System Dependencies
Name | Usage | Description |
python3-pytest-ruff-pip | 0 | pytest plugin to check ruff requirements. | |||||
python3-pytest-timeout | 4 | Pytest plugin to abort hanging tests - Python 3.X | |||||
python3-pytest-xdist | 0 | xdist plugin for py.test (Python 3) | |||||
python3-pytest-xvfb | 0 | pytest plugin to run Xvfb for tests | |||||
python3-pytorch-pip | 2 | Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration | |||||
python3-pytrinamic-pip | 0 | TRINAMIC's Python Technology Access Package. | |||||
python3-pyudev | 2 | Python3 bindings for libudev | |||||
python3-pyvista-pip | 0 | Easier Pythonic interface to VTK | |||||
python3-pyxb-x-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-pyxdg-pip | 0 | PyXDG contains implementations of standards in python. | |||||
python3-qpsolvers-pip | 0 | Quadratic programming solvers in Python with a unified API. | |||||
python3-qrcode | 0 | QR Code image generator library - Python 3.x | |||||
python3-qt5-bindings | 7 | ||||||
python3-qt5-bindings-gl | 2 | Python 3 bindings for Qt5's OpenGL module | |||||
python3-qt5-bindings-webkit | 2 | Python 3 bindings for Qt5's WebKit module | |||||
python3-qtpy | 0 | Abstraction layer for PySide2/PySide6/PyQt5/PyQt6 (Python 3) | |||||
python3-quick2wire-api-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-qwt | 0 | Pure Python implementation of Qwt - Python 3 | |||||
python3-qwt-pip | 0 | Qt plotting widgets for Python | |||||
python3-rafcon-pip | 0 | Develop your robotic tasks with hierarchical state machines using an intuitive graphical user interface | |||||
python3-rapidfuzz-pip | 0 | rapid fuzzy string matching | |||||
python3-rasterio | 0 | Python 3 API for using geospatial raster data with Numpy | |||||
python3-rdflib | 0 | Python 3 library containing an RDF triple store and RDF parsers/serializers | |||||
python3-reportlab | 0 | ReportLab library to create PDF documents using Python3 | |||||
python3-requests | 7 | elegant and simple HTTP library for Python3, built for human beings | |||||
python3-requests-futures | 0 | library for asynchronous HTTP requests (Python 3) | |||||
python3-requests-oauthlib | 2 | module providing OAuthlib auth support for requests (Python 3) | |||||
python3-requests-toolbelt | 0 | Utility belt for advanced users of python3-requests | |||||
python3-retrying | 0 | simplifies the task of adding retry behavior - Python 3.x | |||||
python3-rich | 1 | render rich text, tables, progress bars, syntax highlighting, markdown and more | |||||
python3-river-pip | 0 | Online machine learning in Python | |||||
python3-rmsd-pip | 0 | Calculate root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) between two sets of cartesian coordinates (XYZ or PDB format), using rotation (fx. Kabsch algorithm), atom reordering (fx. Hungarian algorithm), and axis reflections, resulting in the minimal RMSD. | |||||
python3-robodk-pip | 0 | RoboDK tools for simulating and programming industrial robots (implements the RoboDK API) | |||||
python3-rocker | 0 | ||||||
python3-rosbags-pip | 0 | Pure Python library to read, modify, convert, and write rosbag files. | |||||
python3-rosdep | 2 | ||||||
python3-rosdep-modules | 2 | ||||||
python3-rosdistro-modules | 5 | ||||||
python3-rosinstall-generator | 0 | Tool to generate rosinstall files (for Robot OS) Python 3 | |||||
python3-rospkg | 7 | Robot OS package library (Python 3) | |||||
python3-rospkg-modules | 7 | ||||||
python3-rsa | 0 | Pure-Python RSA implementation (Python 3) | |||||
python3-rtree | 4 | R-Tree spatial index for Python GIS - Python 3 module | |||||
python3-ruamel.yaml | 2 | roundtrip YAML parser/emitter (Python 3 module) | |||||
python3-ruff-pip | 0 | An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust. | |||||
python3-sbp-pip | 0 | Python bindings for Swift Binary Protocol | |||||
python3-schedule | 0 | Job scheduling for humans (Python 3) | |||||
python3-schema | 0 | simple data validation library (Python 3) | |||||
python3-scikit-sparse-pip | 0 | Scikit sparse matrix package | |||||
python3-scikit-spatial-pip | 0 | Spatial objects and computations based on NumPy arrays. | |||||
python3-scipy | 7 | scientific tools for Python 3 | |||||
python3-scp | 1 | scp module for paramiko (Python 3) | |||||
python3-sdformat13 | 0 | ||||||
python3-seaborn | 2 | statistical visualization library for Python3 | |||||
python3-segno | 0 | Python QR Code and Micro QR Code encoder | |||||
python3-selenium | 7 | Python3 bindings for Selenium | |||||
python3-semantic-version | 0 | implementing the SemVer scheme - Python 3.x | |||||
python3-semver | 2 | helps to compare semantic versioning - Python 3.x | |||||
python3-sense-emu-pip | 2 | The Raspberry Pi Sense HAT Emulator library | |||||
python3-sense-hat-pip | 2 | Python module to control the Raspberry Pi Sense HAT, originally used in the Astro Pi mission | |||||
python3-serial | 6 | pyserial - module encapsulating access for the serial port | |||||
python3-setuptools | 7 | Python3 Distutils Enhancements | |||||
python3-sexpdata | 0 | S-expression parser (Python3) | |||||
python3-sh | 0 | Python 3 subprocess interface | |||||
python3-shapely | 7 | geometric objects, predicates, and operations (Python 3) | |||||
python3-sila2lib-pip | 0 | sila2lib - a SiLA 2 python3 library | |||||
python3-simple-pid-pip | 0 | A simple, easy to use PID controller | |||||
python3-simplejpeg-pip | 0 | A simple package for fast JPEG encoding and decoding. | |||||
python3-simplejson | 2 | simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python 3.x | |||||
python3-simplekml-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-simplification-pip | 0 | Fast linestring simplification using RDP or Visvalingam-Whyatt and a Rust binary | |||||
python3-singleton-pattern-decorator-pip | 0 | Singleton decorator | |||||
python3-sip | 1 | Python 3/C++ bindings generator development files | |||||
python3-siphon-pip | 0 | A collection of Python utilities for interacting with the Unidata technology stack. | |||||
python3-six | 2 | Python 2 and 3 compatibility library | |||||
python3-skimage | 2 | Python 3 modules for image processing | |||||
python3-sklearn | 2 | Python modules for machine learning and data mining - Python 3 | |||||
python3-smbus | 4 | Python 3 bindings for Linux SMBus access through i2c-dev | |||||
python3-smbus2 | 0 | another pure Python implementation of the python-smbus package | |||||
python3-smbus2-pip | 0 | smbus2 is a drop-in replacement for smbus-cffi/smbus-python in pure Python | |||||
python3-smc-pip | 0 | A python driver library for Pololu's Simple Motor Controllers | |||||
python3-socketio | 0 | python3 implementation of the Socket.IO realtime client and server | |||||
python3-sortedcollections-pip | 0 | Python Sorted Collections | |||||
python3-sounddevice-pip | 0 | Play and Record Sound with Python | |||||
python3-sparkfun-ublox-gps-pip | 0 | SparkFun Electronics Python Package for u-blox GPS modules. | |||||
python3-sphinx | 7 | documentation generator for Python projects | |||||
python3-sphinx-argparse | 5 | Sphinx extension for argparse commands and options (Python 3) | |||||
python3-sphinx-autoapi-pip | 0 | Sphinx API documentation generator | |||||
python3-sphinx-rtd-theme | 7 | sphinx theme from (Python 3) | |||||
python3-spidev-pip | 0 | Python bindings for Linux SPI access through spidev | |||||
python3-sqlalchemy | 0 | SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper for Python 3 | |||||
python3-sqlalchemy-utils | 0 | various utility functions for SQLAlchemy - Python 3.x | |||||
python3-sqlite-utils-pip | 0 | CLI tool and Python utility functions for manipulating SQLite | |||||
python3-sqlmodel | 0 | SQL databases in Python, designed for simplicity, compatibility, and robustness | |||||
python3-squaternion-pip | 0 | Some simple functions for quaternion math | |||||
python3-sshkeyboard-pip | 0 | sshkeyboard | |||||
python3-sshtunnel | 0 | SSH tunnels to remote server | |||||
python3-stable-baselines3-pip | 0 | Pytorch version of Stable Baselines, implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms. | |||||
python3-staticmap-pip | 0 | A small, python-based library for creating map images with lines and markers. | |||||
python3-stonesoup-pip | 0 | A tracking and state estimation framework | |||||
python3-streamlit-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-suas-interop-clients-pip | 0 | Alternative interop clients for AUVSI SUAS | |||||
python3-supervision-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-svg.path | 0 | SVG path objects and parser for Python3 | |||||
python3-sympy | 0 | Computer Algebra System (CAS) in Python (Python 3) | |||||
python3-systemd | 0 | Python 3 bindings for systemd | |||||
python3-sysv-ipc | 0 | semaphores, shared memory and message queues - Python 3.x | |||||
python3-tables | 0 | hierarchical database for Python3 based on HDF5 | |||||
python3-tabulate | 3 | pretty-print tabular data in Python3 | |||||
python3-tcr-roboclaw-pip | 0 | An easy to install version of Basicmicro's RoboClaw Python library | |||||
python3-tensorboard-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-tensorboardX-pip | 0 | TensorBoardX lets you watch Tensors Flow without Tensorflow | |||||
python3-termcolor | 2 | ANSII Color formatting for output in terminal - Python 3.x | |||||
python3-texttable | 2 | Module for creating simple ASCII tables ??? python3 | |||||
python3-textual | 0 | TUI (Text User Interface) framework for Python inspired by modern web development | |||||
python3-textual-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-textual-plotext-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-textual-web-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-thop-pip | 0 | A tool to count the FLOPs of PyTorch model. | |||||
python3-thriftpy | 2 | Pure Python implementation of Apache Thrift | |||||
python3-tikzplotlib-pip | 0 | Convert matplotlib figures into TikZ/PGFPlots | |||||
python3-tilestache-pip | 0 | A stylish alternative for caching your map tiles. | |||||
python3-timm-pip | 0 | PyTorch Image Models | |||||
python3-tinkerforge-pip | 0 | Python API Bindings for Tinkerforge Bricks and Bricklets | |||||
python3-tk | 7 | Tkinter - Writing Tk applications with Python 3.x | |||||
python3-tkintermapview-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-toml | 0 | library for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language - Python 3.x | |||||
python3-toppra-pip | 0 | toppra: time-optimal parametrization of trajectories for robots subject to constraints. | |||||
python3-torch | 0 | Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python (Python Interface) | |||||
python3-torch-geometric-pip | 2 | ||||||
python3-torchvision | 0 | Datasets, Transforms and Models specific to Computer Vision | |||||
python3-tornado | 7 | scalable, non-blocking web server and tools - Python 3 package | |||||
python3-tqdm | 6 | fast, extensible progress bar for Python 3 and CLI tool | |||||
python3-transformers-pip | 0 | State-of-the-art Machine Learning for JAX, PyTorch and TensorFlow | |||||
python3-transforms3d | 5 | code to convert between various geometric transformations | |||||
python3-transitions | 0 | Lightweight state machine library (Python 3) | |||||
python3-triangle-pip | 0 | Python binding to the triangle library | |||||
python3-trimesh-pip | 0 | Import, export, process, analyze and view triangular meshes. | |||||
python3-twilio | 0 | Twilio API client and TwiML generator (Python 3) | |||||
python3-twisted | 7 | Event-based framework for internet applications | |||||
python3-typeguard | 4 | Run-time type checker for Python | |||||
python3-typeguard-pip | 0 | Run-time type checker for Python | |||||
python3-types-pyyaml | 0 | collection of library stubs for Python, with static types | |||||
python3-typing-extensions | 1 | Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python | |||||
python3-tz | 2 | Python3 version of the Olson timezone database | |||||
python3-ubjson | 0 | Universal Binary JSON encoder/decoder for Python 3 | |||||
python3-ujson | 0 | ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder for Python 3 | |||||
python3-ultralytics-pip | 0 | Ultralytics YOLO 🚀 for SOTA object detection, multi-object tracking, instance segmentation, pose estimation and image classification. | |||||
python3-unidecode | 2 | ASCII transliterations of Unicode text (Python 3 module) | |||||
python3-unidiff | 5 | Unified diff Python parsing/metadata extraction library (Python 3) | |||||
python3-urchin-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-urdfpy-pip | 0 | URDF parser and manipulator for Python | |||||
python3-urllib3 | 0 | HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling for Python3 | |||||
python3-urwid | 0 | curses-based UI/widget library for Python 3 | |||||
python3-usb | 1 | USB interface for Python (Python3) | |||||
python3-uvicorn | 4 | ASGI server implementation, using uvloop and httptools (Python3 version) | |||||
python3-uvloop | 4 | fast implementation of asyncio event loop on top of libuv | |||||
python3-validators | 0 | Python Data Validation for Humans (Python 3) | |||||
python3-vcstool | 4 | ||||||
python3-vedo-pip | 0 | A python module for scientific analysis and visualization of 3D objects and point clouds based on VTK and Numpy. | |||||
python3-venv | 6 | venv module for python3 (default python3 version) | |||||
python3-virtualserialports-pip | 0 | *nix virtual serial ports | |||||
python3-voluptuous | 0 | Python 3 library to validate data | |||||
python3-waitress | 0 | production-quality pure-Python WSGI server (Python 3) | |||||
python3-wand | 0 | Python interface for ImageMagick library (Python 3) | |||||
python3-watchdog | 1 | Python API and shell utilities to monitor file system events | |||||
python3-waymo-open-dataset-tf-2-6-0-pip | 0 | Waymo Open Dataset libraries. | |||||
python3-weasyprint-pip | 0 | Document factory for creating PDF files from HTML | |||||
python3-webargs | 0 | Python library for parsing and validating HTTP request arguments (Python 3) | |||||
python3-webpy | 0 | Web framework for Python applications | |||||
python3-websocket | 7 | WebSocket client library - Python 3.x | |||||
python3-websockets | 2 | implementation of the WebSocket Protocol (RFC 6455) | |||||
python3-werkzeug | 0 | collection of utilities for WSGI applications (Python 3.x) | |||||
python3-west-pip | 0 | Zephyr RTOS Project meta-tool | |||||
python3-wgconfig-pip | 0 | parsing and writing WireGuard configuration files | |||||
python3-whichcraft | 6 | cross-platform cross-python shutil.which functionality (Python 3 module) | |||||
python3-wrapt | 0 | decorators, wrappers and monkey patching. - Python 3.x | |||||
python3-wxgtk4.0 | 2 | Python 3 interface to the wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit | |||||
python3-xdot | 2 | interactive viewer for Graphviz dot files | |||||
python3-xlsxwriter | 0 | Python 3 module for creating Excel XLSX files | |||||
python3-xmlschema | 0 | implementation of XML Schema for Python | |||||
python3-xmltodict | 0 | Makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON (Python 3) | |||||
python3-yaml | 7 | YAML parser and emitter for Python3 | |||||
python3-yappi | 0 | Yet Another Python Profiler - Python 3.x | |||||
python3-yoctopuce-pip | 0 | Yoctopuce python API v2.0 | |||||
python3-yolov5 | 0 | Packaged version of the Yolov5 object detector | |||||
python3-yourdfpy-pip | 0 | ||||||
python3-zmq | 4 | Python3 bindings for 0MQ library | |||||
qdarkstyle-pip | 0 | The most complete dark/light style sheet for C++/Python and Qt applications | |||||
qemu-user-static | 0 | QEMU user mode emulation binaries (static version) | |||||
qhull-bin | 0 | calculate convex hulls and related structures (utilities) | |||||
qml-module-qt-labs-folderlistmodel | 2 | Qt 5 folderlistmodel QML module | |||||
qml-module-qt-labs-platform | 2 | Qt 5 qt.labs.platform QML module | |||||
qml-module-qt-labs-settings | 2 | Qt 5 settings QML module | |||||
qml-module-qtcharts | 2 | Qt charts QML module | |||||
qml-module-qtgraphicaleffects | 2 | Qt 5 Graphical Effects module | |||||
qml-module-qtlocation | 2 | Qt Location QML module | |||||
qml-module-qtmultimedia | 0 | Qt 5 Multimedia QML module | |||||
qml-module-qtpositioning | 2 | Qt Positioning QML module | |||||
qml-module-qtquick-controls | 2 | Qt 5 Quick Controls QML module |