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Package Summary

Tags No category tags.
Version 1.0.2
License BSD
Build type CATKIN

Repository Summary

Checkout URI
VCS Type git
VCS Version master
Last Updated 2024-01-15
CI status No Continuous Integration
Tags No category tags.
Contributing Help Wanted (0)
Good First Issues (0)
Pull Requests to Review (0)

Package Description

Package for interfacing Mia Hand to ROS Control. Tested under ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS and 20.04.01 and ROS Noetic.

Additional Links


  • Andrea Burani
  • Francesca Cini


  • Andrea Burani
  • Francesca Cini


Package for controlling the real Mia Hand within ROS Control.

The cpp class MiaHWInterface inherits from public hardware_interface::RobotHW and allows to control the Mia Hand coupled fingers using the ROS controllers. In this package a specific transmission class has been declared for each of the three actuators of the Mia hand due to their non linear and peculiar behaviours.

To launch the real mia hand it is necessary to launch the Mia_hw_node that implements the actual control loop. To do that one of the following pre-tested commands can be used:

  • to launch the control loop (frequency 20 Hz) with one controller (pos_vel controller as default that receives a position input and sends a velocity output, using a PID controller) for each DoF of the Mia Hand, attaching the Mia hand at COM 0 (default):

    roslaunch mia_hand_bringup mia_hand_hw.launch

    Other inputs arguments of the above launch file are:

      Mia_COM_:                         default='0'                         doc="Int number of the Mia hand COM port"
      Mia_fs_:                          default='20'                        doc="Hz, frequency of the control loop of the Mia Hw interface"
      robotNamespace:                   default="mia_hand_hw"               doc="Namespace of the robot"
      right_hand:                       default="true"                      doc="True for right hand False otherwise"
      load_default_mia_model:           default="false"                     doc="Load URDF with default joints configuration params (they do not represent any real Mia Hand)"
      joint_limits_config_filename:     default="joint_limits.yaml"         doc="name of the config yaml file to calibrate joints limit of URDF file"
      transmission_config_filename:     default="transmission_config.yaml"  doc="name of the config yaml file to calibrate transmissions of Mia Hand"
      Rviz_on:                          default="false"                     doc="Start Rviz to visualize Mia hand joint state"
      controller_thumb_fle:             default="pos_vel"                   doc="type of feed forward controller for thumb flexion. Values: position, velocity, pos_vel"
      controller_index_fle:             default="pos_vel"                   doc="type of feed forward controller for indexe flexion. Values: position, pos_vel"
      controller_mrl_fle:               default="pos_vel"                   doc="type of feed forward controller for mrl flexion. Values: position, velocity"
  • to launch the control loop (frequency 100Hz) with a traj controller (velocity traj controller as default) that control all the DoF of the Mia Hand, attaching the Mia hand at COM 0 (default):

    roslaunch mia_hand_bringup mia_hand_hw_traj.launch

    Other inputs arguments of the above launch file are:

      Mia_COM_:                         default='0'                         doc="Int number of the Mia hand COM port"
      Mia_fs_:                          default='20'                        doc="Hz, frequency of the control loop of the Mia Hw interface"
      tc_type:                          default="vel"                       doc="type of trajectory controller to launch. Values: vel, pos"
      robotNamespace:                   default="mia_hand_hw"               doc="Namespace of the robot"
      load_default_mia_model:           default="false"                     doc="Load URDF with default joints configuration params (they do not represent any real Mia hand)"
      joint_limits_config_filename:     default="joint_limits.yaml"         doc="name of the config yaml file to calibrate joints limit of URDF file"
      transmission_config_filename:     default="transmission_config.yaml"  doc="name of the config yaml file to calibrate transmissions of Mia Hand"
      right_hand:                       default="true"                      doc="True for right hand False otherwise"
      Rviz_on:                          default="false"                     doc="Start Rviz to visualize Mia hand joint state"

    NB: to use this command it may be needed to manually install the ros pkg rqt_joint_trajectory_controller and the pkg joint-trajectory-controller (sudo apt install ros-noetic-rqt-joint-trajectory-controller and sudo apt install ros-noetic-joint-trajectory-controller). The gains of the velocity trajectory controllers have been tuned with the Speed Scale = 100%.

  • to launch the control loop (frequency 100Hz) with a traj controller (velocity traj controller as default) and the RVIZ Moveit GUI, attaching the Mia hand at COM 0 (default):

    roslaunch mia_hand_bringup mia_hand_hw_moveit.launch

    Other inputs arguments of the above launch file are:

      Mia_COM_:               default='0'            doc="Int number of the Mia hand COM port"
      Mia_fs_:                default='20'           doc="Hz, frequency of the control loop of the Mia Hw interface"
      tc_type:                default="vel"          doc="type of trajectory controller to launch. Values: vel, pos"
      robotNamespace:         default="mia_hand_hw"  doc="Namespace of the robot"

    NB: to run this command the mia_hand_moveit_config package is needed. When the RVIz turns on it is possible to use the moveit plug-in to control the mia_hand subgroup chains (thumb_flexion, index_flexion and mrl_flexion). For the index two different links will be displayed (if the option to visualize the moveit goal position is selected): one index link displays the signed target position (for exaple index in position -1.2 rad), the other index link displays the actual configuration of the index ( so after having reached the target position of -1.2 rad this index link will be at pos 1.2 rad flexed and the thumb will be adducted). Please be sure to select the context OMPL to move the Mia hand fingers (the other contexts have not been tested).

Please note that to these launch files load the mia joint transmission YAML configuration file (stored in the mia_hand_description/calibration folder) to the parameter server.


Changelog for package mia_hand_ros_control

1.0.2 (2022-02-07)

1.0.1 (2022-02-07)

  • Merge branch 'master' of
  • Update trajectory velocity controllers (also for moveit).
  • Contributors: Andrea Burani, frcini

1.0.0 (2022-01-25)

  • 1.0.0
  • Updated CHANGELOG files.
  • Updated CHANGELOG files.
  • Added srv dependency to mia_hand_driver and joint_state_interface to mmia_hand_description. Added wiki url links.
  • Added license file in the repo and license text as header of each file.
  • Added licence file and licence text as header of each file.
  • 1.0.0
  • Added ChangeLog files of each pkg.
  • Initial commit.
  • Fix package xml files.
  • Initial commit.
  • Contributors: Andrea Burani, frcini

Wiki Tutorials

This package does not provide any links to tutorials in it's rosindex metadata. You can check on the ROS Wiki Tutorials page for the package.

Launch files

No launch files found


No message files found.


No service files found


No plugins found.

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