std::cout << i->data << std::endl;
C++ Writing
ROS 1 Code
#include <rosbag/bag.h>
#include <std_msgs/Int32.h>
#include <std_msgs/String.h>
rosbag::Bag bag;
bag.open("test.bag", rosbag::bagmode::Write);
std_msgs::String str;
str.data = std::string("foo");
std_msgs::Int32 i;
i.data = 42;
bag.write("chatter", ros::Time::now(), str);
bag.write("numbers", ros::Time::now(), i);
ROS 2 Code
#include <classic_bags/bag.hpp>
#include <std_msgs/msg/string.hpp>
#include <std_msgs/msg/int32.hpp>
classic_bags::Bag bag;
bag.open("test.bag", classic_bags::Write);
std_msgs::msg::String str;
str.data = std::string("foo");
std_msgs::msg::Int32 i;
i.data = 42;
// If not specified, timestamp is assumed to be system time
bag.write("chatter", str);
// Otherwise, timestamp must be rclcpp::Time
bag.write("numbers", rclcpp::Time(456606000600000000), i);
Changelog for package classic_bags
0.1.0 (2023-08-09)
- Initial package
- Contributors: David V. Lu!!
Wiki Tutorials
This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata.
You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.
Package Dependencies
System Dependencies
No direct system dependencies.
Dependant Packages
No known dependants.
Launch files
No launch files found
No message files found.
No service files found
No plugins found.
Recent questions tagged classic_bags at Robotics Stack Exchange
No version for distro melodic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.