Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.0.0
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-07-03
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

The calibration package

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Astrobee Flight Software


  • Astrobee Flight Software

\page calibration Calibration

Package Overview

Camera Target Based Intrinsics Calibration

This package refines an initial estimate for camera intrinsics and distortion values given a bag file containing images of a calibration target and a calibration target configuration. Several camera distortion models (fov, rad, radtan) are supported for calibration and various scripts are provided to view the quality of the input target detections and the calibration results.

For generating an initial estimate of camera intrinsics and distortion values, see

Example Usage

The following gives an overview of refining calibration parameters given an initial estimate and a bag file containing target detections. For more information on each tool or script and its options, see Usage Instructions.

Generate target detections from bagfiles

rosrun calibration save_images_with_target_detections -d ~/bag_files -o target_detections -t ~/target.yaml
Here ~/bag_files contains a directory of bagfiles containing target detection images and target.yaml is the desired target yaml file found in

View target detection coverage in image space

rosrun calibration -d target_detections

Detection Image showing detected target points in image space in green.

Ideally the target detections span the entire image. If only the middle of the image contains detections or if parts of the image have no detections, this may lead to an underconstrained calibration problem. Ensure good target coverage before attempting to calibrate a camera.


Calibration Parameters

In addition to the script parameters, the camera_target_based_intrinsics_calibrator.config contains most of the configuration options for camera target based intrinsics calibration, found here: The distortion model, camera name, parameters for the reprojection pose estimator handling target pose estimation, visualization, and other general parameters can be selected.
The parameters to calibrate can also be selected. Depending on the distortion model used, different parameters should be calibrated concurrently to avoid degeneracies and underconstrained calibration. For example, calibrating the camera principal points and target poses at the same time should be avoided. Calibration may be repeated while incrementally updating solved parameters and toggling different concurrent parameter sets to solve for until all parameters are adequately calibrated.

Run Calibration

rosrun calibration target_detections ~/astrobee/src/astrobee/config config/robots/bumble.config -u -p -i target_detections -d fov

Calibration Output

The calibrated results are saved in the calibrated_params.txt file while more verbose output is saved to the calibration_output.txt file.

Judging Calibration Results

Rely primarily on the covariances for each calibrated parameter reported at the end of the calibration_output.txt file.

Reprojection Image

The output calibrated_reprojection_from_all_targets_absolute_image.png displays reprojection errors after the calibration procedure has completed and can give a general sense of the calibration accuracy, although it does not discern between accurate calibration and overfitting, which is why the covariances mentioned previously should be the primary indicator of calibration accuracy.
Here reprojection errors are colored by the norm of the error on a continuous color spectrum, with dark blue indicated small/zero error and red indicating large error.
Reprojection image showing error norms, with blue indicating small error and red indicating large error.

Error Histogram

The generated error histogram (which displays the overall norm, x, and y errors on seperate plots) can be helpful to view overall error during calibration and to see if any bias exists in the errors. For example, if the x or y error histograms are not zero centered, this can indicate an error in the calibrated principal points.
Norm errors X errors Y errors

This is generated by passing the -p option to the calibration script or by running the script on the output errors.txt file after calibration has completed.

Undistorted Images

The undistorted images generated by passing -u to the calibration script or by seperately running the create_undistorted_images script give an additional indicator of calibration accuracy. Undistorted calibration targets should have straight boundary edges and straight lines within the target. Curved lines can indicate an error in the calibration distortion parameters.

Distorted Image:

Distorted image.

Undistorted Image (FOV distortion):

FOV undistorted image.

The black dots in the undistorted image are a result of the FOV undistortion procedure, while the Rad and RadTan uses interpolation to fill these.

Usage Instructions

For each script and tool, run rosrun calibration script_or_tool_name -h for further details and usage instructions.



Generates undistorted images from a set of distorted images and provided camera calibration parameters.


Runs the intrinsics calibrator using a set of target detection files and initial estimates for the camera intrinsics and distortion values. Support various distortion models.


Runs camera intrinsic calibration using provided target detections and a config file with camera parameters (including initial estimate for camera intrinsics and distortion values).

Helper script that copies calibration parameters from the output of the calibration pipeline and writes these to the camera config file.

Helper script that generates a list of bag files in a directory with the provided topic.

Generates a histogram of errors using the output errors from the calibration pipeline.

Generates target detection files for use with the calibration pipeline from a set of bagfiles containing images of target detections.

Generates an image containing all images space detections of a target for a set of target detection files.


Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged calibration at Robotics Stack Exchange

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.0.0
License Apache License, Version 2.0
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-07-03
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

The calibration package

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Astrobee Flight Software


  • Astrobee Flight Software

\page calibration Calibration

Package Overview

Camera Target Based Intrinsics Calibration

This package refines an initial estimate for camera intrinsics and distortion values given a bag file containing images of a calibration target and a calibration target configuration. Several camera distortion models (fov, rad, radtan) are supported for calibration and various scripts are provided to view the quality of the input target detections and the calibration results.

For generating an initial estimate of camera intrinsics and distortion values, see

Example Usage

The following gives an overview of refining calibration parameters given an initial estimate and a bag file containing target detections. For more information on each tool or script and its options, see Usage Instructions.

Generate target detections from bagfiles

rosrun calibration save_images_with_target_detections -d ~/bag_files -o target_detections -t ~/target.yaml
Here ~/bag_files contains a directory of bagfiles containing target detection images and target.yaml is the desired target yaml file found in

View target detection coverage in image space

rosrun calibration -d target_detections

Detection Image showing detected target points in image space in green.

Ideally the target detections span the entire image. If only the middle of the image contains detections or if parts of the image have no detections, this may lead to an underconstrained calibration problem. Ensure good target coverage before attempting to calibrate a camera.


Calibration Parameters

In addition to the script parameters, the camera_target_based_intrinsics_calibrator.config contains most of the configuration options for camera target based intrinsics calibration, found here: The distortion model, camera name, parameters for the reprojection pose estimator handling target pose estimation, visualization, and other general parameters can be selected.
The parameters to calibrate can also be selected. Depending on the distortion model used, different parameters should be calibrated concurrently to avoid degeneracies and underconstrained calibration. For example, calibrating the camera principal points and target poses at the same time should be avoided. Calibration may be repeated while incrementally updating solved parameters and toggling different concurrent parameter sets to solve for until all parameters are adequately calibrated.

Run Calibration

rosrun calibration target_detections ~/astrobee/src/astrobee/config config/robots/bumble.config -u -p -i target_detections -d fov

Calibration Output

The calibrated results are saved in the calibrated_params.txt file while more verbose output is saved to the calibration_output.txt file.

Judging Calibration Results

Rely primarily on the covariances for each calibrated parameter reported at the end of the calibration_output.txt file.

Reprojection Image

The output calibrated_reprojection_from_all_targets_absolute_image.png displays reprojection errors after the calibration procedure has completed and can give a general sense of the calibration accuracy, although it does not discern between accurate calibration and overfitting, which is why the covariances mentioned previously should be the primary indicator of calibration accuracy.
Here reprojection errors are colored by the norm of the error on a continuous color spectrum, with dark blue indicated small/zero error and red indicating large error.
Reprojection image showing error norms, with blue indicating small error and red indicating large error.

Error Histogram

The generated error histogram (which displays the overall norm, x, and y errors on seperate plots) can be helpful to view overall error during calibration and to see if any bias exists in the errors. For example, if the x or y error histograms are not zero centered, this can indicate an error in the calibrated principal points.
Norm errors X errors Y errors

This is generated by passing the -p option to the calibration script or by running the script on the output errors.txt file after calibration has completed.

Undistorted Images

The undistorted images generated by passing -u to the calibration script or by seperately running the create_undistorted_images script give an additional indicator of calibration accuracy. Undistorted calibration targets should have straight boundary edges and straight lines within the target. Curved lines can indicate an error in the calibration distortion parameters.

Distorted Image:

Distorted image.

Undistorted Image (FOV distortion):

FOV undistorted image.

The black dots in the undistorted image are a result of the FOV undistortion procedure, while the Rad and RadTan uses interpolation to fill these.

Usage Instructions

For each script and tool, run rosrun calibration script_or_tool_name -h for further details and usage instructions.



Generates undistorted images from a set of distorted images and provided camera calibration parameters.


Runs the intrinsics calibrator using a set of target detection files and initial estimates for the camera intrinsics and distortion values. Support various distortion models.


Runs camera intrinsic calibration using provided target detections and a config file with camera parameters (including initial estimate for camera intrinsics and distortion values).

Helper script that copies calibration parameters from the output of the calibration pipeline and writes these to the camera config file.

Helper script that generates a list of bag files in a directory with the provided topic.

Generates a histogram of errors using the output errors from the calibration pipeline.

Generates target detection files for use with the calibration pipeline from a set of bagfiles containing images of target detections.

Generates an image containing all images space detections of a target for a set of target detection files.


Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Package Dependencies

System Dependencies

No direct system dependencies.

Dependant Packages

No known dependants.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

Recent questions tagged calibration at Robotics Stack Exchange