Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | humble |
Last Updated | 2025-02-17 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Name | Version |
mcap_vendor | 0.15.13 |
ros2bag | 0.15.13 |
rosbag2 | 0.15.13 |
rosbag2_compression | 0.15.13 |
rosbag2_compression_zstd | 0.15.13 |
rosbag2_cpp | 0.15.13 |
rosbag2_interfaces | 0.15.13 |
rosbag2_performance_benchmarking | 0.15.13 |
rosbag2_py | 0.15.13 |
rosbag2_storage | 0.15.13 |
rosbag2_storage_default_plugins | 0.15.13 |
rosbag2_storage_mcap | 0.15.13 |
rosbag2_storage_mcap_testdata | 0.15.13 |
rosbag2_test_common | 0.15.13 |
rosbag2_tests | 0.15.13 |
rosbag2_transport | 0.15.13 |
shared_queues_vendor | 0.15.13 |
sqlite3_vendor | 0.15.13 |
zstd_vendor | 0.15.13 |
Repository for implementing rosbag2 as described in its corresponding design article.
Installation instructions
Debian packages
rosbag2 packages are available via debian packages and thus can be installed via
$ export CHOOSE_ROS_DISTRO=crystal # rosbag2 is available starting from crystal
$ sudo apt-get install ros-$CHOOSE_ROS_DISTRO-ros2bag ros-$CHOOSE_ROS_DISTRO-rosbag2*
Note that the above command installs all packages related to rosbag2. This also includes the plugin for reading ROS1 bag files, which brings a hard dependency on the ros1_bridge with it and therefore ROS1 packages. If you want to install only the ROS2 related packages for rosbag, please use the following command:
$ export CHOOSE_ROS_DISTRO=crystal # rosbag2 is available starting from crystal
$ sudo apt-get install ros-$CHOOSE_ROS_DISTRO-ros2bag ros-$CHOOSE_ROS_DISTRO-rosbag2-transport
Build from source
It is recommended to create a new overlay workspace on top of your current ROS 2 installation.
$ mkdir -p ~/rosbag_ws/src
$ cd ~/rosbag_ws/src
Clone this repository into the source folder:
$ git clone
[Note]: if you are only building rosbag2 on top of a Debian Installation of ROS2, please git clone the branch following your current ROS2 distribution.
Then build all the packages with this command:
$ colcon build [--merge-install]
The --merge-install
flag is optional and installs all packages into one folder rather than isolated folders for each package.
Executing tests
The tests can be run using the following commands:
$ colcon test [--merge-install]
$ colcon test-result --verbose
The first command executes the test and the second command displays the errors (if any).
Using rosbag2
rosbag2 is part of the ROS 2 command line interfaces.
This repo introduces a new verb called bag
and thus serves as the entry point of using rosbag2.
As of the time of writing, there are three commands available for ros2 bag
- record
- play
- info
Recording data
In order to record all topics currently available in the system:
$ ros2 bag record -a
The command above will record all available topics and discovers new topics as they appear while recording.
This auto-discovery of new topics can be disabled by given the command line argument --no-discovery
To record a set of predefined topics, one can specify them on the command line explicitly.
$ ros2 bag record <topic1> <topic2> … <topicN>
The specified topics don’t necessarily have to be present at start time.
The discovery function will automatically recognize if one of the specified topics appeared.
In the same fashion, this auto discovery can be disabled with --no-discovery
If not further specified, ros2 bag record
will create a new folder named to the current time stamp and stores all data within this folder.
A user defined name can be given with -o, --output
Simulation time
In ROS 2, “simulation time” refers to publishing a clock value on the /clock
topic, instead of using the system clock to tell time.
By passing --use-sim-time
argument to ros2 bag record
, we turn on this option for the recording node.
Messages written to the bag will use the latest received value of /clock
for the timestamp of the recorded message.
Note: Until the first /clock
message is received, the recorder will not write any messages.
Before that message is received, the time is 0, which leads to a significant time jump once simulation time begins, making the bag essentially unplayable if messages are written first with time 0 and then time N from /clock
Splitting recorded bag files
rosbag2 offers the capability to split bag files when they reach a maximum size or after a specified duration. By default rosbag2 will record all data into a single bag file, but this can be changed using the CLI options.
Splitting by size: ros2 bag record -a -b 100000
will split the bag files when they become greater than 100 kilobytes. Note: the batch size’s units are in bytes and must be greater than 86016
. This option defaults to 0
, which means data is written to a single file.
Splitting by time: ros2 bag record -a -d 9000
will split the bag files after a duration of 9000
seconds. This option defaults to 0
, which means data is written to a single file.
If both splitting by size and duration are enabled, the bag will split at whichever threshold is reached first.
Recording with compression
By default rosbag2 does not record with compression enabled. However, compression can be specified using the following CLI options.
For example, ros2 bag record -a --compression-mode file --compression-format zstd
will record all topics and compress each file using the zstd compressor.
Currently, the only compression-format
available is zstd
. Both the mode and format options default to none
. To use a compression format, a compression mode must be specified, where the currently supported modes are compress by file
or compress by message
It is recommended to use this feature with the splitting options.
Recording with a storage configuration
Storage configuration can be specified in a YAML file passed through the --storage-config-file
This can be used to optimize performance for specific use-cases.
For the default storage plugin (sqlite3), the file has a following syntax:
pragmas: <list of pragma settings for read-only>
pragmas: <list of pragma settings for read/write>
By default, SQLite settings are significantly optimized for performance.
This might have consequences of bag data being corrupted after an application or system-level crash.
This consideration only applies to current bagfile in case bag splitting is on (through --max-bag-*
If increased crash-caused corruption resistance is necessary, use resilient
option for --storage-preset-profile
Settings are fully exposed to the user and should be applied with understanding. Please refer to documentation of pragmas.
An example configuration file could look like this:
pragmas: ["journal_mode = MEMORY", "synchronous = OFF", "schema.cache_size = 1000", "schema.page_size = 4096"]
Replaying data
After recording data, the next logical step is to replay this data:
$ ros2 bag play <bag_file>
The bag file is by default set to the folder name where the data was previously recorded in.
Controlling playback via services
The Rosbag2 player provides the following services for remote control, which can be called via ros2 service
commandline or from your nodes,
~/burst [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/Burst]
- Can only be used while player is paused, publishes
in order as fast as possible, moving forward the play head.
- Can only be used while player is paused, publishes
~/get_rate [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/GetRate]
- Return the current playback rate.
~/is_paused [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/IsPaused]
- Return whether playback is paused.
~/pause [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/Pause]
- Pause playback. Has no effect if already paused.
~/play [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/Play]
- Play from a starting offset timestamp, either until the end, an ending timestamp or for a set duration. Only works when stopped (not paused).
~/play_next [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/PlayNext]
- Play a single next message from the bag. Only works while paused.
~/resume [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/Resume]
- Resume playback if paused.
~/seek [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/Seek]
- Change the play head to the specified timestamp. Can be forward or backward in time, the next played message is the next immediately after the seeked timestamp.
~/set_rate [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/SetRate]
- Sets the rate of playback, for example 2.0 will play messages twice as fast.
~/toggle_paused [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/TogglePaused]
- Pause if playing, resume if paused.
Analyzing data
The recorded data can be analyzed by displaying some meta information about it:
$ ros2 bag info <bag_file>
You should see something along these lines:
Files: demo_strings.db3
Bag size: 44.5 KiB
Storage id: sqlite3
Duration: 8.501s
Start: Nov 28 2018 18:02:18.600 (1543456938.600)
End Nov 28 2018 18:02:27.102 (1543456947.102)
Messages: 27
Topic information: Topic: /chatter | Type: std_msgs/String | Count: 9 | Serialization Format: cdr
Topic: /my_chatter | Type: std_msgs/String | Count: 18 | Serialization Format: cdr
Converting bags
Rosbag2 provides a tool ros2 bag convert
(or, rosbag2_transport::bag_rewrite
in the C++ API).
This allows the user to take one or more input bags, and write them out to one or more output bags with new settings.
This flexible feature enables the following features:
- Merge (multiple input bags, one output bag)
- Split top-level bags (one input bag, multiple output bags)
- Split internal files (by time or size - one input bag with fewer internal files, one output bag with more, smaller, internal files)
- Compress/Decompress (output bag(s) with different compression settings than the input(s))
- Serialization format conversion
- … and more!
Here is an example command:
ros2 bag convert --input /path/to/bag1 --input /path/to/bag2 storage_id --output-options output_options.yaml
The --input
argument may be specified any number of times, and takes 1 or 2 values.
The first value is the URI of the input bag.
If a second value is supplied, it specifies the storage implementation of the bag.
If no storage implementation is specified, rosbag2 will try to determine it automatically from the bag.
The --output-options
argument must point to the URI of a YAML file specifying the full recording configuration for each bag to output (StorageOptions
+ RecordOptions
This file must contain a top-level key output_bags
, which contains a list of these objects.
The only required value in the output bags is uri
and storage_id
. All other values are options (however, if no topic selection is specified, this output bag will be empty!).
This example notes all fields that can have an effect, with a comment on the required ones.
- uri: /output/bag1 # required
storage_id: sqlite3 # required
max_bagfile_size: 0
max_bagfile_duration: 0
storage_preset_profile: ""
storage_config_uri: ""
all: false
topics: []
rmw_serialization_format: "" # defaults to using the format of the input topic
regex: ""
exclude: ""
compression_mode: ""
compression_format: ""
compression_queue_size: 1
compression_threads: 0
include_hidden_topics: false
include_unpublished_topics: false
Example merge:
$ ros2 bag convert -i bag1 -i bag2 -o out.yaml
# out.yaml
- uri: merged_bag
storage_id: sqlite3
all: true
Example split:
$ ros2 bag convert -i bag1 -o out.yaml
# out.yaml
- uri: split1
storage_id: sqlite3
topics: [/topic1, /topic2]
- uri: split2
storage_id: sqlite3
topics: [/topic3]
Example compress:
$ ros2 bag convert -i bag1 -o out.yaml
# out.yaml
- uri: compressed
storage_id: sqlite3
all: true
compression_mode: file
compression_format: zstd
Overriding QoS Profiles
When starting a recording or playback workflow, you can pass a YAML file that contains QoS profile settings for a specific topic. The YAML schema for the profile overrides is a dictionary of topic names with key/value pairs for each QoS policy. Below is an example profile set to the default ROS2 QoS settings.
history: keep_last
depth: 10
reliability: reliable
durability: volatile
# unspecified/infinity
sec: 0
nsec: 0
# unspecified/infinity
sec: 0
nsec: 0
liveliness: system_default
# unspecified/infinity
sec: 0
nsec: 0
avoid_ros_namespace_conventions: false
You can then use the override by specifying the --qos-profile-overrides-path
argument in the CLI:
# Record
ros2 bag record --qos-profile-overrides-path override.yaml -a -o my_bag
# Playback
ros2 bag play --qos-profile-overrides-path override.yaml my_bag
See the official QoS override tutorial and “About QoS Settings” for more detail.
Using in launch
We can invoke the command line tool from a ROS launch script as an executable (not a node action). For example, to launch the command to record all topics you can use the following launch script:
<executable cmd="ros2 bag record -a" output="screen" />
Here’s the equivalent Python launch script:
import launch
def generate_launch_description():
return launch.LaunchDescription([
cmd=['ros2', 'bag', 'record', '-a'],
Use the ros2 launch
command line tool to launch either of the above launch scripts.
For example, if we named the above XML launch script, record_all.launch.xml
$ ros2 launch record_all.launch.xml
Storage format plugin architecture
Looking at the output of the ros2 bag info
command, we can see a field called storage id:
rosbag2 specifically was designed to support multiple storage formats.
This allows a flexible adaptation of various storage formats depending on individual use cases.
As of now, this repository comes with two storage plugins.
The first plugin, sqlite3 is chosen by default.
If not specified otherwise, rosbag2 will store and replay all recorded data in an SQLite3 database.
In order to use a specified (non-default) storage format plugin, rosbag2 has a command line argument for it:
$ ros2 bag <record> | <play> | <info> -s <sqlite3> | <rosbag2_v2> | <custom_plugin>
Have a look at each of the individual plugins for further information.
Serialization format plugin architecture
Looking further at the output of ros2 bag info
, we can see another field attached to each topic called Serialization Format
By design, ROS 2 is middleware agnostic and thus can leverage multiple communication frameworks.
The default middleware for ROS 2 is DDS which has cdr
as its default binary serialization format.
However, other middleware implementation might have different formats.
If not specified, ros2 bag record -a
will record all data in the middleware specific format.
This however also means that such a bag file can’t easily be replayed with another middleware format.
rosbag2 implements a serialization format plugin architecture which allows the user the specify a certain serialization format. When specified, rosbag2 looks for a suitable converter to transform the native middleware protocol to the target format. This also allows to record data in a native format to optimize for speed, but to convert or transform the recorded data into a middleware agnostic serialization format.
By default, rosbag2 can convert from and to CDR as it’s the default serialization format for ROS 2.
Any contribution that you make to this repository will be under the Apache 2 License, as dictated by that license:
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
Contributors must sign-off each commit by adding a Signed-off-by: ...
line to commit messages to certify that they have the right to submit
the code they are contributing to the project according to the
Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO).
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | jazzy |
Last Updated | 2025-02-17 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Name | Version |
liblz4_vendor | 0.26.6 |
mcap_vendor | 0.26.6 |
ros2bag | 0.26.6 |
rosbag2 | 0.26.6 |
rosbag2_compression | 0.26.6 |
rosbag2_compression_zstd | 0.26.6 |
rosbag2_cpp | 0.26.6 |
rosbag2_examples_cpp | 0.26.6 |
rosbag2_examples_py | 0.26.6 |
rosbag2_interfaces | 0.26.6 |
rosbag2_performance_benchmarking | 0.26.6 |
rosbag2_performance_benchmarking_msgs | 0.26.6 |
rosbag2_py | 0.26.6 |
rosbag2_storage | 0.26.6 |
rosbag2_storage_default_plugins | 0.26.6 |
rosbag2_storage_mcap | 0.26.6 |
rosbag2_storage_sqlite3 | 0.26.6 |
rosbag2_test_common | 0.26.6 |
rosbag2_test_msgdefs | 0.26.6 |
rosbag2_tests | 0.26.6 |
rosbag2_transport | 0.26.6 |
shared_queues_vendor | 0.26.6 |
sqlite3_vendor | 0.26.6 |
zstd_vendor | 0.26.6 |
Repository for implementing rosbag2 as described in its corresponding design article.
Debian packages
rosbag2 packages are available via debian packages, and will already be included with any -ros-base
installation (which is included within -desktop
$ export ROS_DISTRO=humble
$ sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-rosbag2
Other binaries
You can follow the instructions at (or for your chosen distro), and Rosbag2 will be included in that installation.
Build from source
To build from source, follow the instructions in
Using rosbag2
rosbag2 is part of the ROS 2 command line interface as ros2 bag
These verbs are available for ros2 bag
ros2 bag burst
ros2 bag convert
ros2 bag info
ros2 bag list
ros2 bag play
ros2 bag record
ros2 bag reindex
For up-to-date information on the available options for each, use ros2 bag <verb> --help
Moreover, rosbag2_transport::Player
and rosbag2_transport::Recorder
components can be instantiated in rclcpp
component containers, which makes possible to use intra-process communication for greater efficiency.
See composition section for details.
Recording data
In order to record all topics currently available in the system:
$ ros2 bag record -a
The command above will record all available topics and discovers new topics as they appear while recording.
This auto-discovery of new topics can be disabled by given the command line argument --no-discovery
To record a set of predefined topics, one can specify them on the command line explicitly.
$ ros2 bag record <topic1> <topic2> … <topicN>
The specified topics don’t necessarily have to be present at start time.
The discovery function will automatically recognize if one of the specified topics appeared.
In the same fashion, this auto discovery can be disabled with --no-discovery
If not further specified, ros2 bag record
will create a new folder named to the current time stamp and stores all data within this folder.
A user defined name can be given with -o, --output
Simulation time
In ROS 2, “simulation time” refers to publishing a clock value on the /clock
topic, instead of using the system clock to tell time.
By passing --use-sim-time
argument to ros2 bag record
, we turn on this option for the recording node.
Messages written to the bag will use the latest received value of /clock
for the timestamp of the recorded message.
Note: Until the first /clock
message is received, the recorder will not write any messages.
Before that message is received, the time is 0, which leads to a significant time jump once simulation time begins, making the bag essentially unplayable if messages are written first with time 0 and then time N from /clock
Splitting files during recording
rosbag2 offers the capability to split bag files when they reach a maximum size or after a specified duration. By default rosbag2 will record all data into a single bag file, but this can be changed using the CLI options.
Splitting by size: ros2 bag record -a -b 100000
will split the bag files when they become greater than 100 kilobytes. Note: the batch size’s units are in bytes and must be greater than 86016
. This option defaults to 0
, which means data is written to a single file.
Splitting by time: ros2 bag record -a -d 9000
will split the bag files after a duration of 9000
seconds. This option defaults to 0
, which means data is written to a single file.
If both splitting by size and duration are enabled, the bag will split at whichever threshold is reached first.
Recording with compression
By default rosbag2 does not record with compression enabled. However, compression can be specified using the following CLI options.
For example, ros2 bag record -a --compression-mode file --compression-format zstd
will record all topics and compress each file using the zstd compressor.
Currently, the only compression-format
available is zstd
. Both the mode and format options default to none
. To use a compression format, a compression mode must be specified, where the currently supported modes are compress by file
or compress by message
It is recommended to use this feature with the splitting options.
Note: Some storage plugins may have their own compression methods, which are separate from the rosbag2 compression specified by the CLI options --compression-mode
and --compression-format
. Notably, the MCAP file format offered by the rosbag2_storage_mcap
storage plugin supports compression in a way that produces files that are still indexable (whereas using the rosbag2 compression will not). To utilize storage plugin specific compression or other options, see Recording with a storage configuration.
Recording with a storage configuration
Storage configuration can be specified in a YAML file passed through the --storage-config-file
This can be used to optimize performance for specific use cases.
See storage plugin documentation for more detail:
Controlling recordings via services
The rosbag2 recorder provides the following services for remote control, which can be called via ros2 service
commandline, or from your nodes:
~/is_paused [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/IsPaused]
- Returns whether recording is currently paused.
~/pause [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/Pause]
- Pauses recording. All messages that have already arrived will be written, but all messages that arrive after pausing will be discarded. Has no effect if already paused. Takes no arguments.
~/resume [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/Resume]
- Resume recording if paused. Has no effect if not paused. Takes no arguments.
~/split_bagfile [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/SplitBagfile]
- Triggers a split to a new file, even if none of the configured split criteria (such as
) have been met yet
- Triggers a split to a new file, even if none of the configured split criteria (such as
~/snapshot [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/Snapshot]
- enabled if
is specified. Takes no arguments, triggers a snapshot.
- enabled if
Snapshot mode
The Recorder provides a “snapshot mode”, enabled via --snapshot-mode
or StorageOptions.snapshot_mode
, which does not write messages to disk as they come in, but instead keeps an in-memory circular buffer of size --max-cache-size
This entire buffer can be dumped to disk on request, saving data only in specified circumstances such as a detected error condition or point of interest, capturing the “last N bytes” of incoming data, therefore making sure that you can trigger snapshot after the fact of the event.
The snapshot is taken by calling the ~/snapshot
service on the recorder, described previously.
Replaying data
When you have a recorded bag, you can use Rosbag2 to play it back:
$ ros2 bag play <bag>
The bag argument can be a directory containing metadata.yaml
and one or more storage files, or to a single storage file such as .mcap
or .db3
The Player will automatically detect which storage implementation to use for playing.
To play back multiple bags:
$ ros2 bag play <bag1> -i <bag2> -i <bag3>
Messages from all provided bags will be played in order, based on their original recording reception timestamps.
Controlling playback via services
The Rosbag2 player provides the following services for remote control, which can be called via ros2 service
commandline or from your nodes,
~/burst [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/Burst]
- Can only be used while player is paused, publishes
in order as fast as possible, moving forward the play head.
- Can only be used while player is paused, publishes
~/get_rate [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/GetRate]
- Return the current playback rate.
~/is_paused [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/IsPaused]
- Return whether playback is paused.
~/pause [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/Pause]
- Pause playback. Has no effect if already paused.
~/play [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/Play]
- Play from a starting offset timestamp, either until the end, an ending timestamp or for a set duration. Only works when stopped (not paused).
~/play_next [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/PlayNext]
- Play a single next message from the bag. Only works while paused.
~/resume [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/Resume]
- Resume playback if paused.
~/seek [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/Seek]
- Change the play head to the specified timestamp. Can be forward or backward in time, the next played message is the next immediately after the seeked timestamp.
~/set_rate [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/SetRate]
- Sets the rate of playback, for example 2.0 will play messages twice as fast.
~/stop [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/Stop]
- Stop the player, putting the play head in “undefined position” outside the bag. Must call
before other operations can be done.
- Stop the player, putting the play head in “undefined position” outside the bag. Must call
~/toggle_paused [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/TogglePaused]
- Pause if playing, resume if paused.
Analyzing data
The recorded data can be analyzed by displaying some meta information about it:
$ ros2 bag info <bag_file>
You should see something along these lines:
Files: demo_strings.db3
Bag size: 44.5 KiB
Storage id: sqlite3
Duration: 8.501s
Start: Nov 28 2018 18:02:18.600 (1543456938.600)
End Nov 28 2018 18:02:27.102 (1543456947.102)
Messages: 27
Topic information: Topic: /chatter | Type: std_msgs/String | Count: 9 | Serialization Format: cdr
Topic: /my_chatter | Type: std_msgs/String | Count: 18 | Serialization Format: cdr
Converting bags
Rosbag2 provides a tool ros2 bag convert
(or, rosbag2_transport::bag_rewrite
in the C++ API).
This allows the user to take one or more input bags, and write them out to one or more output bags with new settings.
This flexible feature enables the following features:
- Merge (multiple input bags, one output bag)
- Split top-level bags (one input bag, multiple output bags)
- Split internal files (by time or size - one input bag with fewer internal files, one output bag with more, smaller, internal files)
- Compress/Decompress (output bag(s) with different compression settings than the input(s))
- Serialization format conversion
- … and more!
Here is an example command:
ros2 bag convert --input /path/to/bag1 --input /path/to/bag2 storage_id --output-options output_options.yaml
The --input
argument may be specified any number of times, and takes 1 or 2 values.
The first value is the URI of the input bag.
If a second value is supplied, it specifies the storage implementation of the bag.
If no storage implementation is specified, rosbag2 will try to determine it automatically from the bag.
The --output-options
argument must point to the URI of a YAML file specifying the full recording configuration for each bag to output (StorageOptions
+ RecordOptions
This file must contain a top-level key output_bags
, which contains a list of these objects.
The only required value in the output bags is uri
and storage_id
. All other values are options (however, if no topic selection is specified, this output bag will be empty!).
This example notes all fields that can have an effect, with a comment on the required ones.
- uri: /output/bag1 # required
storage_id: "" # will use the default storage plugin, if unspecified
max_bagfile_size: 0
max_bagfile_duration: 0
storage_preset_profile: ""
storage_config_uri: ""
all_topics: false
topics: []
topic_types: []
all_services: false
services: []
rmw_serialization_format: "" # defaults to using the format of the input topic
regex: ""
exclude_regex: ""
exclude_topics: []
exclude_topic_types: []
exclude_services: []
compression_mode: ""
compression_format: ""
compression_queue_size: 1
compression_threads: 0
include_hidden_topics: false
include_unpublished_topics: false
Example merge:
$ ros2 bag convert -i bag1 -i bag2 -o out.yaml
# out.yaml
- uri: merged_bag
all_topics: true
all_services: true
Example split:
$ ros2 bag convert -i bag1 -o out.yaml
# out.yaml
- uri: split1
topics: [/topic1, /topic2]
- uri: split2
topics: [/topic3]
Example compress:
$ ros2 bag convert -i bag1 -o out.yaml
# out.yaml
- uri: compressed
all_topics: true
all_services: true
compression_mode: file
compression_format: zstd
Overriding QoS Profiles
When starting a recording or playback, you can pass a YAML file that contains QoS profile settings for a specific topic. The YAML schema for the profile overrides is a dictionary of topic names with key/value pairs for each QoS policy. Below is an example profile set to the default ROS2 QoS settings.
history: keep_last
depth: 10
reliability: reliable
durability: volatile
# unspecified/infinity
sec: 0
nsec: 0
# unspecified/infinity
sec: 0
nsec: 0
liveliness: system_default
# unspecified/infinity
sec: 0
nsec: 0
avoid_ros_namespace_conventions: false
You can then use the override by specifying the --qos-profile-overrides-path
argument in the CLI:
# Record
ros2 bag record --qos-profile-overrides-path override.yaml -a -o my_bag
# Playback
ros2 bag play --qos-profile-overrides-path override.yaml my_bag
See the official QoS override tutorial and “About QoS Settings” for more detail.
Using in launch
We can invoke the command line tool from a ROS launch script as an executable (not a node action). For example, to launch the command to record all topics you can use the following launch script:
<executable cmd="ros2 bag record -a" output="screen" />
Here’s the equivalent Python launch script:
import launch
def generate_launch_description():
return launch.LaunchDescription([
cmd=['ros2', 'bag', 'record', '-a'],
Use the ros2 launch
command line tool to launch either of the above launch scripts.
For example, if we named the above XML launch script, record_all.launch.xml
$ ros2 launch record_all.launch.xml
You can also invoke the play
and record
functionalities provided by rosbag2_transport
package as nodes.
The advantage to use this invocation strategy is that the Python layer handling the ros2 bag
CLI is completely skipped.
import launch
def generate_launch_description():
return launch.LaunchDescription([
Using with composition
Play and record are fundamental tasks of rosbag2
. However, playing or recording data at high rates may have limitations (e.g. spurious packet drops) due to one of the following:
- low network bandwidth
- high CPU load
- slow mass memory
- ROS 2 middleware serialization/deserialization delays & overhead
ROS 2 C++ nodes can benefit from intra-process communication to partially or completely bypass network transport of messages between two nodes.
Multiple components can be composed, either statically or dynamically: all the composed component will share the same address space because they will be loaded in a single process.
A prerequirement is for each C++ node to be composable and to follow the guidelines for efficient publishing & subscription.
With the above requirements met, the user can:
- compose multiple nodes together
- explicitly enable intra-process communication
Whenever a publisher and a subscriber on the same topic belong to the same composed process, and intra-process is enabled for both, rclcpp
completely bypasses RMW layer and below transport layer (i.e. DDS). Instead, messages are shared via process memory and potentially never copied. Some exception hold, so please have a look to the IPC guidelines.
Here is an example of Python launchfile composition. Notice that composable container components do not expect YAML files to be directly passed to them: parameters have to be “dumped” out from the YAML file (if you have one). A suggestion of possible implementation is offered as a starting point.
import launch
import launch_ros
import yaml
Used to load parameters for composable nodes from a standard param file
def dump_params(param_file_path, node_name):
with open(param_file_path, 'r') as file:
return [yaml.safe_load(file)[node_name]['ros__parameters']]
def generate_launch_description():
return launch.LaunchDescription([
parameters=dump_params("/path/to/params.yaml", "player"),
extra_arguments=[{'use_intra_process_comms': True}]
# your other components here
Here’s an example YAML configuration for both composable player and recorder:
use_sim_time: false
all: true
is_discovery_disabled: false
sec: 0
nsec: 10000000
include_hidden_topics: true
ignore_leaf_topics: false
start_paused: false
uri: "/path/to/destination/folder"
storage_id: "sqlite3"
max_cache_size: 20000000
read_ahead_queue_size: 1000
node_prefix: ""
rate: 1.0
loop: false
# Negative timestamps will make the playback to not stop.
sec: -1
nsec: 00000000
start_paused: false
uri: "path/to/rosbag/file"
storage_id: "mcap"
storage_config_uri: ""
For a full list of available parameters, you can refer to player
and recorder
configurations from the test
folder of rosbag2_transport
Storage format plugin architecture
Looking at the output of the ros2 bag info
command, we can see a field Storage id:
Rosbag2 was designed to support multiple storage formats to adapt to individual use cases.
This repository provides two storage plugins, mcap
and sqlite3
The default is mcap
, which is provided to code by rosbag2_storage::get_default_storage_id()
and defined in default_storage_id.cpp
If not specified otherwise, rosbag2 will write data using the default plugin.
In order to use a specified (non-default) storage format plugin, rosbag2 has a command line argument --storage
$ ros2 bag record --storage <storage_id>
Bag reading commands can detect the storage plugin automatically, but if for any reason you want to force a specific plugin to read a bag, you can use the --storage
option on any ros2 bag
To write your own Rosbag2 storage implementation, refer to Storage Plugin Development
Serialization format plugin architecture
Looking further at the output of ros2 bag info
, we can see another field attached to each topic called Serialization Format
By design, ROS 2 is middleware agnostic and thus can leverage multiple communication frameworks.
The default middleware for ROS 2 is DDS which has cdr
as its default binary serialization format.
However, other middleware implementation might have different formats.
If not specified, ros2 bag record -a
will record all data in the middleware specific format.
This however also means that such a bag file can’t easily be replayed with another middleware format.
rosbag2 implements a serialization format plugin architecture which allows the user the specify a certain serialization format. When specified, rosbag2 looks for a suitable converter to transform the native middleware protocol to the target format. This also allows to record data in a native format to optimize for speed, but to convert or transform the recorded data into a middleware agnostic serialization format.
By default, rosbag2 can convert from and to CDR as it’s the default serialization format for ROS 2.
Any contribution that you make to this repository will be under the Apache 2 License, as dictated by that license:
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
Contributors must sign-off each commit by adding a Signed-off-by: ...
line to commit messages to certify that they have the right to submit
the code they are contributing to the project according to the
Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO).
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | rolling |
Last Updated | 2025-02-17 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Name | Version |
liblz4_vendor | 0.31.0 |
mcap_vendor | 0.31.0 |
ros2bag | 0.31.0 |
rosbag2 | 0.31.0 |
rosbag2_compression | 0.31.0 |
rosbag2_compression_zstd | 0.31.0 |
rosbag2_cpp | 0.31.0 |
rosbag2_examples_cpp | 0.31.0 |
rosbag2_examples_py | 0.31.0 |
rosbag2_interfaces | 0.31.0 |
rosbag2_performance_benchmarking | 0.31.0 |
rosbag2_performance_benchmarking_msgs | 0.31.0 |
rosbag2_py | 0.31.0 |
rosbag2_storage | 0.31.0 |
rosbag2_storage_default_plugins | 0.31.0 |
rosbag2_storage_mcap | 0.31.0 |
rosbag2_storage_sqlite3 | 0.31.0 |
rosbag2_test_common | 0.31.0 |
rosbag2_test_msgdefs | 0.31.0 |
rosbag2_tests | 0.31.0 |
rosbag2_transport | 0.31.0 |
sqlite3_vendor | 0.31.0 |
zstd_vendor | 0.31.0 |
Repository for implementing rosbag2 as described in its corresponding design article.
Debian packages
rosbag2 packages are available via debian packages, and will already be included with any -ros-base
installation (which is included within -desktop
$ export ROS_DISTRO=humble
$ sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-rosbag2
Other binaries
You can follow the instructions at (or for your chosen distro), and Rosbag2 will be included in that installation.
Build from source
To build from source, follow the instructions in
Using rosbag2
rosbag2 is part of the ROS 2 command line interface as ros2 bag
These verbs are available for ros2 bag
ros2 bag burst
ros2 bag convert
ros2 bag info
ros2 bag list
ros2 bag play
ros2 bag record
ros2 bag reindex
For up-to-date information on the available options for each, use ros2 bag <verb> --help
Moreover, rosbag2_transport::Player
and rosbag2_transport::Recorder
components can be instantiated in rclcpp
component containers, which makes possible to use intra-process communication for greater efficiency.
See composition section for details.
Recording data
In order to record all topics currently available in the system:
$ ros2 bag record -a
The command above will record all available topics and discovers new topics as they appear while recording.
This auto-discovery of new topics can be disabled by given the command line argument --no-discovery
To record a set of predefined topics, one can specify them on the command line explicitly.
$ ros2 bag record <topic1> <topic2> … <topicN>
The specified topics don’t necessarily have to be present at start time.
The discovery function will automatically recognize if one of the specified topics appeared.
In the same fashion, this auto discovery can be disabled with --no-discovery
If not further specified, ros2 bag record
will create a new folder named to the current time stamp and stores all data within this folder.
A user defined name can be given with -o, --output
Simulation time
In ROS 2, “simulation time” refers to publishing a clock value on the /clock
topic, instead of using the system clock to tell time.
By passing --use-sim-time
argument to ros2 bag record
, we turn on this option for the recording node.
Messages written to the bag will use the latest received value of /clock
for the timestamp of the recorded message.
Note: Until the first /clock
message is received, the recorder will not write any messages.
Before that message is received, the time is 0, which leads to a significant time jump once simulation time begins, making the bag essentially unplayable if messages are written first with time 0 and then time N from /clock
Splitting files during recording
rosbag2 offers the capability to split bag files when they reach a maximum size or after a specified duration. By default rosbag2 will record all data into a single bag file, but this can be changed using the CLI options.
Splitting by size: ros2 bag record -a -b 100000
will split the bag files when they become greater than 100 kilobytes. Note: the batch size’s units are in bytes and must be greater than 86016
. This option defaults to 0
, which means data is written to a single file.
Splitting by time: ros2 bag record -a -d 9000
will split the bag files after a duration of 9000
seconds. This option defaults to 0
, which means data is written to a single file.
If both splitting by size and duration are enabled, the bag will split at whichever threshold is reached first.
Recording with compression
By default rosbag2 does not record with compression enabled. However, compression can be specified using the following CLI options.
For example, ros2 bag record -a --compression-mode file --compression-format zstd
will record all topics and compress each file using the zstd compressor.
Currently, the only compression-format
available is zstd
. Both the mode and format options default to none
. To use a compression format, a compression mode must be specified, where the currently supported modes are compress by file
or compress by message
It is recommended to use this feature with the splitting options.
Note: Some storage plugins may have their own compression methods, which are separate from the rosbag2 compression specified by the CLI options --compression-mode
and --compression-format
. Notably, the MCAP file format offered by the rosbag2_storage_mcap
storage plugin supports compression in a way that produces files that are still indexable (whereas using the rosbag2 compression will not). To utilize storage plugin specific compression or other options, see Recording with a storage configuration.
Recording with a storage configuration
Storage configuration can be specified in a YAML file passed through the --storage-config-file
This can be used to optimize performance for specific use cases.
See storage plugin documentation for more detail:
Controlling recordings via services
The rosbag2 recorder provides the following services for remote control, which can be called via ros2 service
commandline, or from your nodes:
~/is_paused [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/IsPaused]
- Returns whether recording is currently paused.
~/pause [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/Pause]
- Pauses recording. All messages that have already arrived will be written, but all messages that arrive after pausing will be discarded. Has no effect if already paused. Takes no arguments.
~/resume [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/Resume]
- Resume recording if paused. Has no effect if not paused. Takes no arguments.
~/split_bagfile [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/SplitBagfile]
- Triggers a split to a new file, even if none of the configured split criteria (such as
) have been met yet
- Triggers a split to a new file, even if none of the configured split criteria (such as
~/snapshot [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/Snapshot]
- enabled if
is specified. Takes no arguments, triggers a snapshot.
- enabled if
Snapshot mode
The Recorder provides a “snapshot mode”, enabled via --snapshot-mode
or StorageOptions.snapshot_mode
, which does not write messages to disk as they come in, but instead keeps an in-memory circular buffer of size --max-cache-size
This entire buffer can be dumped to disk on request, saving data only in specified circumstances such as a detected error condition or point of interest, capturing the “last N bytes” of incoming data, therefore making sure that you can trigger snapshot after the fact of the event.
The snapshot is taken by calling the ~/snapshot
service on the recorder, described previously.
Replaying data
When you have a recorded bag, you can use Rosbag2 to play it back:
$ ros2 bag play <bag>
The bag argument can be a directory containing metadata.yaml
and one or more storage files, or to a single storage file such as .mcap
or .db3
The Player will automatically detect which storage implementation to use for playing.
To play back multiple bags:
$ ros2 bag play <bag1> -i <bag2> -i <bag3>
Messages from all provided bags will be played in order, based on their original recording reception timestamps.
: Space-delimited list of topics to play. -
: Space-delimited list of services to play. -
: Play only topics and services matches with regular expression. -
: Regular expressions to exclude topics and services from replay. -
: Space-delimited list of topics not to play. -
: Space-delimited list of services not to play. -
--message-order {received,sent}
: The reference to use for bag message chronological ordering. Choices: reception timestamp (received
), publication timestamp (sent
). Default: reception timestamp.
For more options, run with --help
Controlling playback via services
The Rosbag2 player provides the following services for remote control, which can be called via ros2 service
commandline or from your nodes,
~/burst [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/Burst]
- Can only be used while player is paused, publishes
in order as fast as possible, moving forward the play head.
- Can only be used while player is paused, publishes
~/get_rate [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/GetRate]
- Return the current playback rate.
~/is_paused [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/IsPaused]
- Return whether playback is paused.
~/pause [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/Pause]
- Pause playback. Has no effect if already paused.
~/play [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/Play]
- Play from a starting offset timestamp, either until the end, an ending timestamp or for a set duration. Only works when stopped (not paused).
~/play_next [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/PlayNext]
- Play a single next message from the bag. Only works while paused.
~/resume [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/Resume]
- Resume playback if paused.
~/seek [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/Seek]
- Change the play head to the specified timestamp. Can be forward or backward in time, the next played message is the next immediately after the seeked timestamp.
~/set_rate [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/SetRate]
- Sets the rate of playback, for example 2.0 will play messages twice as fast.
~/stop [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/Stop]
- Stop the player, putting the play head in “undefined position” outside the bag. Must call
before other operations can be done.
- Stop the player, putting the play head in “undefined position” outside the bag. Must call
~/toggle_paused [rosbag2_interfaces/srv/TogglePaused]
- Pause if playing, resume if paused.
Analyzing data
The recorded data can be analyzed by displaying some meta information about it:
$ ros2 bag info <bag_file>
You should see something along these lines:
Files: demo_strings.db3
Bag size: 44.5 KiB
Storage id: sqlite3
Duration: 8.501s
Start: Nov 28 2018 18:02:18.600 (1543456938.600)
End Nov 28 2018 18:02:27.102 (1543456947.102)
Messages: 27
Topic information: Topic: /chatter | Type: std_msgs/String | Count: 9 | Serialization Format: cdr
Topic: /my_chatter | Type: std_msgs/String | Count: 18 | Serialization Format: cdr
Converting bags
Rosbag2 provides a tool ros2 bag convert
(or, rosbag2_transport::bag_rewrite
in the C++ API).
This allows the user to take one or more input bags, and write them out to one or more output bags with new settings.
This flexible feature enables the following features:
- Merge (multiple input bags, one output bag)
- Split top-level bags (one input bag, multiple output bags)
- Split internal files (by time or size - one input bag with fewer internal files, one output bag with more, smaller, internal files)
- Compress/Decompress (output bag(s) with different compression settings than the input(s))
- Serialization format conversion
- … and more!
Here is an example command:
ros2 bag convert --input /path/to/bag1 --input /path/to/bag2 storage_id --output-options output_options.yaml
The --input
argument may be specified any number of times, and takes 1 or 2 values.
The first value is the URI of the input bag.
If a second value is supplied, it specifies the storage implementation of the bag.
If no storage implementation is specified, rosbag2 will try to determine it automatically from the bag.
The --output-options
argument must point to the URI of a YAML file specifying the full recording configuration for each bag to output (StorageOptions
+ RecordOptions
This file must contain a top-level key output_bags
, which contains a list of these objects.
The only required value in the output bags is uri
and storage_id
. All other values are options (however, if no topic selection is specified, this output bag will be empty!).
This example notes all fields that can have an effect, with a comment on the required ones.
- uri: /output/bag1 # required
storage_id: "" # will use the default storage plugin, if unspecified
max_bagfile_size: 0
max_bagfile_duration: 0
storage_preset_profile: ""
storage_config_uri: ""
all_topics: false
topics: []
topic_types: []
all_services: false
services: []
rmw_serialization_format: "" # defaults to using the format of the input topic
regex: ""
exclude_regex: ""
exclude_topics: []
exclude_topic_types: []
exclude_services: []
compression_mode: ""
compression_format: ""
compression_queue_size: 1
compression_threads: 0
include_hidden_topics: false
include_unpublished_topics: false
Example merge:
$ ros2 bag convert -i bag1 -i bag2 -o out.yaml
# out.yaml
- uri: merged_bag
all_topics: true
all_services: true
Example split:
$ ros2 bag convert -i bag1 -o out.yaml
# out.yaml
- uri: split1
topics: [/topic1, /topic2]
- uri: split2
topics: [/topic3]
Example compress:
$ ros2 bag convert -i bag1 -o out.yaml
# out.yaml
- uri: compressed
all_topics: true
all_services: true
compression_mode: file
compression_format: zstd
Overriding QoS Profiles
When starting a recording or playback, you can pass a YAML file that contains QoS profile settings for a specific topic. The YAML schema for the profile overrides is a dictionary of topic names with key/value pairs for each QoS policy. Below is an example profile set to the default ROS2 QoS settings.
history: keep_last
depth: 10
reliability: reliable
durability: volatile
# unspecified/infinity
sec: 0
nsec: 0
# unspecified/infinity
sec: 0
nsec: 0
liveliness: system_default
# unspecified/infinity
sec: 0
nsec: 0
avoid_ros_namespace_conventions: false
You can then use the override by specifying the --qos-profile-overrides-path
argument in the CLI:
# Record
ros2 bag record --qos-profile-overrides-path override.yaml -a -o my_bag
# Playback
ros2 bag play --qos-profile-overrides-path override.yaml my_bag
See the official QoS override tutorial and “About QoS Settings” for more detail.
Using in launch
We can invoke the command line tool from a ROS launch script as an executable (not a node action). For example, to launch the command to record all topics you can use the following launch script:
<executable cmd="ros2 bag record -a" output="screen" />
Here’s the equivalent Python launch script:
import launch
def generate_launch_description():
return launch.LaunchDescription([
cmd=['ros2', 'bag', 'record', '-a'],
Use the ros2 launch
command line tool to launch either of the above launch scripts.
For example, if we named the above XML launch script, record_all.launch.xml
$ ros2 launch record_all.launch.xml
You can also invoke the play
and record
functionalities provided by rosbag2_transport
package as nodes.
The advantage to use this invocation strategy is that the Python layer handling the ros2 bag
CLI is completely skipped.
import launch
def generate_launch_description():
return launch.LaunchDescription([
Using with composition
Play and record are fundamental tasks of rosbag2
. However, playing or recording data at high rates may have limitations (e.g. spurious packet drops) due to one of the following:
- low network bandwidth
- high CPU load
- slow mass memory
- ROS 2 middleware serialization/deserialization delays & overhead
ROS 2 C++ nodes can benefit from intra-process communication to partially or completely bypass network transport of messages between two nodes.
Multiple components can be composed, either statically or dynamically: all the composed component will share the same address space because they will be loaded in a single process.
A prerequirement is for each C++ node to be composable and to follow the guidelines for efficient publishing & subscription.
With the above requirements met, the user can:
- compose multiple nodes together
- explicitly enable intra-process communication
Whenever a publisher and a subscriber on the same topic belong to the same composed process, and intra-process is enabled for both, rclcpp
completely bypasses RMW layer and below transport layer (i.e. DDS). Instead, messages are shared via process memory and potentially never copied. Some exception hold, so please have a look to the IPC guidelines.
Here is an example of Python launchfile composition. Notice that composable container components do not expect YAML files to be directly passed to them: parameters have to be “dumped” out from the YAML file (if you have one). A suggestion of possible implementation is offered as a starting point.
import launch
import launch_ros
import yaml
Used to load parameters for composable nodes from a standard param file
def dump_params(param_file_path, node_name):
with open(param_file_path, 'r') as file:
return [yaml.safe_load(file)[node_name]['ros__parameters']]
def generate_launch_description():
return launch.LaunchDescription([
parameters=dump_params("/path/to/params.yaml", "player"),
extra_arguments=[{'use_intra_process_comms': True}]
# your other components here
Here’s an example YAML configuration for both composable player and recorder:
use_sim_time: false
all: true
is_discovery_disabled: false
sec: 0
nsec: 10000000
include_hidden_topics: true
ignore_leaf_topics: false
start_paused: false
uri: "/path/to/destination/folder"
storage_id: "sqlite3"
max_cache_size: 20000000
read_ahead_queue_size: 1000
node_prefix: ""
rate: 1.0
loop: false
# Negative timestamps will make the playback to not stop.
sec: -1
nsec: 00000000
start_paused: false
uri: "path/to/rosbag/file"
storage_id: "mcap"
storage_config_uri: ""
For a full list of available parameters, you can refer to player
and recorder
configurations from the test
folder of rosbag2_transport
Storage format plugin architecture
Looking at the output of the ros2 bag info
command, we can see a field Storage id:
Rosbag2 was designed to support multiple storage formats to adapt to individual use cases.
This repository provides two storage plugins, mcap
and sqlite3
The default is mcap
, which is provided to code by rosbag2_storage::get_default_storage_id()
and defined in default_storage_id.cpp
If not specified otherwise, rosbag2 will write data using the default plugin.
In order to use a specified (non-default) storage format plugin, rosbag2 has a command line argument --storage
$ ros2 bag record --storage <storage_id>
Bag reading commands can detect the storage plugin automatically, but if for any reason you want to force a specific plugin to read a bag, you can use the --storage
option on any ros2 bag
To write your own Rosbag2 storage implementation, refer to Storage Plugin Development
Serialization format plugin architecture
Looking further at the output of ros2 bag info
, we can see another field attached to each topic called Serialization Format
By design, ROS 2 is middleware agnostic and thus can leverage multiple communication frameworks.
The default middleware for ROS 2 is DDS which has cdr
as its default binary serialization format.
However, other middleware implementation might have different formats.
If not specified, ros2 bag record -a
will record all data in the middleware specific format.
This however also means that such a bag file can’t easily be replayed with another middleware format.
rosbag2 implements a serialization format plugin architecture which allows the user the specify a certain serialization format. When specified, rosbag2 looks for a suitable converter to transform the native middleware protocol to the target format. This also allows to record data in a native format to optimize for speed, but to convert or transform the recorded data into a middleware agnostic serialization format.
By default, rosbag2 can convert from and to CDR as it’s the default serialization format for ROS 2.
Any contribution that you make to this repository will be under the Apache 2 License, as dictated by that license:
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
Contributors must sign-off each commit by adding a Signed-off-by: ...
line to commit messages to certify that they have the right to submit
the code they are contributing to the project according to the
Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO).
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | galactic |
Last Updated | 2022-09-29 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Name | Version |
ros2bag | 0.9.2 |
rosbag2 | 0.9.2 |
rosbag2_compression | 0.9.2 |
rosbag2_compression_zstd | 0.9.2 |
rosbag2_cpp | 0.9.2 |
rosbag2_interfaces | 0.9.2 |
rosbag2_performance_benchmarking | 0.9.2 |
rosbag2_py | 0.9.2 |
bag_recorder_nodes | 0.0.0 |
rosbag2_storage | 0.9.2 |
rosbag2_storage_default_plugins | 0.9.2 |
rosbag2_test_common | 0.9.2 |
rosbag2_tests | 0.9.2 |
rosbag2_transport | 0.9.2 |
shared_queues_vendor | 0.9.2 |
sqlite3_vendor | 0.9.2 |
zstd_vendor | 0.9.2 |
Repository for implementing rosbag2 as described in its corresponding design article.
Installation instructions
Debian packages
rosbag2 packages are available via debian packages and thus can be installed via
$ export CHOOSE_ROS_DISTRO=crystal # rosbag2 is available starting from crystal
$ sudo apt-get install ros-$CHOOSE_ROS_DISTRO-ros2bag ros-$CHOOSE_ROS_DISTRO-rosbag2*
Note that the above command installs all packages related to rosbag2. This also includes the plugin for reading ROS1 bag files, which brings a hard dependency on the ros1_bridge with it and therefore ROS1 packages. If you want to install only the ROS2 related packages for rosbag, please use the following command:
$ export CHOOSE_ROS_DISTRO=crystal # rosbag2 is available starting from crystal
$ sudo apt-get install ros-$CHOOSE_ROS_DISTRO-ros2bag ros-$CHOOSE_ROS_DISTRO-rosbag2-transport
Build from source
It is recommended to create a new overlay workspace on top of your current ROS 2 installation.
$ mkdir -p ~/rosbag_ws/src
$ cd ~/rosbag_ws/src
Clone this repository into the source folder:
$ git clone
[Note]: if you are only building rosbag2 on top of a Debian Installation of ROS2, please git clone the branch following your current ROS2 distribution.
Then build all the packages with this command:
$ colcon build [--merge-install]
The --merge-install
flag is optional and installs all packages into one folder rather than isolated folders for each package.
Executing tests
The tests can be run using the following commands:
$ colcon test [--merge-install]
$ colcon test-result --verbose
The first command executes the test and the second command displays the errors (if any).
Using rosbag2
rosbag2 is part of the ROS 2 command line interfaces.
This repo introduces a new verb called bag
and thus serves as the entry point of using rosbag2.
As of the time of writing, there are three commands available for ros2 bag
- record
- play
- info
Recording data
In order to record all topics currently available in the system:
$ ros2 bag record -a
The command above will record all available topics and discovers new topics as they appear while recording.
This auto-discovery of new topics can be disabled by given the command line argument --no-discovery
To record a set of predefined topics, one can specify them on the command line explicitly.
$ ros2 bag record <topic1> <topic2> … <topicN>
The specified topics don’t necessarily have to be present at start time.
The discovery function will automatically recognize if one of the specified topics appeared.
In the same fashion, this auto discovery can be disabled with --no-discovery
If not further specified, ros2 bag record
will create a new folder named to the current time stamp and stores all data within this folder.
A user defined name can be given with -o, --output
Splitting recorded bag files
rosbag2 offers the capability to split bag files when they reach a maximum size or after a specified duration. By default rosbag2 will record all data into a single bag file, but this can be changed using the CLI options.
Splitting by size: ros2 bag record -a -b 100000
will split the bag files when they become greater than 100 kilobytes. Note: the batch size’s units are in bytes and must be greater than 86016
. This option defaults to 0
, which means data is written to a single file.
Splitting by time: ros2 bag record -a -d 9000
will split the bag files after a duration of 9000
seconds. This option defaults to 0
, which means data is written to a single file.
If both splitting by size and duration are enabled, the bag will split at whichever threshold is reached first.
Recording with compression
By default rosbag2 does not record with compression enabled. However, compression can be specified using the following CLI options.
For example, ros2 bag record -a --compression-mode file --compression-format zstd
will record all topics and compress each file using the zstd compressor.
Currently, the only compression-format
available is zstd
. Both the mode and format options default to none
. To use a compression format, a compression mode must be specified, where the currently supported modes are compress by file
or compress by message
It is recommended to use this feature with the splitting options.
Recording with a storage configuration
Storage configuration can be specified in a YAML file passed through the --storage-config-file
This can be used to optimize performance for specific use-cases.
For the default storage plugin (sqlite3), the file has a following syntax:
pragmas: <list of pragma settings for read-only>
pragmas: <list of pragma settings for read/write>
By default, SQLite settings are significantly optimized for performance.
This might have consequences of bag data being corrupted after an application or system-level crash.
This consideration only applies to current bagfile in case bag splitting is on (through --max-bag-*
If increased crash-caused corruption resistance is necessary, use resilient
option for --storage-preset-profile
Settings are fully exposed to the user and should be applied with understanding. Please refer to documentation of pragmas.
An example configuration file could look like this:
pragmas: ["journal_mode = MEMORY", "synchronous = OFF", "schema.cache_size = 1000", "schema.page_size = 4096"]
Replaying data
After recording data, the next logical step is to replay this data:
$ ros2 bag play <bag_file>
The bag file is by default set to the folder name where the data was previously recorded in.
Analyzing data
The recorded data can be analyzed by displaying some meta information about it:
$ ros2 bag info <bag_file>
You should see something along these lines:
Files: demo_strings.db3
Bag size: 44.5 KiB
Storage id: sqlite3
Duration: 8.501s
Start: Nov 28 2018 18:02:18.600 (1543456938.600)
End Nov 28 2018 18:02:27.102 (1543456947.102)
Messages: 27
Topic information: Topic: /chatter | Type: std_msgs/String | Count: 9 | Serialization Format: cdr
Topic: /my_chatter | Type: std_msgs/String | Count: 18 | Serialization Format: cdr
Overriding QoS Profiles
When starting a recording or playback workflow, you can pass a YAML file that contains QoS profile settings for a specific topic. The YAML schema for the profile overrides is a dictionary of topic names with key/value pairs for each QoS policy. Below is an example profile set to the default ROS2 QoS settings.
history: keep_last
depth: 10
reliability: reliable
durability: volatile
# unspecified/infinity
sec: 0
nsec: 0
# unspecified/infinity
sec: 0
nsec: 0
liveliness: system_default
# unspecified/infinity
sec: 0
nsec: 0
avoid_ros_namespace_conventions: false
You can then use the override by specifying the --qos-profile-overrides-path
argument in the CLI:
# Record
ros2 bag record --qos-profile-overrides-path override.yaml -a -o my_bag
# Playback
ros2 bag play --qos-profile-overrides-path override.yaml my_bag
See the official QoS override tutorial and “About QoS Settings” for more detail.
Using in launch
We can invoke the command line tool from a ROS launch script as an executable (not a node action). For example, to launch the command to record all topics you can use the following launch script:
<executable cmd="ros2 bag record -a" output="screen" />
Here’s the equivalent Python launch script:
import launch
def generate_launch_description():
return launch.LaunchDescription([
cmd=['ros2', 'bag', 'record', '-a'],
Use the ros2 launch
command line tool to launch either of the above launch scripts.
For example, if we named the above XML launch script, record_all.launch.xml
$ ros2 launch record_all.launch.xml
Storage format plugin architecture
Looking at the output of the ros2 bag info
command, we can see a field called storage id:
rosbag2 specifically was designed to support multiple storage formats.
This allows a flexible adaptation of various storage formats depending on individual use cases.
As of now, this repository comes with two storage plugins.
The first plugin, sqlite3 is chosen by default.
If not specified otherwise, rosbag2 will store and replay all recorded data in an SQLite3 database.
In order to use a specified (non-default) storage format plugin, rosbag2 has a command line argument for it:
$ ros2 bag <record> | <play> | <info> -s <sqlite3> | <rosbag2_v2> | <custom_plugin>
Have a look at each of the individual plugins for further information.
Serialization format plugin architecture
Looking further at the output of ros2 bag info
, we can see another field attached to each topic called Serialization Format
By design, ROS 2 is middleware agnostic and thus can leverage multiple communication frameworks.
The default middleware for ROS 2 is DDS which has cdr
as its default binary serialization format.
However, other middleware implementation might have different formats.
If not specified, ros2 bag record -a
will record all data in the middleware specific format.
This however also means that such a bag file can’t easily be replayed with another middleware format.
rosbag2 implements a serialization format plugin architecture which allows the user the specify a certain serialization format. When specified, rosbag2 looks for a suitable converter to transform the native middleware protocol to the target format. This also allows to record data in a native format to optimize for speed, but to convert or transform the recorded data into a middleware agnostic serialization format.
By default, rosbag2 can convert from and to CDR as it’s the default serialization format for ROS 2.
Any contribution that you make to this repository will be under the Apache 2 License, as dictated by that license:
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
Contributors must sign-off each commit by adding a Signed-off-by: ...
line to commit messages to certify that they have the right to submit
the code they are contributing to the project according to the
Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO).
Repository Summary
Checkout URI | |
VCS Type | git |
VCS Version | iron |
Last Updated | 2024-11-11 |
Dev Status | DEVELOPED |
CI status | No Continuous Integration |
Released | RELEASED |
Tags | No category tags. |
Contributing |
Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0) Pull Requests to Review (0) |
Name | Version |
mcap_vendor | 0.22.8 |
ros2bag | 0.22.8 |
rosbag2 | 0.22.8 |
rosbag2_compression | 0.22.8 |
rosbag2_compression_zstd | 0.22.8 |
rosbag2_cpp | 0.22.8 |
rosbag2_examples_cpp | 0.22.8 |
rosbag2_examples_py | 0.22.8 |
rosbag2_interfaces | 0.22.8 |
rosbag2_performance_benchmarking | 0.22.8 |
rosbag2_performance_benchmarking_msgs | 0.22.8 |
rosbag2_py | 0.22.8 |
rosbag2_storage | 0.22.8 |
rosbag2_storage_default_plugins | 0.22.8 |
rosbag2_storage_mcap | 0.22.8 |
rosbag2_storage_sqlite3 | 0.22.8 |
rosbag2_test_common | 0.22.8 |
rosbag2_test_msgdefs | 0.22.8 |
rosbag2_tests | 0.22.8 |
rosbag2_transport | 0.22.8 |
shared_queues_vendor | 0.22.8 |
sqlite3_vendor | 0.22.8 |
zstd_vendor | 0.22.8 |
Repository for implementing rosbag2 as described in its corresponding design article.
Installation instructions
Debian packages
rosbag2 packages are available via debian packages and thus can be installed via
$ export CHOOSE_ROS_DISTRO=crystal # rosbag2 is available starting from crystal
$ sudo apt-get install ros-$CHOOSE_ROS_DISTRO-ros2bag ros-$CHOOSE_ROS_DISTRO-rosbag2*
Note that the above command installs all packages related to rosbag2. This also includes the plugin for reading ROS1 bag files, which brings a hard dependency on the ros1_bridge with it and therefore ROS1 packages. If you want to install only the ROS2 related packages for rosbag, please use the following command:
$ export CHOOSE_ROS_DISTRO=crystal # rosbag2 is available starting from crystal
$ sudo apt-get install ros-$CHOOSE_ROS_DISTRO-ros2bag ros-$CHOOSE_ROS_DISTRO-rosbag2-transport
Build from source
It is recommended to create a new overlay workspace on top of your current ROS 2 installation.
$ mkdir -p ~/rosbag_ws/src
$ cd ~/rosbag_ws/src
Clone this repository into the source folder:
$ git clone
[Note]: if you are only building rosbag2 on top of a Debian Installation of ROS2, please git clone the branch following your current ROS2 distribution.
Then build all the packages with this command:
$ colcon build [--merge-install]
The --merge-install
flag is optional and installs all packages into one folder rather than isolated folders for each package.
Executing tests
The tests can be run using the following commands:
$ colcon test [--merge-install]
$ colcon test-result --verbose
The first command executes the test and the second command displays the errors (if any).
Using rosbag2
rosbag2 is part of the ROS 2 command line interfaces.
This repo introduces a new verb called bag
and thus serves as the entry point of using rosbag2.
As of the time of writing, there are three commands available for ros2 bag
- record
- play
- info
Recording data
In order to record all topics currently available in the system:
$ ros2 bag record -a
The command above will record all available topics and discovers new topics as they appear while recording.
This auto-discovery of new topics can be disabled by given the command line argument --no-discovery
To record a set of predefined topics, one can specify them on the command line explicitly.
$ ros2 bag record <topic1> <topic2> … <topicN>
The specified topics don’t necessarily have to be present at start time.
The discovery function will automatically recognize if one of the specified topics appeared.
In the same fashion, this auto discovery can be disabled with --no-discovery
If not further specified, ros2 bag record
will create a new folder named to the current time stamp and stores all data within this folder.
A user defined name can be given with -o, --output
Simulation time
In ROS 2, “simulation time” refers to publishing a clock value on the /clock
topic, instead of using the system clock to tell time.
By passing --use-sim-time
argument to ros2 bag record
, we turn on this option for the recording node.
Messages written to the bag will use the latest received value of /clock
for the timestamp of the recorded message.
Note: Until the first /clock
message is received, the recorder will not write any messages.
Before that message is received, the time is 0, which leads to a significant time jump once simulation time begins, making the bag essentially unplayable if messages are written first with time 0 and then time N from /clock
Splitting recorded bag files
rosbag2 offers the capability to split bag files when they reach a maximum size or after a specified duration. By default rosbag2 will record all data into a single bag file, but this can be changed using the CLI options.
Splitting by size: ros2 bag record -a -b 100000
will split the bag files when they become greater than 100 kilobytes. Note: the batch size’s units are in bytes and must be greater than 86016
. This option defaults to 0
, which means data is written to a single file.
Splitting by time: ros2 bag record -a -d 9000
will split the bag files after a duration of 9000
seconds. This option defaults to 0
, which means data is written to a single file.
If both splitting by size and duration are enabled, the bag will split at whichever threshold is reached first.
Recording with compression
By default rosbag2 does not record with compression enabled. However, compression can be specified using the following CLI options.
For example, ros2 bag record -a --compression-mode file --compression-format zstd
will record all topics and compress each file using the zstd compressor.
Currently, the only compression-format
available is zstd
. Both the mode and format options default to none
. To use a compression format, a compression mode must be specified, where the currently supported modes are compress by file
or compress by message
It is recommended to use this feature with the splitting options.
Recording with a storage configuration
Storage configuration can be specified in a YAML file passed through the --storage-config-file
This can be used to optimize performance for specific use cases.
See storage plugin documentation for more detail:
Replaying data
After recording data, the next logical step is to replay this data:
$ ros2 bag play <bag_file>
The bag file is by default set to the folder name where the data was previously recorded in.
Analyzing data
The recorded data can be analyzed by displaying some meta information about it:
$ ros2 bag info <bag_file>
You should see something along these lines:
Files: demo_strings.db3
Bag size: 44.5 KiB
Storage id: sqlite3
Duration: 8.501s
Start: Nov 28 2018 18:02:18.600 (1543456938.600)
End Nov 28 2018 18:02:27.102 (1543456947.102)
Messages: 27
Topic information: Topic: /chatter | Type: std_msgs/String | Count: 9 | Serialization Format: cdr
Topic: /my_chatter | Type: std_msgs/String | Count: 18 | Serialization Format: cdr
Converting bags
Rosbag2 provides a tool ros2 bag convert
(or, rosbag2_transport::bag_rewrite
in the C++ API).
This allows the user to take one or more input bags, and write them out to one or more output bags with new settings.
This flexible feature enables the following features:
- Merge (multiple input bags, one output bag)
- Split top-level bags (one input bag, multiple output bags)
- Split internal files (by time or size - one input bag with fewer internal files, one output bag with more, smaller, internal files)
- Compress/Decompress (output bag(s) with different compression settings than the input(s))
- Serialization format conversion
- … and more!
Here is an example command:
ros2 bag convert --input /path/to/bag1 --input /path/to/bag2 storage_id --output-options output_options.yaml
The --input
argument may be specified any number of times, and takes 1 or 2 values.
The first value is the URI of the input bag.
If a second value is supplied, it specifies the storage implementation of the bag.
If no storage implementation is specified, rosbag2 will try to determine it automatically from the bag.
The --output-options
argument must point to the URI of a YAML file specifying the full recording configuration for each bag to output (StorageOptions
+ RecordOptions
This file must contain a top-level key output_bags
, which contains a list of these objects.
The only required value in the output bags is uri
and storage_id
. All other values are options (however, if no topic selection is specified, this output bag will be empty!).
This example notes all fields that can have an effect, with a comment on the required ones.
- uri: /output/bag1 # required
storage_id: "" # will use the default storage plugin, if unspecified
max_bagfile_size: 0
max_bagfile_duration: 0
storage_preset_profile: ""
storage_config_uri: ""
all: false
topics: []
rmw_serialization_format: "" # defaults to using the format of the input topic
regex: ""
exclude: ""
compression_mode: ""
compression_format: ""
compression_queue_size: 1
compression_threads: 0
include_hidden_topics: false
include_unpublished_topics: false
Example merge:
$ ros2 bag convert -i bag1 -i bag2 -o out.yaml
# out.yaml
- uri: merged_bag
all: true
Example split:
$ ros2 bag convert -i bag1 -o out.yaml
# out.yaml
- uri: split1
topics: [/topic1, /topic2]
- uri: split2
topics: [/topic3]
Example compress:
$ ros2 bag convert -i bag1 -o out.yaml
# out.yaml
- uri: compressed
all: true
compression_mode: file
compression_format: zstd
Overriding QoS Profiles
When starting a recording or playback workflow, you can pass a YAML file that contains QoS profile settings for a specific topic. The YAML schema for the profile overrides is a dictionary of topic names with key/value pairs for each QoS policy. Below is an example profile set to the default ROS2 QoS settings.
history: keep_last
depth: 10
reliability: reliable
durability: volatile
# unspecified/infinity
sec: 0
nsec: 0
# unspecified/infinity
sec: 0
nsec: 0
liveliness: system_default
# unspecified/infinity
sec: 0
nsec: 0
avoid_ros_namespace_conventions: false
You can then use the override by specifying the --qos-profile-overrides-path
argument in the CLI:
# Record
ros2 bag record --qos-profile-overrides-path override.yaml -a -o my_bag
# Playback
ros2 bag play --qos-profile-overrides-path override.yaml my_bag
See the official QoS override tutorial and “About QoS Settings” for more detail.
Using in launch
We can invoke the command line tool from a ROS launch script as an executable (not a node action). For example, to launch the command to record all topics you can use the following launch script:
<executable cmd="ros2 bag record -a" output="screen" />
Here’s the equivalent Python launch script:
import launch
def generate_launch_description():
return launch.LaunchDescription([
cmd=['ros2', 'bag', 'record', '-a'],
Use the ros2 launch
command line tool to launch either of the above launch scripts.
For example, if we named the above XML launch script, record_all.launch.xml
$ ros2 launch record_all.launch.xml
Storage format plugin architecture
Looking at the output of the ros2 bag info
command, we can see a field Storage id:
Rosbag2 was designed to support multiple storage formats to adapt to individual use cases.
This repository provides two storage plugins, mcap
and sqlite3
The default is mcap
, which is provided to code by rosbag2_storage::get_default_storage_id()
and defined in default_storage_id.cpp
If not specified otherwise, rosbag2 will write data using the default plugin.
In order to use a specified (non-default) storage format plugin, rosbag2 has a command line argument --storage
$ ros2 bag record --storage <storage_id>
Bag reading commands can detect the storage plugin automatically, but if for any reason you want to force a specific plugin to read a bag, you can use the --storage
option on any ros2 bag
To write your own Rosbag2 storage implementation, refer to this document describing that process
Serialization format plugin architecture
Looking further at the output of ros2 bag info
, we can see another field attached to each topic called Serialization Format
By design, ROS 2 is middleware agnostic and thus can leverage multiple communication frameworks.
The default middleware for ROS 2 is DDS which has cdr
as its default binary serialization format.
However, other middleware implementation might have different formats.
If not specified, ros2 bag record -a
will record all data in the middleware specific format.
This however also means that such a bag file can’t easily be replayed with another middleware format.
rosbag2 implements a serialization format plugin architecture which allows the user the specify a certain serialization format. When specified, rosbag2 looks for a suitable converter to transform the native middleware protocol to the target format. This also allows to record data in a native format to optimize for speed, but to convert or transform the recorded data into a middleware agnostic serialization format.
By default, rosbag2 can convert from and to CDR as it’s the default serialization format for ROS 2.
Any contribution that you make to this repository will be under the Apache 2 License, as dictated by that license:
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
Contributors must sign-off each commit by adding a Signed-off-by: ...
line to commit messages to certify that they have the right to submit
the code they are contributing to the project according to the
Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO).