trac_ik repository

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version rolling-devel
Last Updated 2025-02-10
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
trac_ik 2.0.1
trac_ik_examples 1.6.6
trac_ik_kinematics_plugin 2.0.1
trac_ik_lib 2.0.1
trac_ik_python 1.6.6


The ROS packages in this repository were created to provide an alternative Inverse Kinematics solver to the popular inverse Jacobian methods in KDL. Specifically, KDL’s convergence algorithms are based on Newton’s method, which does not work well in the presence of joint limits — common for many robotic platforms. TRAC-IK concurrently runs two IK implementations. One is a simple extension to KDL’s Newton-based convergence algorithm that detects and mitigates local minima due to joint limits by random jumps. The second is an SQP (Sequential Quadratic Programming) nonlinear optimization approach which uses quasi-Newton methods that better handle joint limits. By default, the IK search returns immediately when either of these algorithms converges to an answer. Secondary constraints of distance and manipulability are also provided in order to receive back the “best” IK solution.
Note: TRAC-IK is built on top of the KDL library, which is not thread safe (there’s some internals that I think use static variables). Thus, you should not use multiple instances of TRAC-IK in the same process.

###This repo contains 5 ROS packages:###

  • trac_ik is a metapackage with build and complete Changelog info.

  • trac_ik_examples contains examples on how to use the standalone TRAC-IK library.

  • trac_ik_lib, the TRAC-IK kinematics code, builds a .so library that can be used as a drop in replacement for KDL’s IK functions for KDL chains. Details for use are in trac_ik_lib/

  • trac_ik_kinematics_plugin builds a MoveIt! plugin that can replace the default KDL plugin for MoveIt! with TRAC-IK for use in planning. Details for use are in trac_ik_kinematics_plugin/ (Note prior to v1.1.2, the plugin was not thread safe.)

  • trac_ik_python, SWIG based python wrapper to use TRAC-IK. Details for use are in trac_ik_python/

###As of v1.4.5, this package is part of the ROS Kinetic binaries: sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-trac-ik (or kinetic, indigo or jade). Starting with v1.4.8, this has been released for ROS Lunar as well. Melodic packages have been released with 1.5.0. Noetic with 1.6.0

###A detailed writeup on TRAC-IK can be found here:###

Humanoids-2015 (reported results are from v1.0.0 of TRAC-IK, see below for newer results).

###Some sample results are below:

Orocos’ KDL (inverse Jacobian w/ joint limits), KDL-RR (our fixes to KDL joint limit handling), and TRAC-IK (our concurrent inverse Jacobian and non-linear optimization solver; Speed mode) are compared below.

IK success and average speed as of TRAC-IK tag v1.5.1. All results are from 10,000 randomly generated, reachable joint configurations. Full 3D pose IK was requested at 1e-5 Cartesian error for x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw with a maximum solve time of 5 ms. All IK queries are seeded from the chain’s “nominal” pose midway between joint limits.

Note on success: Neither KDL nor TRAC-IK uses any mesh information to determine if valid IK solutions result in self-collisions. IK solutions deal with link distances and joint ranges, and remain agnostic about self-collisions due to volumes. Expected future enhancements to TRAC-IK that search for multiple solutions may also include the ability to throw out solutions that result in self collisions (provided the URDF has valid geometry information); however, this is currently not the behaviour of any generic IK solver examined to date.

Note on timings: The timings provided include both successful and unsuccessful runs. When an IK solution is not found, the numerical IK solver implementations will run for the full timeout requested, searching for an answer; thus for robot chains where KDL fails much of the time (e.g., Jaco-2), the KDL times are skewed towards the user requested timeout value (here 5 ms).

Chain DOFs Orocos’ KDL solve rate Orocos’ KDL Avg Time KDL-RR solve rate KDL-RR Avg Time TRAC-IK solve rate TRAC-IK Avg Time
ABB IRB120 6 39.41% 3.08ms 98.51% 0.33ms 99.96% 0.24ms
ABB Yumi ‘single arm’ 7 77.35% 1.43ms 91.31% 0.87ms 99.70% 0.42ms
Atlas 2013 arm 6 75.54% 1.32ms 97.24% 0.34ms 99.99% 0.20ms
Atlas 2015 arm 7 76.22% 1.44ms 94.12% 0.71ms 99.80% 0.32ms
Baxter arm 7 61.43% 2.15ms 90.78% 0.91ms 99.83% 0.37ms
Denso VS-068 6 27.95% 3.67ms 98.32% 0.35ms 99.96% 0.26ms
Fanuc M-430iA/2F 5 21.08% 3.98ms 88.69% 0.84ms 99.93% 0.36ms
Fetch arm 7 93.28% 0.65ms 94.72% 0.63ms 99.98% 0.24ms
Franka Emika Panda 7 62.02% 2.11ms 93.21% 0.79ms 99.88% 0.37ms
Jaco2 6 26.25% 3.77ms 97.85% 0.47ms 99.92% 0.35ms
KUKA LBR iiwa 14 R820 7 38.09% 3.31ms 95.15% 0.64ms 99.92% 0.28ms
KUKA LWR 4+ 7 68.22% 1.82ms 96.26% 0.53ms 99.98% 0.23ms
Motoman CSDA10F ‘torso/1-arm’ 8 53.58% 2.73ms 96.08% 0.60ms 99.96% 0.32ms
Motoman MH180 6 68.46% 1.65ms 99.39% 0.22ms 99.99% 0.18ms
NASA Robonaut2 arm 7 86.89% 0.96ms 95.23% 0.64ms 99.85% 0.30ms
NASA Robonaut2 ‘grasping leg’ 7 61.70% 2.21ms 88.77% 1.00ms 99.91% 0.40ms
NASA Robonaut2 ‘leg’ + waist + arm 15 98.42% 0.67ms 98.58% 0.66ms 99.83% 0.57ms
NASA Robosimian arm 7 62.10% 2.33ms 99.88% 0.28ms 99.97% 0.30ms
NASA Valkyrie arm 7 45.78% 2.95ms 92.34% 1.11ms 99.90% 0.37ms
PR2 arm 7 84.70% 1.26ms 88.82% 1.15ms 99.96% 0.31ms
Schunk LWA4D 7 68.57% 1.79ms 97.26% 0.43ms 100.00% 0.23ms
TRACLabs modular arm 7 79.59% 1.28ms 96.11% 0.54ms 99.99% 0.27ms
Universal UR3 6 17.11% 4.18ms 89.08% 0.77ms 98.60% 0.45ms
UR5 6 16.52% 4.21ms 88.58% 0.74ms 99.17% 0.37ms
UR10 6 14.90% 4.29ms 88.63% 0.74ms 99.33% 0.36ms

Feel free to email TRACLabs Robotics if you have any issues.


No found.

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version rolling-devel
Last Updated 2025-02-10
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
trac_ik 2.0.1
trac_ik_examples 1.6.6
trac_ik_kinematics_plugin 2.0.1
trac_ik_lib 2.0.1
trac_ik_python 1.6.6


The ROS packages in this repository were created to provide an alternative Inverse Kinematics solver to the popular inverse Jacobian methods in KDL. Specifically, KDL’s convergence algorithms are based on Newton’s method, which does not work well in the presence of joint limits — common for many robotic platforms. TRAC-IK concurrently runs two IK implementations. One is a simple extension to KDL’s Newton-based convergence algorithm that detects and mitigates local minima due to joint limits by random jumps. The second is an SQP (Sequential Quadratic Programming) nonlinear optimization approach which uses quasi-Newton methods that better handle joint limits. By default, the IK search returns immediately when either of these algorithms converges to an answer. Secondary constraints of distance and manipulability are also provided in order to receive back the “best” IK solution.
Note: TRAC-IK is built on top of the KDL library, which is not thread safe (there’s some internals that I think use static variables). Thus, you should not use multiple instances of TRAC-IK in the same process.

###This repo contains 5 ROS packages:###

  • trac_ik is a metapackage with build and complete Changelog info.

  • trac_ik_examples contains examples on how to use the standalone TRAC-IK library.

  • trac_ik_lib, the TRAC-IK kinematics code, builds a .so library that can be used as a drop in replacement for KDL’s IK functions for KDL chains. Details for use are in trac_ik_lib/

  • trac_ik_kinematics_plugin builds a MoveIt! plugin that can replace the default KDL plugin for MoveIt! with TRAC-IK for use in planning. Details for use are in trac_ik_kinematics_plugin/ (Note prior to v1.1.2, the plugin was not thread safe.)

  • trac_ik_python, SWIG based python wrapper to use TRAC-IK. Details for use are in trac_ik_python/

###As of v1.4.5, this package is part of the ROS Kinetic binaries: sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-trac-ik (or kinetic, indigo or jade). Starting with v1.4.8, this has been released for ROS Lunar as well. Melodic packages have been released with 1.5.0. Noetic with 1.6.0

###A detailed writeup on TRAC-IK can be found here:###

Humanoids-2015 (reported results are from v1.0.0 of TRAC-IK, see below for newer results).

###Some sample results are below:

Orocos’ KDL (inverse Jacobian w/ joint limits), KDL-RR (our fixes to KDL joint limit handling), and TRAC-IK (our concurrent inverse Jacobian and non-linear optimization solver; Speed mode) are compared below.

IK success and average speed as of TRAC-IK tag v1.5.1. All results are from 10,000 randomly generated, reachable joint configurations. Full 3D pose IK was requested at 1e-5 Cartesian error for x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw with a maximum solve time of 5 ms. All IK queries are seeded from the chain’s “nominal” pose midway between joint limits.

Note on success: Neither KDL nor TRAC-IK uses any mesh information to determine if valid IK solutions result in self-collisions. IK solutions deal with link distances and joint ranges, and remain agnostic about self-collisions due to volumes. Expected future enhancements to TRAC-IK that search for multiple solutions may also include the ability to throw out solutions that result in self collisions (provided the URDF has valid geometry information); however, this is currently not the behaviour of any generic IK solver examined to date.

Note on timings: The timings provided include both successful and unsuccessful runs. When an IK solution is not found, the numerical IK solver implementations will run for the full timeout requested, searching for an answer; thus for robot chains where KDL fails much of the time (e.g., Jaco-2), the KDL times are skewed towards the user requested timeout value (here 5 ms).

Chain DOFs Orocos’ KDL solve rate Orocos’ KDL Avg Time KDL-RR solve rate KDL-RR Avg Time TRAC-IK solve rate TRAC-IK Avg Time
ABB IRB120 6 39.41% 3.08ms 98.51% 0.33ms 99.96% 0.24ms
ABB Yumi ‘single arm’ 7 77.35% 1.43ms 91.31% 0.87ms 99.70% 0.42ms
Atlas 2013 arm 6 75.54% 1.32ms 97.24% 0.34ms 99.99% 0.20ms
Atlas 2015 arm 7 76.22% 1.44ms 94.12% 0.71ms 99.80% 0.32ms
Baxter arm 7 61.43% 2.15ms 90.78% 0.91ms 99.83% 0.37ms
Denso VS-068 6 27.95% 3.67ms 98.32% 0.35ms 99.96% 0.26ms
Fanuc M-430iA/2F 5 21.08% 3.98ms 88.69% 0.84ms 99.93% 0.36ms
Fetch arm 7 93.28% 0.65ms 94.72% 0.63ms 99.98% 0.24ms
Franka Emika Panda 7 62.02% 2.11ms 93.21% 0.79ms 99.88% 0.37ms
Jaco2 6 26.25% 3.77ms 97.85% 0.47ms 99.92% 0.35ms
KUKA LBR iiwa 14 R820 7 38.09% 3.31ms 95.15% 0.64ms 99.92% 0.28ms
KUKA LWR 4+ 7 68.22% 1.82ms 96.26% 0.53ms 99.98% 0.23ms
Motoman CSDA10F ‘torso/1-arm’ 8 53.58% 2.73ms 96.08% 0.60ms 99.96% 0.32ms
Motoman MH180 6 68.46% 1.65ms 99.39% 0.22ms 99.99% 0.18ms
NASA Robonaut2 arm 7 86.89% 0.96ms 95.23% 0.64ms 99.85% 0.30ms
NASA Robonaut2 ‘grasping leg’ 7 61.70% 2.21ms 88.77% 1.00ms 99.91% 0.40ms
NASA Robonaut2 ‘leg’ + waist + arm 15 98.42% 0.67ms 98.58% 0.66ms 99.83% 0.57ms
NASA Robosimian arm 7 62.10% 2.33ms 99.88% 0.28ms 99.97% 0.30ms
NASA Valkyrie arm 7 45.78% 2.95ms 92.34% 1.11ms 99.90% 0.37ms
PR2 arm 7 84.70% 1.26ms 88.82% 1.15ms 99.96% 0.31ms
Schunk LWA4D 7 68.57% 1.79ms 97.26% 0.43ms 100.00% 0.23ms
TRACLabs modular arm 7 79.59% 1.28ms 96.11% 0.54ms 99.99% 0.27ms
Universal UR3 6 17.11% 4.18ms 89.08% 0.77ms 98.60% 0.45ms
UR5 6 16.52% 4.21ms 88.58% 0.74ms 99.17% 0.37ms
UR10 6 14.90% 4.29ms 88.63% 0.74ms 99.33% 0.36ms

Feel free to email TRACLabs Robotics if you have any issues.


No found.

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-10-08
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
trac_ik 1.6.6
trac_ik_examples 1.6.6
trac_ik_kinematics_plugin 1.6.6
trac_ik_lib 1.6.6
trac_ik_python 1.6.6


The ROS packages in this repository were created to provide an alternative Inverse Kinematics solver to the popular inverse Jacobian methods in KDL. Specifically, KDL’s convergence algorithms are based on Newton’s method, which does not work well in the presence of joint limits — common for many robotic platforms. TRAC-IK concurrently runs two IK implementations. One is a simple extension to KDL’s Newton-based convergence algorithm that detects and mitigates local minima due to joint limits by random jumps. The second is an SQP (Sequential Quadratic Programming) nonlinear optimization approach which uses quasi-Newton methods that better handle joint limits. By default, the IK search returns immediately when either of these algorithms converges to an answer. Secondary constraints of distance and manipulability are also provided in order to receive back the “best” IK solution.
Note: TRAC-IK is built on top of the KDL library, which is not thread safe (there’s some internals that I think use static variables). Thus, you should not use multiple instances of TRAC-IK in the same process.

###This repo contains 5 ROS packages:###

  • trac_ik is a metapackage with build and complete Changelog info.

  • trac_ik_examples contains examples on how to use the standalone TRAC-IK library.

  • trac_ik_lib, the TRAC-IK kinematics code, builds a .so library that can be used as a drop in replacement for KDL’s IK functions for KDL chains. Details for use are in trac_ik_lib/

  • trac_ik_kinematics_plugin builds a MoveIt! plugin that can replace the default KDL plugin for MoveIt! with TRAC-IK for use in planning. Details for use are in trac_ik_kinematics_plugin/ (Note prior to v1.1.2, the plugin was not thread safe.)

  • trac_ik_python, SWIG based python wrapper to use TRAC-IK. Details for use are in trac_ik_python/

###As of v1.4.5, this package is part of the ROS Kinetic binaries: sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-trac-ik (or kinetic, indigo or jade). Starting with v1.4.8, this has been released for ROS Lunar as well. Melodic packages have been released with 1.5.0. Noetic with 1.6.0

###A detailed writeup on TRAC-IK can be found here:###

Humanoids-2015 (reported results are from v1.0.0 of TRAC-IK, see below for newer results).

###Some sample results are below:

Orocos’ KDL (inverse Jacobian w/ joint limits), KDL-RR (our fixes to KDL joint limit handling), and TRAC-IK (our concurrent inverse Jacobian and non-linear optimization solver; Speed mode) are compared below.

IK success and average speed as of TRAC-IK tag v1.5.1. All results are from 10,000 randomly generated, reachable joint configurations. Full 3D pose IK was requested at 1e-5 Cartesian error for x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw with a maximum solve time of 5 ms. All IK queries are seeded from the chain’s “nominal” pose midway between joint limits.

Note on success: Neither KDL nor TRAC-IK uses any mesh information to determine if valid IK solutions result in self-collisions. IK solutions deal with link distances and joint ranges, and remain agnostic about self-collisions due to volumes. Expected future enhancements to TRAC-IK that search for multiple solutions may also include the ability to throw out solutions that result in self collisions (provided the URDF has valid geometry information); however, this is currently not the behaviour of any generic IK solver examined to date.

Note on timings: The timings provided include both successful and unsuccessful runs. When an IK solution is not found, the numerical IK solver implementations will run for the full timeout requested, searching for an answer; thus for robot chains where KDL fails much of the time (e.g., Jaco-2), the KDL times are skewed towards the user requested timeout value (here 5 ms).

Chain DOFs Orocos’ KDL solve rate Orocos’ KDL Avg Time KDL-RR solve rate KDL-RR Avg Time TRAC-IK solve rate TRAC-IK Avg Time
ABB IRB120 6 39.41% 3.08ms 98.51% 0.33ms 99.96% 0.24ms
ABB Yumi ‘single arm’ 7 77.35% 1.43ms 91.31% 0.87ms 99.70% 0.42ms
Atlas 2013 arm 6 75.54% 1.32ms 97.24% 0.34ms 99.99% 0.20ms
Atlas 2015 arm 7 76.22% 1.44ms 94.12% 0.71ms 99.80% 0.32ms
Baxter arm 7 61.43% 2.15ms 90.78% 0.91ms 99.83% 0.37ms
Denso VS-068 6 27.95% 3.67ms 98.32% 0.35ms 99.96% 0.26ms
Fanuc M-430iA/2F 5 21.08% 3.98ms 88.69% 0.84ms 99.93% 0.36ms
Fetch arm 7 93.28% 0.65ms 94.72% 0.63ms 99.98% 0.24ms
Franka Emika Panda 7 62.02% 2.11ms 93.21% 0.79ms 99.88% 0.37ms
Jaco2 6 26.25% 3.77ms 97.85% 0.47ms 99.92% 0.35ms
KUKA LBR iiwa 14 R820 7 38.09% 3.31ms 95.15% 0.64ms 99.92% 0.28ms
KUKA LWR 4+ 7 68.22% 1.82ms 96.26% 0.53ms 99.98% 0.23ms
Motoman CSDA10F ‘torso/1-arm’ 8 53.58% 2.73ms 96.08% 0.60ms 99.96% 0.32ms
Motoman MH180 6 68.46% 1.65ms 99.39% 0.22ms 99.99% 0.18ms
NASA Robonaut2 arm 7 86.89% 0.96ms 95.23% 0.64ms 99.85% 0.30ms
NASA Robonaut2 ‘grasping leg’ 7 61.70% 2.21ms 88.77% 1.00ms 99.91% 0.40ms
NASA Robonaut2 ‘leg’ + waist + arm 15 98.42% 0.67ms 98.58% 0.66ms 99.83% 0.57ms
NASA Robosimian arm 7 62.10% 2.33ms 99.88% 0.28ms 99.97% 0.30ms
NASA Valkyrie arm 7 45.78% 2.95ms 92.34% 1.11ms 99.90% 0.37ms
PR2 arm 7 84.70% 1.26ms 88.82% 1.15ms 99.96% 0.31ms
Schunk LWA4D 7 68.57% 1.79ms 97.26% 0.43ms 100.00% 0.23ms
TRACLabs modular arm 7 79.59% 1.28ms 96.11% 0.54ms 99.99% 0.27ms
Universal UR3 6 17.11% 4.18ms 89.08% 0.77ms 98.60% 0.45ms
UR5 6 16.52% 4.21ms 88.58% 0.74ms 99.17% 0.37ms
UR10 6 14.90% 4.29ms 88.63% 0.74ms 99.33% 0.36ms

Feel free to email TRACLabs Robotics if you have any issues.


No found.

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-10-08
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)


Name Version
trac_ik 1.6.6
trac_ik_examples 1.6.6
trac_ik_kinematics_plugin 1.6.6
trac_ik_lib 1.6.6
trac_ik_python 1.6.6


The ROS packages in this repository were created to provide an alternative Inverse Kinematics solver to the popular inverse Jacobian methods in KDL. Specifically, KDL’s convergence algorithms are based on Newton’s method, which does not work well in the presence of joint limits — common for many robotic platforms. TRAC-IK concurrently runs two IK implementations. One is a simple extension to KDL’s Newton-based convergence algorithm that detects and mitigates local minima due to joint limits by random jumps. The second is an SQP (Sequential Quadratic Programming) nonlinear optimization approach which uses quasi-Newton methods that better handle joint limits. By default, the IK search returns immediately when either of these algorithms converges to an answer. Secondary constraints of distance and manipulability are also provided in order to receive back the “best” IK solution.
Note: TRAC-IK is built on top of the KDL library, which is not thread safe (there’s some internals that I think use static variables). Thus, you should not use multiple instances of TRAC-IK in the same process.

###This repo contains 5 ROS packages:###

  • trac_ik is a metapackage with build and complete Changelog info.

  • trac_ik_examples contains examples on how to use the standalone TRAC-IK library.

  • trac_ik_lib, the TRAC-IK kinematics code, builds a .so library that can be used as a drop in replacement for KDL’s IK functions for KDL chains. Details for use are in trac_ik_lib/

  • trac_ik_kinematics_plugin builds a MoveIt! plugin that can replace the default KDL plugin for MoveIt! with TRAC-IK for use in planning. Details for use are in trac_ik_kinematics_plugin/ (Note prior to v1.1.2, the plugin was not thread safe.)

  • trac_ik_python, SWIG based python wrapper to use TRAC-IK. Details for use are in trac_ik_python/

###As of v1.4.5, this package is part of the ROS Kinetic binaries: sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-trac-ik (or kinetic, indigo or jade). Starting with v1.4.8, this has been released for ROS Lunar as well. Melodic packages have been released with 1.5.0. Noetic with 1.6.0

###A detailed writeup on TRAC-IK can be found here:###

Humanoids-2015 (reported results are from v1.0.0 of TRAC-IK, see below for newer results).

###Some sample results are below:

Orocos’ KDL (inverse Jacobian w/ joint limits), KDL-RR (our fixes to KDL joint limit handling), and TRAC-IK (our concurrent inverse Jacobian and non-linear optimization solver; Speed mode) are compared below.

IK success and average speed as of TRAC-IK tag v1.5.1. All results are from 10,000 randomly generated, reachable joint configurations. Full 3D pose IK was requested at 1e-5 Cartesian error for x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw with a maximum solve time of 5 ms. All IK queries are seeded from the chain’s “nominal” pose midway between joint limits.

Note on success: Neither KDL nor TRAC-IK uses any mesh information to determine if valid IK solutions result in self-collisions. IK solutions deal with link distances and joint ranges, and remain agnostic about self-collisions due to volumes. Expected future enhancements to TRAC-IK that search for multiple solutions may also include the ability to throw out solutions that result in self collisions (provided the URDF has valid geometry information); however, this is currently not the behaviour of any generic IK solver examined to date.

Note on timings: The timings provided include both successful and unsuccessful runs. When an IK solution is not found, the numerical IK solver implementations will run for the full timeout requested, searching for an answer; thus for robot chains where KDL fails much of the time (e.g., Jaco-2), the KDL times are skewed towards the user requested timeout value (here 5 ms).

Chain DOFs Orocos’ KDL solve rate Orocos’ KDL Avg Time KDL-RR solve rate KDL-RR Avg Time TRAC-IK solve rate TRAC-IK Avg Time
ABB IRB120 6 39.41% 3.08ms 98.51% 0.33ms 99.96% 0.24ms
ABB Yumi ‘single arm’ 7 77.35% 1.43ms 91.31% 0.87ms 99.70% 0.42ms
Atlas 2013 arm 6 75.54% 1.32ms 97.24% 0.34ms 99.99% 0.20ms
Atlas 2015 arm 7 76.22% 1.44ms 94.12% 0.71ms 99.80% 0.32ms
Baxter arm 7 61.43% 2.15ms 90.78% 0.91ms 99.83% 0.37ms
Denso VS-068 6 27.95% 3.67ms 98.32% 0.35ms 99.96% 0.26ms
Fanuc M-430iA/2F 5 21.08% 3.98ms 88.69% 0.84ms 99.93% 0.36ms
Fetch arm 7 93.28% 0.65ms 94.72% 0.63ms 99.98% 0.24ms
Franka Emika Panda 7 62.02% 2.11ms 93.21% 0.79ms 99.88% 0.37ms
Jaco2 6 26.25% 3.77ms 97.85% 0.47ms 99.92% 0.35ms
KUKA LBR iiwa 14 R820 7 38.09% 3.31ms 95.15% 0.64ms 99.92% 0.28ms
KUKA LWR 4+ 7 68.22% 1.82ms 96.26% 0.53ms 99.98% 0.23ms
Motoman CSDA10F ‘torso/1-arm’ 8 53.58% 2.73ms 96.08% 0.60ms 99.96% 0.32ms
Motoman MH180 6 68.46% 1.65ms 99.39% 0.22ms 99.99% 0.18ms
NASA Robonaut2 arm 7 86.89% 0.96ms 95.23% 0.64ms 99.85% 0.30ms
NASA Robonaut2 ‘grasping leg’ 7 61.70% 2.21ms 88.77% 1.00ms 99.91% 0.40ms
NASA Robonaut2 ‘leg’ + waist + arm 15 98.42% 0.67ms 98.58% 0.66ms 99.83% 0.57ms
NASA Robosimian arm 7 62.10% 2.33ms 99.88% 0.28ms 99.97% 0.30ms
NASA Valkyrie arm 7 45.78% 2.95ms 92.34% 1.11ms 99.90% 0.37ms
PR2 arm 7 84.70% 1.26ms 88.82% 1.15ms 99.96% 0.31ms
Schunk LWA4D 7 68.57% 1.79ms 97.26% 0.43ms 100.00% 0.23ms
TRACLabs modular arm 7 79.59% 1.28ms 96.11% 0.54ms 99.99% 0.27ms
Universal UR3 6 17.11% 4.18ms 89.08% 0.77ms 98.60% 0.45ms
UR5 6 16.52% 4.21ms 88.58% 0.74ms 99.17% 0.37ms
UR10 6 14.90% 4.29ms 88.63% 0.74ms 99.33% 0.36ms

Feel free to email TRACLabs Robotics if you have any issues.


No found.