Changelog for package rotors_description
2.2.3 (2018-12-13)
2.2.2 (2018-12-12)
2.2.0 (2018-12-10)
- fixed xmlns:xacro link
- switch to package format 2
- Merge pull request
from ethz-asl/feature/gazebo9-noisydepth Feature/gazebo9 noisydepth
- Added parameters for noise models and reformatted code
- Cleanup of .xacro file
- Disabled sensor visual
- Fixed orientation and position of mesh relative to camera center
(here, left imager) as per datasheet)
- Realsense definiton (positions etc wrong, to be corrected)
- Merge pull request
from ethz-asl/fix/set_rate_back Set odometry rate back to 1/1 of
real-time rate.
- Set odometry rate back to 1/1 of real-time rate.
- Merge pull request
from ethz-asl/fix/odom_rate Set publish rate to 100 Hz instead of
1000Hz to better match real system
- Set publish rate to 100 Hz instead of 1000Hz to better match real
- Fix/neo11 namespace
- Change argument from 'mav_name' to 'namespace' to ease
spawning of multiple neo11s
- Merge pull request
from ethz-asl/feature/wind_plugin_extended Extending wind plugin
- Requested changes for PR.
- Merge pull request
from ethz-asl/v2.1.1 update to 2.1.1
- Extended wind plugin to read custom wind values from a text file.
- Contributors: Andrea Tagliabue, Christian Witting, Fadri Furrer,
Helen Oleynikova, Mina Kamel, Nicolas El Hayek, Timo Hinzmann,
cwitting, michaelpantic, nelhayek
2.1.1 (2017-04-27) -----------* update maintainers * Adding
pressure plugin to urdf description * Contributors: fmina, pvechersky
2.1.0 (2017-04-08) -----------* Implementing fixed-wing
operation with a joystick * Implementing the rest of parameter parsing
and forces + moments calculations * Parameterizing techpod mesh files
and aerodynamic parameters * Adding xacro parameter for wind speed mean
* The ROS interface plugin is now attached to a static model in the
world rather than being attahed to the firefly MAV. * Removed dead code
from the .xacro macro for the ROS interface plugin. * Removed dead
commented code. * More attempted tweaks to fix errors with
substitutaion_args/ Added better debug print. * Odometry
message now being captured by ROS interface plugin and published to ROS
framework. Hovering example now works again. * ROS interface plugin
publishing actuators and link state messages to ROS platform * ROS
message interface plugin now converts magnetic field messages and
publishes to ROS. * Changed the name of the robot location GPS message
to nav_sat_fix (since there is more than one GPS message type). *
Fixed issue with topic name differences between IMU/GPS plugins and the
interface plugin. * New Gazebo message interface plugin is loading
correctly when hover sim is launched. * Gazebo is now outputting debug
messages to the console (verbose mode is turned on through launch file).
* The ROS interface plugin is now attached to a static model in the
world rather than being attahed to the firefly MAV. * Removed dead code
from the .xacro macro for the ROS interface plugin. * Removed dead
commented code. * More attempted tweaks to fix errors with
substitutaion_args/ Added better debug print. * change euroc
to neo * Delete neo9_generic_odometry_sensor.gazebo * Delete
neo11_generic_odometry_sensor.gazebo * change euroc_hex to neo11 *
add neo11 * add neo9 to rotors * Odometry message now being captured
by ROS interface plugin and published to ROS framework. Hovering example
now works again. * ROS interface plugin publishing actuators and link
state messages to ROS platform * ROS message interface plugin now
converts magnetic field messages and publishes to ROS. * Changed the
name of the robot location GPS message to nav_sat_fix (since there is
more than one GPS message type). * Fixed issue with topic name
differences between IMU/GPS plugins and the interface plugin. * New
Gazebo message interface plugin is loading correctly when hover sim is
launched. * Gazebo is now outputting debug messages to the console
(verbose mode is turned on through launch file). * Launch and RVIZ
config file for viewing Techpod model in RVIZ * Adding meshes and URDF
components for flaps in Techpod model * Adding GPS to components
snipets and mounting it on a fixed-wing Techpod model * Fixing small
details and removing references to gazebo plugins * Adding Techpod URDF
desciption files and a general URDF for fixed-wing * Adding meshes for
Techpod, extracted from actual CAD model * Magnetometer refactoring to
make use of constexpr and proper transform convention * Modifying
component_snipets to use the new custom magnetometer plugin * Adding
some noise based on ADIS16448 specs * Adding a macro for magnetometer
component * Fixing all the RotorS launch files to work with more
generic description files * Adding 'wait_to_record_bag' parameter
to all quad base description files * Adding ability to start and stop
rosbag recording on command * Fixing a couple of small bugs in mavlink
interface plugin * Refactoring mavlink interface plugin more * Adding
vehicle and controller parameter files for new models * Removing
unfinished parts of px4 dummy controller and gazebo mavlink interface.
Refactoring gazebo mavlink interface. * Removing the unfinished wing
plugin and the VTOL model * Making the URDF description files more
generic * Adding 'world-name' as an argument to most launch files *
added optical link also to stereo camera * add optical joint for camera
* fix namespace variable missing $ sign * Updated to use
mavros_msgs. Optionally add mavlink_interface to gazebo models *
started cleanup of odometry plugin * removed unnecessary
mav_name_suffix and switched to using waypoint_publisher Added an
optional delay parameter in the waypoint publisher to publish a waypoint
at a later instance of time. * Update hummingbird.xacro use
"mav_name" arg which has an additional suffix, in order to prevent
namespace conflict when launching several mavs of the same type. *
Update pelican.xacro use "mav_name" arg which has an additional
suffix, in order to prevent namespace conflict when launching several
mavs of the same type. * Update firefly.xacro use "mav_name" arg
which has an additional suffix, in order to prevent namespace conflict
when launching several mavs of the same type. * switch url website in
package.xml to github repo * Added the mavlink interface plugin to the
iris model via sdf file * replace middle dot with a period * update
iris with upstream changes * update ardrone with upstream changes *
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into
px4_nodes_upstreammerge3 * remove old/outdated urdf/xacro files *
update launch and xacro files to new names, update use of odometry
plugin * move px4 files to new directories * Contributors: Andre
Phu-Van Nguyen, Fadri Furrer, Geoffrey Hunter, Haoyao Chen, Michael
Burri, Mina Kamel, Pavel, Raghav Khanna, Thomas Gubler, devbharat,
fmina, pvechersky
2.0.1 (2015-08-10)
- fixed the bag plugin and the evaluation
- Contributors: Fadri Furrer
2.0.0 (2015-08-09)
- fixed base_link issue with gazebo 2.2
- added a mesh for the vi_camera and fixed the mesh for the
- added possibility to add own meshes of propellers
- updated gazebo links to also contain the namespace
- Contributors: Fadri Furrer, Helen Oleynikova, Michael Burri
1.1.6 (2015-06-11)
1.1.5 (2015-06-09)
1.1.4 (2015-05-28)
1.1.3 (2015-05-28)
1.1.2 (2015-05-27)
- added max depth cam range as param
- pointCloudCutoffMax tag added for depth cam
1.1.1 (2015-04-24)
1.1.0 (2015-04-24)
- initial Ubuntu package release