System Dependencies
Name | Usage | Description |
python-gputil-pip | 0 | GPUtil is a Python module for getting the GPU status from NVIDA GPUs using nvidia-smi. | |||||
python-gpxpy | 0 | ||||||
python-graphitesend-pip | 4 | A simple interface for sending metrics to Graphite | |||||
python-graphviz-pip | 0 | rich set of graph drawing tools | |||||
python-gridfs | 0 | ||||||
python-grpc-tools | 1 | ||||||
python-grpcio | 1 | ||||||
python-gst | 0 | ||||||
python-gst-1.0 | 0 | ||||||
python-gtk2 | 0 | ||||||
python-gurobipy-pip | 0 | Python interface to Gurobi | |||||
python-h5py | 2 | ||||||
python-httplib2 | 0 | ||||||
python-hypothesis | 0 | ||||||
python-imageio | 0 | Library for reading and writing a wide range of image, video, scientific, and volumetric data formats. | |||||
python-imaging | 2 | ||||||
python-imaging-imagetk | 0 | ||||||
python-impacket | 1 | ||||||
python-influxdb | 2 | ||||||
python-inject-pip | 2 | Python dependency injection framework. | |||||
python-inotify-simple-pip | 0 | A simple wrapper around inotify. No fancy bells and whistles, just a literal wrapper with ctypes. Under 100 lines of code! | |||||
python-inputs-pip | 0 | Cross-platform Python support for keyboards, mice and gamepads. | |||||
python-ipdb | 0 | ||||||
python-is-python3 | 0 | symlinks /usr/bin/python to python3 | |||||
python-itsdangerous | 0 | ||||||
python-j1939-pip | 0 | SAE J1939 stack implementation | |||||
python-jasmine-pip | 0 | Jasmine is a Behavior Driven Development testing framework for JavaScript. It does not rely on browsers, DOM, or any JavaScript framework. Thus it's suited for websites, Node.js ( projects, or anywhere that JavaScript can run. | |||||
python-jetson-gpio-pip | 0 | A module to control Jetson GPIO channels | |||||
python-jetson-stats-pip | 0 | Interactive system-monitor and process viewer for all NVIDIA Jetson [Orin, Xavier, Nano, TX] series | |||||
python-jinja2 | 0 | ||||||
python-jira-pip | 0 | Python library for interacting with JIRA via REST APIs. | |||||
python-jmespath | 0 | ||||||
python-joblib | 1 | ||||||
python-jsonpickle | 0 | ||||||
python-jsonpyes-pip | 0 | A Tool to Import JSON raw data to ElasticSearch in one line of commands | |||||
python-jsonref-pip | 0 | jsonref is a library for automatic dereferencing of JSON Reference objects for Python. | |||||
python-jsonschema | 0 | ||||||
python-jsonschema-pip | 0 | An implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python | |||||
python-jwt | 0 | ||||||
python-kdtree | 0 | A Python implemntation of a kd-tree | |||||
python-keras-pip | 0 | Multi-backend Keras | |||||
python-keras-rl-pip | 0 | Deep Reinforcement Learning for Keras | |||||
python-kitchen | 2 | ||||||
python-kml | 0 | ||||||
python-kombu | 0 | ||||||
python-kombu-pip | 0 | Messaging library for Python. | |||||
python-levenshtein | 0 | ||||||
python-libpcap | 0 | ||||||
python-libpgm-pip | 2 | A library for creating and using probabilistic graphical models | |||||
python-librabbitmq-pip | 0 | AMQP Client using the rabbitmq-c library. | |||||
python-lindypy-pip | 0 | Linda Tuple Spaces for Python | |||||
python-lttngust | 0 | ||||||
python-luis-pip | 0 | A Python interface to Microsoft LUIS. | |||||
python-lxml | 7 | ||||||
python-lzf-pip | 0 | C Extension for liblzf | |||||
python-mahotas | 0 | Mahotas: Computer Vision Library | |||||
python-mako | 0 | ||||||
python-mapnik | 1 | ||||||
python-marisa | 2 | ||||||
python-markdown | 0 | ||||||
python-marshmallow | 0 | A lightweight library for converting complex datatypes to and from native Python datatypes. | |||||
python-math3d-pip | 0 | 3D Special Euclidean mathematics package for Python. | |||||
python-matplotlib | 2 | ||||||
python-mechanize | 2 | ||||||
python-mistune | 2 | ||||||
python-mock | 7 | ||||||
python-monotonic | 2 | ||||||
python-more-itertools | 0 | ||||||
python-msgpack | 0 | ||||||
python-multicast | 0 | Python Multicast Toolkit for Linux | |||||
python-multiprocess-pip | 0 | better multiprocessing and multithreading in Python | |||||
python-mysqldb | 0 | ||||||
python-namedlist-pip | 0 | Similar to namedtuple, but instances are mutable. | |||||
python-nclib-pip | 0 | Netcat as a library: convienent socket interfaces | |||||
python-netaddr | 0 | A network address manipulation library for Python | |||||
python-netcdf4 | 0 | ||||||
python-netifaces | 2 | ||||||
python-networkmanager | 0 | ||||||
python-networkx | 0 | ||||||
python-nose | 2 | ||||||
python-ntplib | 0 | ||||||
python-numpy | 7 | ||||||
python-numpy-quaternion-pip | 2 | Add a quaternion dtype to NumPy | |||||
python-numpy-stl-pip | 0 | Library to make reading, writing and modifying both binary and ascii STL files easy. | |||||
python-numpydoc | 0 | ||||||
python-oauth2 | 0 | ||||||
python-oauth2client | 0 | ||||||
python-objectpath-pip | 0 | The agile query language for semi-structured data. #JSON | |||||
python-omniorb | 2 | ||||||
python-open3d-pip | 0 | ['Open3D is an open-source library that supports rapid development of software that deals with 3D data.'] | |||||
python-opencv | 2 | ||||||
python-opencv-contrib-pip | 1 | Wrapper package for OpenCV python bindings. | |||||
python-opengl | 2 | ||||||
python-openssl | 0 | ||||||
python-oyaml-pip | 0 | Ordered YAML: drop-in replacement for PyYAML which preserves dict ordering | |||||
python-packaging | 2 | ||||||
python-paho-mqtt | 0 | ||||||
python-paho-mqtt-pip | 0 | MQTT version 5.0/3.1.1 client class | |||||
python-pandacan-pip | 0 | Code powering the panda | |||||
python-pandas | 2 | ||||||
python-parameterized | 0 | ||||||
python-paramiko | 2 | ||||||
python-parse | 0 | ||||||
python-parso | 0 | ||||||
python-passlib | 0 | ||||||
python-pastedeploy | 0 | |||||| | 0 | A module wrapper for os.path | |||||
python-pathlib | 1 | ||||||
python-pathlib2 | 0 | ||||||
python-pathos-pip | 0 | parallel graph management and execution in heterogeneous computing | |||||
python-pathtools | 0 | ||||||
python-pbr | 0 | ||||||
python-pcapy | 1 | ||||||
python-pcg-gazebo-pip | 0 | A Python package for rapid-prototyping and scripting of simulations for Gazebo | |||||
python-pep8 | 0 | ||||||
python-percol | 2 | interactive selection for UNIX pipes | |||||
python-periphery-pip | 0 | A pure Python 2/3 library for peripheral I/O (GPIO, LED, PWM, SPI, I2C, MMIO, Serial) in Linux. | |||||
python-persist-queue-pip | 0 | A thread-safe disk based persistent queue in Python. | |||||
python-pexpect | 0 | ||||||
python-pip | 2 | ||||||
python-pixel-ring-pip | 1 | respeaker series pixel ring library | |||||
python-pkg-resources | 0 | ||||||
python-planar-pip | 0 | 2D planar geometry library for Python. | |||||
python-ply-pip | 0 | ||||||
python-plyfile-pip | 4 | PLY file reader/writer | |||||
python-poster | 0 | ||||||
python-pqdict-pip | 0 | A Pythonic indexed priority queue. | |||||
python-prettytable | 0 | ||||||
python-progressbar | 2 | ||||||
python-progressbar2-pip | 0 | A Python Progressbar library to provide visual (yet text based) progress to long running operations. | |||||
python-protobuf | 0 | ||||||
python-psutil | 2 | ||||||
python-psycopg2 | 0 | ||||||
python-pulsectl-pip | 0 | Python high-level interface and ctypes-based bindings for PulseAudio (libpulse) | |||||
python-pyassimp | 2 | ||||||
python-pyaudio | 2 | ||||||
python-pycodestyle | 2 | ||||||
python-pycpd-pip | 0 | Pure Numpy Implementation of the Coherent Point Drift Algorithm | |||||
python-pycryptodome | 2 | ||||||
python-pycurl | 0 | ||||||
python-pydbus | 0 | ||||||
python-pydot | 2 | ||||||
python-pyexiv2 | 0 | ||||||
python-pyftpdlib | 0 | ||||||
python-pygame | 2 | ||||||
python-pygithub3 | 2 | Python wrapper for the github v3 api | |||||
python-pygps-pip | 0 | Gaussian Processes for Regression and Classification | |||||
python-pygraph | 0 | ||||||
python-pygraphviz | 2 | ||||||
python-pyinotify | 0 | ||||||
python-pykalman | 0 | An implementation of the Kalman Filter, Kalman Smoother, and EM algorithm in Python | |||||
python-pylibftdi-pip | 0 | Pythonic interface to FTDI devices using libftdi. | |||||
python-pylint | 0 | Python 3 code static checker and UML diagram generator | |||||
python-pylint3 | 0 | ||||||
python-pymavlink | 0 | Python MAVLink code | |||||
python-pymodbus | 0 | ||||||
python-pymodbus-pip | 0 | A fully featured modbus protocol stack in python | |||||
python-pymongo | 2 | ||||||
python-pymouse | 0 | Cross-platform mouse control | |||||
python-pynfft | 0 | ||||||
python-pynmea2 | 0 | Python library for the NMEA 0183 protcol | |||||
python-pypcd-pip | 0 | Read and write PCL .pcd files in python. | |||||
python-pypng | 0 | ||||||
python-pypozyx-pip | 0 | Python library for Pozyx devices | |||||
python-pyproj | 2 | ||||||
python-pyqrcode | 0 | ||||||
python-pyqtgraph | 0 | Scientific Graphics and GUI Library for Python | |||||
python-pyquery | 0 | ||||||
python-pyramid | 0 | ||||||
python-pyrealsense2-pip | 0 | Python Wrapper for Intel Realsense SDK 2.0. | |||||
python-pyside | 0 | ||||||
python-pyside.qtuitools | 0 | ||||||
python-pysimplegui27-pip | 0 | Python 2.7 version of PySimpleGUI - GUI SDK Launched in 2018 Actively developed and supported. Super-simple to create custom GUI's. Python 2.7 & 3 Support. 100 Demo programs & Cookbook for rapid start. Extensive documentation. Examples using Machine Learning(GUI, OpenCV Integration, Chatterbot), Rainmeter Style Floating Desktop Widgets, Matplotlib + Pyplot integration, add GUI to command line scripts, PDF & Image Viewer. Great for beginners as well as advanced GUI programmers | |||||
python-pysnmp | 2 | ||||||
python-pytesseract-pip | 2 | Python-tesseract is a python wrapper for Google's Tesseract-OCR | |||||
python-pytest | 2 | ||||||
python-pytest-cov | 2 | ||||||
python-pytest-dependency-pip | 0 | Manage dependencies of tests | |||||
python-pytest-mock | 0 | ||||||
python-pytest-qt-pip | 0 | pytest support for PyQt and PySide applications | |||||
python-pytides-pip | 0 | Tidal analysis and prediction library. | |||||
python-pytorch-pip | 0 | Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration | |||||
python-pytz-pip | 0 | World timezone definitions, modern and historical | |||||
python-pyudev | 2 | ||||||
python-pyusb-pip | 1 | Easy USB access for Python | |||||
python-pyuserinput | 0 | A simple, cross-platform module for mouse and keyboard control | |||||
python-pyvirtualdisplay-pip | 0 | python wrapper for Xvfb, Xephyr and Xvnc | |||||
python-pyxhook-pip | 0 | Packaged version of pyxhook | |||||
python-pyzbar-pip | 0 | Read one-dimensional barcodes and QR codes from Python 2 and 3. | |||||
python-qrencode | 0 | ||||||
python-qt-bindings | 0 | ||||||
python-qt-bindings-gl | 0 | ||||||
python-qt-bindings-qwt5 | 0 | ||||||
python-qt-bindings-webkit | 0 | ||||||
python-qt4-gl | 0 | ||||||
python-qt5-bindings | 2 | ||||||
python-qt5-bindings-gl | 2 | ||||||
python-qt5-bindings-qsci | 1 | ||||||
python-qt5-bindings-quick | 0 | ||||||
python-qt5-bindings-webkit | 2 |