No version for distro humble. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro jazzy. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro rolling. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.1.29
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2025-01-09
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

The zdepth_image_transport package

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Shingo Kitagawa


No additional authors.


ROS zdepth image transport plugin

zdepth_image_transport is for faster and lighter depth compression.

Zdepth is a depth compression method with zstd library.

Supported format

Currently supported formats are as below:

  • 16UC1
  • 32FC1

How to try

roslaunch openni2 openni2.launch
rosrun image_transport republish zdepth in:=/camera/depth/image_raw raw out:=/camera/depth_decompressed/image_raw raw

Visual Comparison

ZDepth (This package)

With zdepth_image_transport, we can get 30Hz rgb and 30Hz Zdepth.

Left: Original, Right: compressed -> decompressed

CompressedDepth (png)

Because compression of png is so slow, it causes slow down for other depth topics. (image_transport is serial process, and if one compression is slow, others will be slow down). The compression is 4Hz, so the raw depth is also 4Hz. and the decompression is 4Hz. Ofcourse, we can make it faster with lower png_level, but the compression will be worse.

Left: Original, Right: compressed -> decompressed

Frequency Comparison


  • ZDepth
$ rostopic hz /camera/depth/image_raw/zdepth
subscribed to [/camera/depth/image_raw/zdepth]
average rate: 29.973
        min: 0.033s max: 0.034s std dev: 0.00010s window: 17

  • Compressed Depth (png)
$ rostopic hz /camera/depth/image_raw/compressedDepth
subscribed to [/camera/depth/image_raw/compressedDepth]
average rate: 4.155
        min: 0.241s max: 0.241s std dev: 0.00000s window: 2


  • Zdepth
$ rostopic hz /camera/depth/image_raw/zdepth
subscribed to [/camera/depth/image_raw/zdepth]
average rate: 29.609
        min: 0.013s max: 0.044s std dev: 0.00686s window: 29

  • Compressed Depth (png)
$ rostopic hz /camera/depth_decompressed/image_raw
subscribed to [/camera/depth_decompressed/image_raw]
average rate: 4.175
        min: 0.233s max: 0.244s std dev: 0.00462s window: 4

Topic size Comparison

  • Original: <array type: uint8, length: 614400>

  • ZDepth: <array type: uint8, length: 35006>
  • compressedDepth (png): <array type: uint8, length: 61084>

Changelog for package zdepth_image_transport

2.1.29 (2025-01-05)

2.1.28 (2023-07-24)

2.1.27 (2023-06-24)

  • fix package.xml/CMakeLists.txt to supress catkin_lint errors (#479)
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

2.1.26 (2023-06-14)

  • add LICENSE files (#476)
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

2.1.25 (2023-06-08)

  • [zdepth_image_transport] add readme for zdepth_image_transport (#430)
  • [zdepth, zdepth_image_transport] fix zdepth package version to 2.1.24 (#427)
  • add zdepth and zdepth_image_transport package (#389)
  • [zdepth_image_transport] add readme for zdepth_image_transport (#430)
  • Contributors: Aoi Nakane, Kei Okada, Naoto Tsukamoto, Shingo Kitagawa

2.1.24 (2021-07-26)

2.1.23 (2021-07-21)

2.1.22 (2021-06-10)

2.1.21 (2020-08-19)

2.1.20 (2020-08-07)

2.1.19 (2020-07-21)

2.1.18 (2020-07-20)

2.1.17 (2020-04-16 21:51)

2.1.16 (2020-04-16 15:21)

2.1.15 (2019-12-12)

2.1.14 (2019-11-21)

2.1.13 (2019-07-10)

2.1.12 (2019-05-25)

2.1.11 (2018-08-29)

2.1.10 (2018-04-25)

2.1.9 (2018-04-24)

2.1.8 (2018-04-17)

2.1.7 (2018-04-09)

2.1.6 (2017-11-21)

2.1.5 (2017-11-20)

2.1.4 (2017-07-16)

2.1.3 (2017-07-07)

2.1.2 (2017-07-06)

2.1.1 (2017-07-05)

2.1.0 (2017-07-02)

2.0.20 (2017-05-09)

2.0.19 (2017-02-22)

2.0.18 (2016-10-28)

2.0.17 (2016-10-22)

2.0.16 (2016-10-17)

2.0.15 (2016-10-16)

2.0.14 (2016-03-20)

2.0.13 (2015-12-15)

2.0.12 (2015-11-26)

2.0.11 (2015-10-07 14:16)

2.0.10 (2015-10-07 12:47)

2.0.9 (2015-09-26)

2.0.8 (2015-09-15)

2.0.7 (2015-09-14)

2.0.6 (2015-09-08)

2.0.5 (2015-08-23)

2.0.4 (2015-08-18)

2.0.3 (2015-08-01)

2.0.2 (2015-06-29)

2.0.1 (2015-06-19 21:21)

2.0.0 (2015-06-19 10:41)

1.0.71 (2015-05-17)

1.0.70 (2015-05-08)

1.0.69 (2015-05-05 12:28)

1.0.68 (2015-05-05 09:49)

1.0.67 (2015-05-03)

1.0.66 (2015-04-03)

1.0.65 (2015-04-02)

1.0.64 (2015-03-29)

1.0.63 (2015-02-19)

1.0.62 (2015-02-17)

1.0.61 (2015-02-11)

1.0.60 (2015-02-03 10:12)

1.0.59 (2015-02-03 04:05)

1.0.58 (2015-01-07)

1.0.57 (2014-12-23)

1.0.56 (2014-12-17)

1.0.55 (2014-12-09)

1.0.54 (2014-11-15)

1.0.53 (2014-11-01)

1.0.52 (2014-10-23)

1.0.51 (2014-10-20 16:01)

1.0.50 (2014-10-20 01:50)

1.0.49 (2014-10-13)

1.0.48 (2014-10-12)

1.0.47 (2014-10-08)

1.0.46 (2014-10-03)

1.0.45 (2014-09-29)

1.0.44 (2014-09-26 09:17)

1.0.43 (2014-09-26 01:08)

1.0.42 (2014-09-25)

1.0.41 (2014-09-23)

1.0.40 (2014-09-19)

1.0.39 (2014-09-17)

1.0.38 (2014-09-13)

1.0.37 (2014-09-08)

1.0.36 (2014-09-01)

1.0.35 (2014-08-16)

1.0.34 (2014-08-14)

1.0.33 (2014-07-28)

1.0.32 (2014-07-26)

1.0.31 (2014-07-23)

1.0.30 (2014-07-15)

1.0.29 (2014-07-02)

1.0.28 (2014-06-24)

1.0.27 (2014-06-10)

1.0.26 (2014-05-30)

1.0.25 (2014-05-26)

1.0.24 (2014-05-24)

1.0.23 (2014-05-23)

1.0.22 (2014-05-22)

1.0.21 (2014-05-20)

1.0.20 (2014-05-09)

1.0.19 (2014-05-06)

1.0.18 (2014-05-04)

1.0.17 (2014-04-20)

1.0.16 (2014-04-19 23:29)

1.0.15 (2014-04-19 20:19)

1.0.14 (2014-04-19 12:52)

1.0.13 (2014-04-19 11:06)

1.0.12 (2014-04-18 16:58)

1.0.11 (2014-04-18 08:18)

1.0.10 (2014-04-17)

1.0.9 (2014-04-12)

1.0.8 (2014-04-11)

1.0.7 (2014-04-10)

1.0.6 (2014-04-07)

1.0.5 (2014-03-31)

1.0.4 (2014-03-29)

1.0.3 (2014-03-19)

1.0.2 (2014-03-12)

1.0.1 (2014-03-07)

1.0.0 (2014-03-05)

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Dependant Packages

Name Deps

Launch files

No launch files found


No service files found


Recent questions tagged zdepth_image_transport at Robotics Stack Exchange

No version for distro galactic. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.
No version for distro iron. Known supported distros are highlighted in the buttons above.

Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 2.1.29
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2025-01-09
CI status Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

The zdepth_image_transport package

Additional Links

No additional links.


  • Shingo Kitagawa


No additional authors.


ROS zdepth image transport plugin

zdepth_image_transport is for faster and lighter depth compression.

Zdepth is a depth compression method with zstd library.

Supported format

Currently supported formats are as below:

  • 16UC1
  • 32FC1

How to try

roslaunch openni2 openni2.launch
rosrun image_transport republish zdepth in:=/camera/depth/image_raw raw out:=/camera/depth_decompressed/image_raw raw

Visual Comparison

ZDepth (This package)

With zdepth_image_transport, we can get 30Hz rgb and 30Hz Zdepth.

Left: Original, Right: compressed -> decompressed

CompressedDepth (png)

Because compression of png is so slow, it causes slow down for other depth topics. (image_transport is serial process, and if one compression is slow, others will be slow down). The compression is 4Hz, so the raw depth is also 4Hz. and the decompression is 4Hz. Ofcourse, we can make it faster with lower png_level, but the compression will be worse.

Left: Original, Right: compressed -> decompressed

Frequency Comparison


  • ZDepth
$ rostopic hz /camera/depth/image_raw/zdepth
subscribed to [/camera/depth/image_raw/zdepth]
average rate: 29.973
        min: 0.033s max: 0.034s std dev: 0.00010s window: 17

  • Compressed Depth (png)
$ rostopic hz /camera/depth/image_raw/compressedDepth
subscribed to [/camera/depth/image_raw/compressedDepth]
average rate: 4.155
        min: 0.241s max: 0.241s std dev: 0.00000s window: 2


  • Zdepth
$ rostopic hz /camera/depth/image_raw/zdepth
subscribed to [/camera/depth/image_raw/zdepth]
average rate: 29.609
        min: 0.013s max: 0.044s std dev: 0.00686s window: 29

  • Compressed Depth (png)
$ rostopic hz /camera/depth_decompressed/image_raw
subscribed to [/camera/depth_decompressed/image_raw]
average rate: 4.175
        min: 0.233s max: 0.244s std dev: 0.00462s window: 4

Topic size Comparison

  • Original: <array type: uint8, length: 614400>

  • ZDepth: <array type: uint8, length: 35006>
  • compressedDepth (png): <array type: uint8, length: 61084>

Changelog for package zdepth_image_transport

2.1.29 (2025-01-05)

2.1.28 (2023-07-24)

2.1.27 (2023-06-24)

  • fix package.xml/CMakeLists.txt to supress catkin_lint errors (#479)
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

2.1.26 (2023-06-14)

  • add LICENSE files (#476)
  • Contributors: Kei Okada

2.1.25 (2023-06-08)

  • [zdepth_image_transport] add readme for zdepth_image_transport (#430)
  • [zdepth, zdepth_image_transport] fix zdepth package version to 2.1.24 (#427)
  • add zdepth and zdepth_image_transport package (#389)
  • [zdepth_image_transport] add readme for zdepth_image_transport (#430)
  • Contributors: Aoi Nakane, Kei Okada, Naoto Tsukamoto, Shingo Kitagawa

2.1.24 (2021-07-26)

2.1.23 (2021-07-21)

2.1.22 (2021-06-10)

2.1.21 (2020-08-19)

2.1.20 (2020-08-07)

2.1.19 (2020-07-21)

2.1.18 (2020-07-20)

2.1.17 (2020-04-16 21:51)

2.1.16 (2020-04-16 15:21)

2.1.15 (2019-12-12)

2.1.14 (2019-11-21)

2.1.13 (2019-07-10)

2.1.12 (2019-05-25)

2.1.11 (2018-08-29)

2.1.10 (2018-04-25)

2.1.9 (2018-04-24)

2.1.8 (2018-04-17)

2.1.7 (2018-04-09)

2.1.6 (2017-11-21)

2.1.5 (2017-11-20)

2.1.4 (2017-07-16)

2.1.3 (2017-07-07)

2.1.2 (2017-07-06)

2.1.1 (2017-07-05)

2.1.0 (2017-07-02)

2.0.20 (2017-05-09)

2.0.19 (2017-02-22)

2.0.18 (2016-10-28)

2.0.17 (2016-10-22)

2.0.16 (2016-10-17)

2.0.15 (2016-10-16)

2.0.14 (2016-03-20)

2.0.13 (2015-12-15)

2.0.12 (2015-11-26)

2.0.11 (2015-10-07 14:16)

2.0.10 (2015-10-07 12:47)

2.0.9 (2015-09-26)

2.0.8 (2015-09-15)

2.0.7 (2015-09-14)

2.0.6 (2015-09-08)

2.0.5 (2015-08-23)

2.0.4 (2015-08-18)

2.0.3 (2015-08-01)

2.0.2 (2015-06-29)

2.0.1 (2015-06-19 21:21)

2.0.0 (2015-06-19 10:41)

1.0.71 (2015-05-17)

1.0.70 (2015-05-08)

1.0.69 (2015-05-05 12:28)

1.0.68 (2015-05-05 09:49)

1.0.67 (2015-05-03)

1.0.66 (2015-04-03)

1.0.65 (2015-04-02)

1.0.64 (2015-03-29)

1.0.63 (2015-02-19)

1.0.62 (2015-02-17)

1.0.61 (2015-02-11)

1.0.60 (2015-02-03 10:12)

1.0.59 (2015-02-03 04:05)

1.0.58 (2015-01-07)

1.0.57 (2014-12-23)

1.0.56 (2014-12-17)

1.0.55 (2014-12-09)

1.0.54 (2014-11-15)

1.0.53 (2014-11-01)

1.0.52 (2014-10-23)

1.0.51 (2014-10-20 16:01)

1.0.50 (2014-10-20 01:50)

1.0.49 (2014-10-13)

1.0.48 (2014-10-12)

1.0.47 (2014-10-08)

1.0.46 (2014-10-03)

1.0.45 (2014-09-29)

1.0.44 (2014-09-26 09:17)

1.0.43 (2014-09-26 01:08)

1.0.42 (2014-09-25)

1.0.41 (2014-09-23)

1.0.40 (2014-09-19)

1.0.39 (2014-09-17)

1.0.38 (2014-09-13)

1.0.37 (2014-09-08)

1.0.36 (2014-09-01)

1.0.35 (2014-08-16)

1.0.34 (2014-08-14)

1.0.33 (2014-07-28)

1.0.32 (2014-07-26)

1.0.31 (2014-07-23)

1.0.30 (2014-07-15)

1.0.29 (2014-07-02)

1.0.28 (2014-06-24)

1.0.27 (2014-06-10)

1.0.26 (2014-05-30)

1.0.25 (2014-05-26)

1.0.24 (2014-05-24)

1.0.23 (2014-05-23)

1.0.22 (2014-05-22)

1.0.21 (2014-05-20)

1.0.20 (2014-05-09)

1.0.19 (2014-05-06)

1.0.18 (2014-05-04)

1.0.17 (2014-04-20)

1.0.16 (2014-04-19 23:29)

1.0.15 (2014-04-19 20:19)

1.0.14 (2014-04-19 12:52)

1.0.13 (2014-04-19 11:06)

1.0.12 (2014-04-18 16:58)

1.0.11 (2014-04-18 08:18)

1.0.10 (2014-04-17)

1.0.9 (2014-04-12)

1.0.8 (2014-04-11)

1.0.7 (2014-04-10)

1.0.6 (2014-04-07)

1.0.5 (2014-03-31)

1.0.4 (2014-03-29)

1.0.3 (2014-03-19)

1.0.2 (2014-03-12)

1.0.1 (2014-03-07)

1.0.0 (2014-03-05)

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Dependant Packages

Name Deps

Launch files

No launch files found


No service files found


Recent questions tagged zdepth_image_transport at Robotics Stack Exchange