audibot repository

Repository Summary

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VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-04-26
CI status No Continuous Integration
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Name Version
audibot 0.2.2
audibot_description 0.2.2
audibot_gazebo 0.2.2


Audibot Simulator

This repository contains a Gazebo simulation model of an Audi R8. It is meant to be a very flexible simulation platform that supports single and multiple vehicle simulations.

To customize the model, include audibot.urdf.xacro in the audibot_description package in another URDF file and add sensors, plugins, etc.

single_vehicle_example.launch in the audibot_gazebo package shows how a single vehicle can be simulated in the root namespace with no TF prefix.

two_vehicle_example.launch shows how multiple vehicles can be simulated at the same time, with each in its own namespace and with a unique TF prefix.

To control the vehicle, publish the following topics:

  • steering_cmd - std_msgs/Float64 topic containing the desired steering wheel angle in radians
  • brake_cmd - std_msgs/Float64 topic containing the desired brake torque in Newton-meters (Nm)
  • throttle_cmd - std_msgs/Float64 topic containing the desired throttle percentage (range 0 to 1)
  • gear_cmd - std_msgs/UInt8 topic containing the desired gear (DRIVE = 0, REVERSE = 1)

Ground truth speed and yaw rate feedback are provided on the twist topic, which is of type geometry_msgs/TwistStamped.

Current gear state is provided on the gear_state topic, which is of type std_msgs/UInt8. The gear state starts in DRIVE by default.

The current steering wheel angle is provided on the steering_state topic, which is of type std_msgs/Float64.

Position, orientation and twist is provided on the odom topic, which is of type nav_msgs/Odometry.

Some useful kinematics parameters:

  • Gear ratio between steering wheel and equivalent bicycle steer angle = 17.3 : 1
  • Wheelbase = 2.65 meters
  • Track width = 1.638 meters
  • Wheel radius = 0.36 meters


No found.

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2023-04-26
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
audibot 0.2.2
audibot_description 0.2.2
audibot_gazebo 0.2.2


Audibot Simulator

This repository contains a Gazebo simulation model of an Audi R8. It is meant to be a very flexible simulation platform that supports single and multiple vehicle simulations.

To customize the model, include audibot.urdf.xacro in the audibot_description package in another URDF file and add sensors, plugins, etc.

single_vehicle_example.launch in the audibot_gazebo package shows how a single vehicle can be simulated in the root namespace with no TF prefix.

two_vehicle_example.launch shows how multiple vehicles can be simulated at the same time, with each in its own namespace and with a unique TF prefix.

To control the vehicle, publish the following topics:

  • steering_cmd - std_msgs/Float64 topic containing the desired steering wheel angle in radians
  • brake_cmd - std_msgs/Float64 topic containing the desired brake torque in Newton-meters (Nm)
  • throttle_cmd - std_msgs/Float64 topic containing the desired throttle percentage (range 0 to 1)
  • gear_cmd - std_msgs/UInt8 topic containing the desired gear (DRIVE = 0, REVERSE = 1)

Ground truth speed and yaw rate feedback are provided on the twist topic, which is of type geometry_msgs/TwistStamped.

Current gear state is provided on the gear_state topic, which is of type std_msgs/UInt8. The gear state starts in DRIVE by default.

The current steering wheel angle is provided on the steering_state topic, which is of type std_msgs/Float64.

Position, orientation and twist is provided on the odom topic, which is of type nav_msgs/Odometry.

Some useful kinematics parameters:

  • Gear ratio between steering wheel and equivalent bicycle steer angle = 17.3 : 1
  • Wheelbase = 2.65 meters
  • Track width = 1.638 meters
  • Wheel radius = 0.36 meters


No found.