System Dependencies

Name Usage Description
libjansson-dev 0 C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data (dev)
libjaxp1.3-java 0 Java XML parser and transformer APIs (DOM, SAX, JAXP, TrAX)
libjchart2d-java 0 Java library for precise 2D charting visualizations
libjpeg 6 Development files for the JPEG library [dummy package]
libjson-glib 0 GLib JSON manipulation library (development files)
libjson-java 0 library for transforming Java objects and XML to JSON and back again
libjson0-dev 0
libjsoncpp 7
libjsoncpp-dev 7 library for reading and writing JSON for C++ (devel files)
libjsonrpccpp-client0 0 library implementing json-rpc C++ clients
libjsonrpccpp-common0 0 common functionality for server and client library
libjsonrpccpp-dev 0 development files for JSON-RPC C++ framework
libjsonrpccpp-server0 0 library implementing json-rpc C++ servers
libjsonrpccpp-stub0 0 library for stub generation of libjsonrpccpp based applications
libjsonrpccpp-tools 0 stub generator for libjsonrpccpp based applications
libkdtree++-dev 0 C++ template container implementation of kd-tree sorting
libkml-dev 0 Library to manipulate KML 2.2 OGC standard files - development files
liblapack-dev 6 Library of linear algebra routines 3 - static version
liblapacke-dev 0 Library of linear algebra routines 3 () - Headers
liblcm 2 Lightweight Communications and Marshalling
liblcm-dev 2 Lightweight Communications and Marshalling
libleptonica-dev 0 image processing library
liblinear-dev 0 Development libraries and header files for LIBLINEAR
liblinphone-dev 0 Linphone web phone's library - development files
liblmdb-dev 0 Lightning Memory-Mapped Database development files
liblttng-ctl-dev 2 LTTng control and utility library (development files)
liblttng-ust-dev 5 LTTng 2.0 Userspace Tracer (development files)
liblz4 2 Fast LZ compression algorithm library - runtime
liblz4-dev 2 Fast LZ compression algorithm library - development files
liblzma-dev 0 XZ-format compression library - development files
libmagick 1 virtual package provided by libmagick++-6.q16-dev
libmarble-dev 0 development files for the Marble globe widget library
libmbedtls-dev 0 lightweight crypto and SSL/TLS library - development files
libmicrohttpd 2 library embedding HTTP server functionality (development)
libmlpack-dev 0
libmnl-dev 0 minimalistic Netlink communication library (devel)
libmockito-java 0 mocking framework for Java
libmodbus-dev 2 development files for the Modbus protocol library
libmodbus5 0 library for the Modbus protocol
libmongoc-1.0-0 0 MongoDB C client library - runtime files
libmongoc-dev 0 MongoDB C client library - dev files
libmongoclient-dev 5 MongoDB C++ Driver (development)
libmotif-dev 0 Motif - development files
libmp3lame-dev 0 MP3 encoding library (development)
libmpg123-dev 0 MPEG layer 1/2/3 audio decoder (development files)
libmpich-dev 0 Development files for MPICH
libmpich2-dev 0
libmsgsl-dev 0 Microsoft Guidelines Support Library
libmysql++-dev 0 MySQL C++ library bindings (development)
libmysql++3v5 0 MySQL C++ library bindings (runtime)
libmysqlclient-dev 0
libmysqlcppconn-dev 0 MySQL Connector for C++ (development files)
libnanoflann-dev 0 C++11 header-only library for Nearest Neighbor Search with KD-Trees
libnanopb-dev 1 Protocol Buffers with small code size, development files
libncurses 0 shared libraries for terminal handling
libncurses-dev 7 developer's libraries for ncurses
libneon27-gnutls-dev 0 Header and static library files for libneon27 (GnuTLS enabled)
libnewmat10-dev 0 matrix manipulations library (C++ headers files)
libnl-3 2 library for dealing with netlink sockets
libnl-3-dev 2 development library and headers for libnl-3
libnl-dev 0
libnlopt-cxx-dev 4 nonlinear optimization library -- development package for C++
libnlopt-dev 4 nonlinear optimization library -- development package
libnlopt0 4 nonlinear optimization library
libnotify 0 sends desktop notifications to a notification daemon (Development files)
libnss3-dev 3 Development files for the Network Security Service libraries
liboctomap-dev 7 Octomap library development files
libogg 7 Ogg bitstream library development files
libogre 1
libogre-1.12-dev 0 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (development files)
libogre-dev 4
libogre1.12.10 0 3D Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (libraries)
libois-dev 0 Object Oriented Input System library (C++ development headers)
libomp-dev 7 LLVM OpenMP runtime - dev package
libopal-dev 0
libopen3d-dev 4 Library for 3D data processing - development headers
libopenal-dev 0 Software implementation of the OpenAL audio API (development files)
libopenblas-dev 7 Optimized BLAS (linear algebra) library (dev, meta)
libopencv-contrib-dev 3 development files for libopencv-contrib406
libopencv-dev 7 development files for opencv
libopencv-imgproc-dev 4 development files for libopencv-imgproc406
libopenexr-dev 6 development files for the OpenEXR image library
libopenni-dev 3 headers for OpenNI 'Natural Interaction' frameworks
libopenni-nite-dev 0
libopenni-sensor-primesense-dev 0 headers for working with PrimeSense sensor OpenNI modules
libopenni2-dev 6 headers for OpenNI 'Natural Interaction' frameworks
libopenscenegraph 5 3D scene graph, utilities and examples (binaries)
libopensplice67 0
libopensplice69 0
libopenvdb 3
libopenvdb-dev 6 Sparse Volume Processing toolkit - dev
libopus-dev 1 Opus codec library development files
liborocos-bfl 1
liborocos-bfl-dev 2 Orocos Bayesian Filtering Library development files
liborocos-kdl 4
liborocos-kdl-dev 6 Kinematics and Dynamics Library development files
libosmesa6-dev 0 Mesa Off-screen rendering extension -- development files
libpaho-mqtt 0 Eclipse Paho MQTT C client - shared libraries
libpaho-mqtt-dev 5 Eclipse Paho MQTT C client - development files
libpaho-mqttpp 0
libpaho-mqttpp-dev 5 Eclipse Paho MQTT C++ Client Library - development files
libpcap 7 development library and header files for libpcap0.8
libpcl-all 6
libpcl-all-dev 7 Point Cloud Library - development files
libpcl-apps 0
libpcl-common 4
libpcl-features 4
libpcl-filters 4
libpcl-io 4
libpcl-kdtree 0
libpcl-keypoints 0
libpcl-ml 0
libpcl-octree 0
libpcl-outofcore 0
libpcl-people 0
libpcl-recognition 0
libpcl-registration 0
libpcl-sample-consensus 0
libpcl-search 0
libpcl-segmentation 4
libpcl-stereo 0
libpcl-surface 4
libpcl-tracking 0
libpcl-visualization 0
libpcsclite-dev 0 Middleware to access a smart card using PC/SC (development files)
libpcsclite1 0 Middleware to access a smart card using PC/SC (library)
libpgm 0
libphonon 0
libphonon-dev 0
libpng++-dev 0 C++ interface to the PNG (Portable Network Graphics) library
libpng-dev 7 PNG library - development (version 1.6)
libpng12-dev 2
libpoco-dev 7 C++ Portable Components (POCO) Development files
libpocofoundation9 0
libpopt-dev 0 lib for parsing cmdline parameters - development files
libpq-dev 1 header files for libpq5 (PostgreSQL library)
libpqxx 2
libpqxx-dev 2 C++ library to connect to PostgreSQL (development files)
libprocps-dev 0
libprocps6 0
libpt-dev 0
libpthread-stubs0-dev 0 pthread stubs not provided by native libc, development files
libpulse-dev 1 PulseAudio client development headers and libraries
libqcustomplot-dev 0 Qt C++ widget for plotting - header
libqd-dev 0 Double-double and quad double types in C++ and F90
libqglviewer-dev-qt5 6 OpenGL 3D viewer library based on Qt5 - development files
libqglviewer-qt4 0
libqglviewer-qt4-dev 0
libqglviewer2-qt5 6 OpenGL 3D viewer library based on Qt - runtime library
libqhull 7 calculate convex hulls and related structures (development files)
libqmi-glib-dev 0 Header files for adding QMI support to applications that use glib
libqrencode 0
libqrencode-dev 0 QR Code encoding library -- development
libqt4 0
libqt4-dev 2
libqt4-opengl 0
libqt4-opengl-dev 0
libqt4-sql-psql 0
libqt5-charts-dev 0 Qt charts development files
libqt5-concurrent 6 Qt 5 concurrent module
libqt5-core 7 Qt 5 core module
libqt5-gstreamer-dev 0 Development headers for QtGStreamer - Qt 5 build
libqt5-gui 7 Qt 5 GUI module
libqt5-multimedia 3 Qt 5 Multimedia module
libqt5-network 1 Qt 5 network module
libqt5-opengl 7 Qt 5 OpenGL module
libqt5-opengl-dev 7 Qt 5 OpenGL library development files
libqt5-printsupport 0 Qt 5 print support module
libqt5-qml 5 Qt 5 QML module
libqt5-quick 5 Qt 5 Quick library
libqt5-serialport 0 Qt 5 serial port support
libqt5-serialport-dev 2 Qt 5 serial port development files
libqt5-sql 0
libqt5-svg 4 Qt 5 SVG module
libqt5-svg-dev 7 Qt 5 SVG module development files
libqt5-websockets-dev 7 Qt 5 Web Sockets module - development files
libqt5-widgets 7 Qt 5 widgets module
libqt5-xml 1 Qt 5 XML module
libqt5multimedia5-plugins 2 Qt 5 Multimedia module plugins
libqt5x11extras5-dev 7 Qt 5 X11 extras development files
libqtgui4 0
libqtwebkit-dev 0
libqwt 0
libqwt-qt5-dev 5 Qt widgets library for technical applications (development, qt5)
libqwt5-qt4-dev 0
libqwt6 0
libqwtplot3d-qt4-dev 0
librabbitmq-dev 0 AMQP client library written in C - Dev Files
librapidxml-dev 0 fast XML DOM-style parser in C++ (development files)
libraw1394 0 library for direct access to IEEE 1394 bus (aka FireWire)
libraw1394-dev 2 library for direct access to IEEE 1394 bus - development files
librdkafka-dev 0 library implementing the Apache Kafka protocol (development headers)
libreadline 6 GNU readline and history libraries, development files
libreadline-dev 2 GNU readline and history libraries, development files
libreadline-java 0 GNU readline and BSD editline wrappers for Java
librtaudio-dev 0 C++ library for realtime audio input/ouput (development files)
libsecp256k1-dev 0 library for EC operations on curve secp256k1 - development headers
libsensors4-dev 2 transitional dummy package
libserial-dev 4 Serial port programming in C++ -- development files
libshaderc-dev 2 Library API for accessing glslc functionality - static libraries and headers