No version for distro humble. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jazzy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro rolling. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

vda5050_connector package from vda5050_connector repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.0.1
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version current_ros_noetic
Last Updated 2022-12-20
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

The vda5050_connector package

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • TUM fml


  • Florian Rothmeyer
  • Florian Spiegel

How to Use the VDA-5050-Connector

Aim of the Repository

The idea of the repository is to ensure an easy connection of the VDA 5050 with ROS. It is intended to ensure an immediate integration into ROS. For ease of use, you can customize all interfaces by adapting the configuration files in the /config folder to match your requirements.

The VDA5050 connector only covers ROS communication, which means that all messages coming from the main control must be published to ROS topics. Since MQTT is widely used to communicate from the main control to AGVs, an example implementation to achieve compatibility between ROS and MQTT is shown below.


  • This project was tested under Ubuntu 18.04 LTS + ROS Melodic (Python 2.7) and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS + ROS Noetic (Python 3.7).
  • ROS must be installed and a workspace (e.g., catkin_ws) must be initialized.

Since the VDA5050 connector solely relies on ROS communication, any other communication protocol must be translated accordingly. VDA5050 specifies the use of MQTT as it is widely used for communication between the main control and AGVs. In the following we will describe a method for translating MQTT messages to ROS messages. For this, we use the ROS MQTT bridge to connect to a server via TLS. Of course, any other solution can be used as well. Names of outgoing and incoming topics can be adapted accordingly.

Installation of the ROS MQTT bridge

Clone the mqtt_bridge repository and install the additional requirements to run the bridge (see

git clone

Be careful to choose the correct branch. If you plan to use ROS melodic, checkout the branch called “python2.7”.
The master branch will only work with ROS noetic.

Installation of the VDA5050 connector

Go to your catkin workspace and cd into the src folder:

cd ./src

Clone the VDA-5050-Connector repository:

git clone

Clone the vda5050_msgs repository:

git clone

Although the vda5050_msgs repository provides most of the required message types, some additional message types must be defined in order to provide the full functionality of VDA5050.
Since we have not send a merge request to the vda5050_msgs repository yet, do the following after cloning the vda5050_msgs repository:

  • copy all .msg files in /msg of the VDA-5050-Connector repository into the /msg folder of the vda5050_msgs repository

  • replace the CmakeLists.txt in the vda5050_msgs repository with the one within the /msg/CmakeLists of the VDA-5050-Connector repository

After cloning all required repositories, build your catkin workspace.

Customization of the configuration

There are three distinct parts of the configuration that must be customized to fulfill your connection requirements.

  1. ROS MQTT bridge server connection (“mqtt_bridge_tls.yaml”)
  2. ROS MQTT bridge topic configuration (“mqtt_bridge_topics.yaml”)
  3. VDA5050 connector topic configuration (“vda5050_connector_topics.yaml”)

Each of them is represented by a single configuration file in the /config folder. In the following sections we will go through them step by step.

Since we wanted to use the ROS MQTT bridge out of the box with no further customization,
all required parameters configuration files can be found in the /config folder in the VDA-5050-Connector repository (and not in the mqtt_bridge repository).

ROS MQTT bridge server connection

To make the ROS MQTT bridge work with TLS, complete the “mqtt_bridge_tls.yaml” configuration file in the /config folder.

TLS configuration ```text tls: ca_certs: certfile: keyfile: <your_path_to_private_key" tls_version: 5 tls_insecure: false connection: host: port: 8883 keepalive: 60 client: protocol: 4 client_id: ``` </details> Specifically, add the paths to the required certificates and the private key and enter your host address as well as your client id. Do not forget to use the correct port in your network. ### ROS MQTT bridge topic configuration Use the file "mqtt_bridge_topics.yaml" to adapt topic names and message types according to your needs.\ Make sure to use ROS and MQTT topic names at the correct position in the configuration.
Topic example ```text ##### bridge from ROS to MQTT##### topic_from: topic to: ##### bridge from MQTT to ROS ##### topic_from: topic to: ``` </details> ```msg_type ``` always describes the ROS message type. After configuring the ROS MQTT bridge, we can go on with the VDA5050-Connector. ### VDA5050 connector topic configuration The VDA5050 connector consists of five different daemons each represented by a single ROS node. In order to allow easy access to the topics, you can change all subscribing (from master control and AGV) and publishing (to master control and AGV) topic names. To do so, open the "vda5050_connector_topics.yaml" in the /config folder and change the topic names to fit your requirements. >**NOTE**\ >Don't change the key. Only change the value.\ >Example: > ```yaml >orderId: "/orderID" > ``` > ```orderId ``` is used for internal reference and must not be altered. To change the topic's name, change the value on the right ```"/orderId" ```. ## Run the connector ### Launch the ROS MQTT bridge Before starting the VDA5050 connector, the ROS MQTT bridge must be up and running. To this end, open a terminal and launch the ROS MQTT bridge: ```bash roslaunch vda5050_connector ros_mqtt_bridge.launch ``` The output should be similar to the following:
ROS MQTT bridge output ```console started roslaunch server http:// SUMMARY ======== PARAMETERS * /mqtt_bridge/bridge: [{'topic_from': '... * /mqtt_bridge/mqtt/client/client_id: * /mqtt_bridge/mqtt/client/protocol: 4 * /mqtt_bridge/mqtt/connection/host: * /mqtt_bridge/mqtt/connection/keepalive: 60 * /mqtt_bridge/mqtt/connection/port: 8883 * /mqtt_bridge/mqtt/tls/ca_certs: * /mqtt_bridge/mqtt/tls/certfile: * /mqtt_bridge/mqtt/tls/keyfile: * /mqtt_bridge/mqtt/tls/tls_insecure: False * /mqtt_bridge/mqtt/tls/tls_version: 5 * /rosdistro: melodic * /rosversion: 1.14.12 NODES / mqtt_bridge (mqtt_bridge/ auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [23084] ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311 setting /run_id to cd2855b8-fd29-11ec-bfbb-080027dacaf0 process[rosout-1]: started with pid [23095] started core service [/rosout] process[mqtt_bridge-2]: started with pid [23098] [INFO] [1657111653.836246]: MQTT connected ``` </details> >**NOTE**\ >The ROS MQTT bridge tells if it is connected to the server by printing ```MQTT connected ``` as last line. If anything went wrong, it prints ```MQTT disconnected ``` ### Launch the VDA5050 connector As soon as the ROS MQTT bridge is connected to the server, the VDA5050 connector can be launched. Open a new terminal and type: ```bash roslaunch vda_5050_connector vda5050_connector.launch ``` If the VDA5050 connector was started properly, the output should be similar to:
VDA5050 connector output ```console [ INFO] [1656490735.862272168]: Using 1.1.03 for parameter ~AGV_Data/version [ INFO] [1656490735.863479005]: Using template_1 for parameter ~AGV_Data/manufacturer [ INFO] [1656490735.864071660]: Using AGV721 for parameter ~AGV_Data/serialNumber [ INFO] [1656490735.865060948]: Using /error_1 as error topic [ INFO] [1656490735.866858541]: for connection_daemon/topics_publish use: [ INFO] [1656490735.868006928]: for connection_daemon/topics_subscribe use: [ INFO] [1656490735.868029030]: - parameter: /supervisor/connection_daemon/topics_subscribe/connectionState value: /connected [ INFO] [1656490735.868595221]: Using uagv for parameter ~AGV_Data/interfaceName [ INFO] [1656490735.869125729]: Using v2 for parameter ~AGV_Data/majorVersion [ INFO] [1656490735.869653581]: Using /connected for parameter ~connection_daemon/topics_subscribe/connectionState [ INFO] [1656490735.872009204]: Using 1.1.03 for parameter ~AGV_Data/version [ INFO] [1656490735.872491504]: Using template_1 for parameter ~AGV_Data/manufacturer [ INFO] [1656490735.872921588]: Using AGV721 for parameter ~AGV_Data/serialNumber [ INFO] [1656490735.873329962]: Using /error_1 as error topic [ INFO] [1656490735.874538560]: for state_daemon/topics_publish use: [ INFO] [1656490735.874560377]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_publish/state value: /state [ INFO] [1656490735.893055466]: for state_daemon/topics_subscribe use: [ INFO] [1656490735.893084950]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/actionStates value: /actionStates [ INFO] [1656490735.893092672]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/agvPosition/deviationRange value: /deviationRange [ INFO] [1656490735.893108816]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/agvPosition/localizationScore value: /localizationScore [ INFO] [1656490735.893114964]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/agvPosition/mapDescription value: /mapDescription [ INFO] [1656490735.893126128]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/agvPosition/mapId value: /mapId [ INFO] [1656490735.893138406]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/agvPosition/pose value: /odometry [ INFO] [1656490735.893146836]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/agvPosition/positionInitialized value: /positionInitialized [ INFO] [1656490735.893154395]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/batteryState/batteryCharge value: /batteryCharge [ INFO] [1656490735.893162173]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/batteryState/batteryHealth value: /batteryHealth [ INFO] [1656490735.893169512]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/batteryState/batteryVoltage value: /batteryVoltage [ INFO] [1656490735.893177634]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/batteryState/charging value: /charging [ INFO] [1656490735.893185112]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/batteryState/reach value: /reach [ INFO] [1656490735.893192605]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/distanceSinceLastNode value: /distanceSinceLastNode [ INFO] [1656490735.893200330]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/driving value: /driving [ INFO] [1656490735.893207638]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/edgeStates value: /edgeState [ INFO] [1656490735.893216187]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/errors value: /errors [ INFO] [1656490735.893224128]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/information value: /information [ INFO] [1656490735.893231756]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/lastNodeId value: /lastNodeId [ INFO] [1656490735.893239590]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/lastNodeSequenceId value: /lastNodeSequenceId [ INFO] [1656490735.893246911]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/loads value: /loads [ INFO] [1656490735.893255322]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/newBaseRequest value: /newBaseRequest [ INFO] [1656490735.893262908]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/nodeStates value: /nodeState [ INFO] [1656490735.893272540]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/operatingMode value: /operatingMode [ INFO] [1656490735.893280114]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/orderId value: /orderId [ INFO] [1656490735.893287369]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/orderUpdateId value: /orderUpdateId [ INFO] [1656490735.893296333]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/paused value: /paused [ INFO] [1656490735.893304115]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/safetyState/eStop value: /eStop [ INFO] [1656490735.893311934]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/safetyState/fieldViolation value: /fieldViolation [ INFO] [1656490735.893320184]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/velocity value: /rosVelocity [ INFO] [1656490735.893327443]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/zoneSetId value: /zoneSetId [ INFO] [1656490735.893811918]: Using uagv for parameter ~AGV_Data/interfaceName [ INFO] [1656490735.894266591]: Using v2 for parameter ~AGV_Data/majorVersion ```
The output gives an overview of all parameters read from the config file. Check if the topics are defined as required. If any parameters are not readable or not found on the parameter server, there is a warning output. Please check if there is a typo in your config file. ## Known Issues * Currently, the console output is done twice for some parameters due to the architecture. * Sometimes the MQTT-Bridge cannot connect properly. If the output constantly changes between connected and disconnected, there is probably an error in the network configuration. ```console [INFO] [1657111653.836246]: MQTT disconnected [INFO] [1657111653.836246]: MQTT connected [INFO] [1657111653.836246]: MQTT disconnected [INFO] [1657111653.836246]: MQTT connected ``` ## Comments on VDA 5050 specification ### Assumptions in unclear situations **Situation:** Vehicle is processing an order and receives a new one (= differing order ID). **Our Solution:** The new order is rejected if it doesn't begin at the end of the base of the previous (= currently running) order. **Alternative:** The new order could be accepted if it begins at the end of the horizon of the previous order. Would lead to potential detours if the destination of the current order changes in the meantime. **Situation:** The order message definition in the vda_msgs repository contains a boolean field called "replace". According to the commentary, this should be used if the base of an order is to be replaced by a new set of nodes/edges. However, the guideline does not define this procedure. **Our Solution:** We do not implement the base replacement procedure. **TODO:** Throw a warning if the flag is set. **Alternative:** A replacement procedure could be added to the routine of receiving a message on the order topic. See the according documentation and flow diagrams. **Situation:** A new order is received. The guideline tells us to "validate" the order, but does not state how to achieve this. **Our Solution:** We postpone the implementation of validations and expect the fleet controller to send conform order messages. **Alternative:** Order messages should be validated to avoid undeterministic behavior, waiting and errors. The validation should at least check if the number of edges equals the number of nodes minus one. ## About The ROS-VDA-5050-Connector was developed by idealworks in cooperation with [TUM fml – future.meets.logistics](

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Recent questions tagged vda5050_connector at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.1.1
License BSD Clause 3
Build type AMENT_CMAKE

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version galactic-devel
Last Updated 2022-11-11
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

ROS2 to VDA5050 / VDA5050 to ROS2 connector

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Leandro Pineda


  • John Alejandro Duarte Carrasco
  • Leandro Pineda

VDA5050 Connector

A ROS2 package which implements a connector for VDA5050, a standardized interface for communication between fleets of AGVs/AMRs and a central Master Control.


The package names itself Connector, since it can be thought as a bridge between a VDA5050 Master Control (MC) and the ROS2 robot API.

VDA5050 General diagram

The connector is composed of three main parts (ROS2 nodes):

  • MQTT_bridge: Communicates the VDA5050 <> ROS2 topics, translating VDA5050 messages into ROS2 vda5050_msgs and vice versa.
  • Controller: Processes the VDA5050 robot execution as per standard specification. It validates, executes, or rejects orders and instant actions, as well as assembles feedback information to the MC.
  • Adapter: Provides the interaction between the controller and the Robot API. The adapter is the one who knows how to send a navigation goal request, execute an action or retrieve specific information robot such as battery or odometry.

Connector diagram

The way the adapter knows how to execute the different operations requested by the controller is using ROS2 plugins (components). The current project provides three plugin template interfaces, called handlers, which cover the main communication paths:

  • State handler: Designed for updating robot specific information on the VDA5050 order_state.
  • NavTONode handler: Designed for sending goals to the robot navigation stack.
  • VDA Action handler: Designed for handling requests to execute specific actions (localize, lift a load, etc).

Connector diagram

How to use it

The package is also a library package; it exports the headers and binary files to create and assemble a specific adapter. To create your own adapter package, add this package as a dependency and define the different plugin handlers for your robot. You can also customize the adapter core functionalities if desired.

To do this this, you can check the vda5050_examples repository, where you will find examples of adapter packages, for python and C++, as well as docker scripts to quickly start testing them.


  • ROS2 - ament_cmake: The package is based on ROS2, and uses ament_cmake.
  • vda5050_msgs: ROS2 messages for the VDA5050 standard (version 2.0).
  • pluginlib: The adapter uses plugins to load the different handlers.
  • python3-paho-mqtt: The mqtt_bridge uses the paho-mqtt library as the mqtt client.


Download vda5050_msgs package into your ROS2 workspace

cd ~/dev_ws/ &&
git clone --branch ros2-vda5050-v2 \
    && mv vda5050_msgs/vda5050_msgs ./src/vda5050_msgs \
    && mv vda5050_msgs/vda5050_serializer ./src/vda5050_serializer \
    && rm -rf vda5050_msgs

Then download this package into the ROS2 workspace src folder and compile it using colcon build.


The package provides several lint test (ament_pep257 and ament_flake8 for Python, ament_clang_format for C++ and ament_copyright), as well as specific unit tests to check the correct functionality of the different modules. To run the tests, execute:

colcon test --packages-select vda5050_connector && colcon test-result --verbose


Please see the CONTRIBUTING document.




Changelog for package vda5050_connector

1.1.1 (2022-10-28)

  • Fixed ROS buildfarm job (#29)

1.1.0 (2022-10-17)

  • Added VDA5050 connector package (#28)

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged vda5050_connector at Robotics Stack Exchange

No version for distro iron. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

vda5050_connector package from vda5050_connector repo


Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 0.0.1
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version current_ros_melodic
Last Updated 2022-12-20
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

The vda5050_connector package

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • TUM fml


  • Florian Rothmeyer
  • Florian Spiegel

How to Use the VDA-5050-Connector

Aim of the Repository

The idea of the repository is to ensure an easy connection of the VDA 5050 with ROS. It is intended to ensure an immediate integration into ROS. For ease of use, you can customize all interfaces by adapting the configuration files in the /config folder to match your requirements.

The VDA5050 connector only covers ROS communication, which means that all messages coming from the main control must be published to ROS topics. Since MQTT is widely used to communicate from the main control to AGVs, an example implementation to achieve compatibility between ROS and MQTT is shown below.


  • This project was tested under Ubuntu 18.04 LTS + ROS Melodic (Python 2.7) and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS + ROS Noetic (Python 3.7).
  • ROS must be installed and a workspace (e.g., catkin_ws) must be initialized.

Since the VDA5050 connector solely relies on ROS communication, any other communication protocol must be translated accordingly. VDA5050 specifies the use of MQTT as it is widely used for communication between the main control and AGVs. In the following we will describe a method for translating MQTT messages to ROS messages. For this, we use the ROS MQTT bridge to connect to a server via TLS. Of course, any other solution can be used as well. Names of outgoing and incoming topics can be adapted accordingly.

Installation of the ROS MQTT bridge

Clone the mqtt_bridge repository and install the additional requirements to run the bridge (see

git clone

Be careful to choose the correct branch. If you plan to use ROS melodic, checkout the branch called “python2.7”.
The master branch will only work with ROS noetic.

Installation of the VDA5050 connector

Go to your catkin workspace and cd into the src folder:

cd ./src

Clone the VDA-5050-Connector repository:

git clone

Clone the vda5050_msgs repository:

git clone

Although the vda5050_msgs repository provides most of the required message types, some additional message types must be defined in order to provide the full functionality of VDA5050.
Since we have not send a merge request to the vda5050_msgs repository yet, do the following after cloning the vda5050_msgs repository:

  • copy all .msg files in /msg of the VDA-5050-Connector repository into the /msg folder of the vda5050_msgs repository

  • replace the CmakeLists.txt in the vda5050_msgs repository with the one within the /msg/CmakeLists of the VDA-5050-Connector repository

After cloning all required repositories, build your catkin workspace.

Customization of the configuration

There are three distinct parts of the configuration that must be customized to fulfill your connection requirements.

  1. ROS MQTT bridge server connection (“mqtt_bridge_tls.yaml”)
  2. ROS MQTT bridge topic configuration (“mqtt_bridge_topics.yaml”)
  3. VDA5050 connector topic configuration (“vda5050_connector_topics.yaml”)

Each of them is represented by a single configuration file in the /config folder. In the following sections we will go through them step by step.

Since we wanted to use the ROS MQTT bridge out of the box with no further customization,
all required parameters configuration files can be found in the /config folder in the VDA-5050-Connector repository (and not in the mqtt_bridge repository).

ROS MQTT bridge server connection

To make the ROS MQTT bridge work with TLS, complete the “mqtt_bridge_tls.yaml” configuration file in the /config folder.

TLS configuration ```text tls: ca_certs: certfile: keyfile: <your_path_to_private_key" tls_version: 5 tls_insecure: false connection: host: port: 8883 keepalive: 60 client: protocol: 4 client_id: ``` </details> Specifically, add the paths to the required certificates and the private key and enter your host address as well as your client id. Do not forget to use the correct port in your network. ### ROS MQTT bridge topic configuration Use the file "mqtt_bridge_topics.yaml" to adapt topic names and message types according to your needs.\ Make sure to use ROS and MQTT topic names at the correct position in the configuration.
Topic example ```text ##### bridge from ROS to MQTT##### topic_from: topic to: ##### bridge from MQTT to ROS ##### topic_from: topic to: ``` </details> ```msg_type ``` always describes the ROS message type. After configuring the ROS MQTT bridge, we can go on with the VDA5050-Connector. ### VDA5050 connector topic configuration The VDA5050 connector consists of five different daemons each represented by a single ROS node. In order to allow easy access to the topics, you can change all subscribing (from master control and AGV) and publishing (to master control and AGV) topic names. To do so, open the "vda5050_connector_topics.yaml" in the /config folder and change the topic names to fit your requirements. >**NOTE**\ >Don't change the key. Only change the value.\ >Example: > ```yaml >orderId: "/orderID" > ``` > ```orderId ``` is used for internal reference and must not be altered. To change the topic's name, change the value on the right ```"/orderId" ```. ## Run the connector ### Launch the ROS MQTT bridge Before starting the VDA5050 connector, the ROS MQTT bridge must be up and running. To this end, open a terminal and launch the ROS MQTT bridge: ```bash roslaunch vda5050_connector ros_mqtt_bridge.launch ``` The output should be similar to the following:
ROS MQTT bridge output ```console started roslaunch server http:// SUMMARY ======== PARAMETERS * /mqtt_bridge/bridge: [{'topic_from': '... * /mqtt_bridge/mqtt/client/client_id: * /mqtt_bridge/mqtt/client/protocol: 4 * /mqtt_bridge/mqtt/connection/host: * /mqtt_bridge/mqtt/connection/keepalive: 60 * /mqtt_bridge/mqtt/connection/port: 8883 * /mqtt_bridge/mqtt/tls/ca_certs: * /mqtt_bridge/mqtt/tls/certfile: * /mqtt_bridge/mqtt/tls/keyfile: * /mqtt_bridge/mqtt/tls/tls_insecure: False * /mqtt_bridge/mqtt/tls/tls_version: 5 * /rosdistro: melodic * /rosversion: 1.14.12 NODES / mqtt_bridge (mqtt_bridge/ auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [23084] ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311 setting /run_id to cd2855b8-fd29-11ec-bfbb-080027dacaf0 process[rosout-1]: started with pid [23095] started core service [/rosout] process[mqtt_bridge-2]: started with pid [23098] [INFO] [1657111653.836246]: MQTT connected ``` </details> >**NOTE**\ >The ROS MQTT bridge tells if it is connected to the server by printing ```MQTT connected ``` as last line. If anything went wrong, it prints ```MQTT disconnected ``` ### Launch the VDA5050 connector As soon as the ROS MQTT bridge is connected to the server, the VDA5050 connector can be launched. Open a new terminal and type: ```bash roslaunch vda_5050_connector vda5050_connector.launch ``` If the VDA5050 connector was started properly, the output should be similar to:
VDA5050 connector output ```console [ INFO] [1656490735.862272168]: Using 1.1.03 for parameter ~AGV_Data/version [ INFO] [1656490735.863479005]: Using template_1 for parameter ~AGV_Data/manufacturer [ INFO] [1656490735.864071660]: Using AGV721 for parameter ~AGV_Data/serialNumber [ INFO] [1656490735.865060948]: Using /error_1 as error topic [ INFO] [1656490735.866858541]: for connection_daemon/topics_publish use: [ INFO] [1656490735.868006928]: for connection_daemon/topics_subscribe use: [ INFO] [1656490735.868029030]: - parameter: /supervisor/connection_daemon/topics_subscribe/connectionState value: /connected [ INFO] [1656490735.868595221]: Using uagv for parameter ~AGV_Data/interfaceName [ INFO] [1656490735.869125729]: Using v2 for parameter ~AGV_Data/majorVersion [ INFO] [1656490735.869653581]: Using /connected for parameter ~connection_daemon/topics_subscribe/connectionState [ INFO] [1656490735.872009204]: Using 1.1.03 for parameter ~AGV_Data/version [ INFO] [1656490735.872491504]: Using template_1 for parameter ~AGV_Data/manufacturer [ INFO] [1656490735.872921588]: Using AGV721 for parameter ~AGV_Data/serialNumber [ INFO] [1656490735.873329962]: Using /error_1 as error topic [ INFO] [1656490735.874538560]: for state_daemon/topics_publish use: [ INFO] [1656490735.874560377]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_publish/state value: /state [ INFO] [1656490735.893055466]: for state_daemon/topics_subscribe use: [ INFO] [1656490735.893084950]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/actionStates value: /actionStates [ INFO] [1656490735.893092672]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/agvPosition/deviationRange value: /deviationRange [ INFO] [1656490735.893108816]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/agvPosition/localizationScore value: /localizationScore [ INFO] [1656490735.893114964]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/agvPosition/mapDescription value: /mapDescription [ INFO] [1656490735.893126128]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/agvPosition/mapId value: /mapId [ INFO] [1656490735.893138406]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/agvPosition/pose value: /odometry [ INFO] [1656490735.893146836]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/agvPosition/positionInitialized value: /positionInitialized [ INFO] [1656490735.893154395]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/batteryState/batteryCharge value: /batteryCharge [ INFO] [1656490735.893162173]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/batteryState/batteryHealth value: /batteryHealth [ INFO] [1656490735.893169512]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/batteryState/batteryVoltage value: /batteryVoltage [ INFO] [1656490735.893177634]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/batteryState/charging value: /charging [ INFO] [1656490735.893185112]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/batteryState/reach value: /reach [ INFO] [1656490735.893192605]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/distanceSinceLastNode value: /distanceSinceLastNode [ INFO] [1656490735.893200330]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/driving value: /driving [ INFO] [1656490735.893207638]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/edgeStates value: /edgeState [ INFO] [1656490735.893216187]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/errors value: /errors [ INFO] [1656490735.893224128]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/information value: /information [ INFO] [1656490735.893231756]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/lastNodeId value: /lastNodeId [ INFO] [1656490735.893239590]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/lastNodeSequenceId value: /lastNodeSequenceId [ INFO] [1656490735.893246911]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/loads value: /loads [ INFO] [1656490735.893255322]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/newBaseRequest value: /newBaseRequest [ INFO] [1656490735.893262908]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/nodeStates value: /nodeState [ INFO] [1656490735.893272540]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/operatingMode value: /operatingMode [ INFO] [1656490735.893280114]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/orderId value: /orderId [ INFO] [1656490735.893287369]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/orderUpdateId value: /orderUpdateId [ INFO] [1656490735.893296333]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/paused value: /paused [ INFO] [1656490735.893304115]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/safetyState/eStop value: /eStop [ INFO] [1656490735.893311934]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/safetyState/fieldViolation value: /fieldViolation [ INFO] [1656490735.893320184]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/velocity value: /rosVelocity [ INFO] [1656490735.893327443]: - parameter: /supervisor/state_daemon/topics_subscribe/zoneSetId value: /zoneSetId [ INFO] [1656490735.893811918]: Using uagv for parameter ~AGV_Data/interfaceName [ INFO] [1656490735.894266591]: Using v2 for parameter ~AGV_Data/majorVersion ```
The output gives an overview of all parameters read from the config file. Check if the topics are defined as required. If any parameters are not readable or not found on the parameter server, there is a warning output. Please check if there is a typo in your config file. ## Known Issues * Currently, the console output is done twice for some parameters due to the architecture. * Sometimes the MQTT-Bridge cannot connect properly. If the output constantly changes between connected and disconnected, there is probably an error in the network configuration. ```console [INFO] [1657111653.836246]: MQTT disconnected [INFO] [1657111653.836246]: MQTT connected [INFO] [1657111653.836246]: MQTT disconnected [INFO] [1657111653.836246]: MQTT connected ``` ## Comments on VDA 5050 specification ### Assumptions in unclear situations **Situation:** Vehicle is processing an order and receives a new one (= differing order ID). **Our Solution:** The new order is rejected if it doesn't begin at the end of the base of the previous (= currently running) order. **Alternative:** The new order could be accepted if it begins at the end of the horizon of the previous order. Would lead to potential detours if the destination of the current order changes in the meantime. **Situation:** The order message definition in the vda_msgs repository contains a boolean field called "replace". According to the commentary, this should be used if the base of an order is to be replaced by a new set of nodes/edges. However, the guideline does not define this procedure. **Our Solution:** We do not implement the base replacement procedure. **TODO:** Throw a warning if the flag is set. **Alternative:** A replacement procedure could be added to the routine of receiving a message on the order topic. See the according documentation and flow diagrams. **Situation:** A new order is received. The guideline tells us to "validate" the order, but does not state how to achieve this. **Our Solution:** We postpone the implementation of validations and expect the fleet controller to send conform order messages. **Alternative:** Order messages should be validated to avoid undeterministic behavior, waiting and errors. The validation should at least check if the number of edges equals the number of nodes minus one. ## About The ROS-VDA-5050-Connector was developed by idealworks in cooperation with [TUM fml – future.meets.logistics](

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